In our last posting we discussed the concept of arrogance, and really, we'd have to say that
three times the arrogance extends to anybody, it isn't just about Christian's, anybody can be an egocentric, egomaniacal waste of humanity; it isn't just reserved unto Christian's, although my suspicion is,
they are better at hiding their egos than regular non faker Christian's are. So let's get right into:
why you close your eyes when you pray...
ha ha, weren't expecting that one were you? If you don't close your eyes, and the real power of God shows through, what will happen to your eyes? Best to be safe? What happened to Peter, James and John on the Mount when Jesus was transfigured? Think they were momentarily stunned by His brilliance, seems like that might be the meaning of the "suddenly they looked round..." They had been stunned by the entire miracle, but now recovering their vision, Jesus, normalcy back in place was what they saw. Best to close our eyes when we pray? Oh I don't know, to me it seems like it might be, tradition? When the disciples were talking with Jesus,
wasn't that the same thing as prayer?
The easy answer is, it must've been something like it, but how would we say anything else would be different? When we pray, aren't we, on some level, communicating with Jesus? Let's say that Jesus, you, and just for fun, a marvelous evangelist named Mary, are all in the same room, and you're talking to Mary about what you need in order to get the clothing to some children down the street from where you live. Jesus in that He is there in the room, does He hear the conversation? Why yes, He does, doesn't He? Can He therefore act on what He has heard, why yes, He can, can't He, seeing as how, He knew, before you started talking with Mary, what you were going to ask about, anyway, right?
But isn't it more fun to pretend that if you don't talk directly and only to Jesus, He can't and won't hear? Hmm...better keep your eyes closed, seems that makes Him hear you better, right? It's a question folks, 'cause when it comes to prayer, does anybody really;
get it right all the time?
The easy answer is, we know Jesus got prayer right, we see the answers to His praying in the results and miracles He accomplished (check the scripture reference page for this writing, and note how Jesus prayed to the Father before the miracle...etc. etc.). This being the case, how then do we go about such? Can we therefore, get prayer right? Is there a right and a wrong when it comes to prayer? Can an arrogant person have their prayers answered? Should someone who is praying in arrogant disregard to God, expect their prayers to be answered? When you pray, what is it that you are expecting, really? See so often my teachers have told me, "well you know, sometimes with God the answer is no..." Know why they say that? Not that they say it, but why they say it? Because they have lost their credible belief in miracles, their faith isn't strong when it comes to miracles, so they hop on board the "lets explain it away so that when it doesn't happen, we don't have to deal with...why!" Yes my goodness we wouldn't want to have to deal with that, would we? Do ya suppose that the woman who grabbed hold of Jesus garment, got it on the first grab? Hmm...suppose she felt a bit peeved if she missed it? Suppose she would've given up ...second or third time the crowd shoved her aside..the word grabbed there, is in there, because that's what the author was told by Peter (Mark we believe was told about Jesus by Peter...who, so many years later, surely did remember this remarkable event...). So asking if God answers prayer is very much like asking if water is wet, if salt will season food and lose it's saltiness if it gets watered down, if a lost sheep needs a loving Shepard to go find it with great joy when he does, if a pearl lost is worth looking for, because it has a great price; does God answer prayer, maybe better to say, God is God! Back to the questions of prayer...we won't get to cover them here, this is just to wet your appetite, but my challenge to you is to quit explaining away the actions of God, trust God, He doesn't need you to explain Him to folks- they get it. God is God, He does, what God does, we humans need to get a grasp that at times, God is...and we can't understand God when He is. It is enormously important, in my humble opinion to listen to Christ when He prays. In His prayers we hear a person praying without arrogance, and you?
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