Thursday, December 31, 2009

Loving - December 28 - Blue Oyster Cult - Huh?

The most amazing things happen in our times, and unfortunately
some people are missing the miracle while they are wasting their
times away fussing about things that nobody cares about. Think
about it...look at Jesus, really look at what He did...when it
was important, He got after it...that's why those writers who
were inspired wrote about those things...think about it. The
regular everyday of Jesus isn't in the gospel accounts, and
we don't want it there, do we? I don't wanna know that
Jesus got uptight about stuff, or had bad dreams, or came
close to losing it once in a while, like me- but didn't- cause
He is without SIN...YES indeed...Jesus was a man, just like
us...only...He kept in touch with His Father, Our Father,
God, who got Him through it without sinning...somehow...
but I don't want to know those particulars- about Him, or
you- or you know them about me...we're gonna know them
soon enough anyway...and then it won't matter because we'll
be in heaven- with Jesus, because Heaven isn't where you
are, Heaven is who you are with...

"Oh no...there goes Tokyo...go- go- Godzilla..."

Not many times has a band had such a hit, with such
following, with such strange effects. Blue Oyster Cult
employed every means available to bring an entertaining
thrill to their listening audience, and in 1980, they
were so far ahead of the entertainment industry that
it wouldn't catch up for 30 years! Today,
people are doing these sorts of shows and folks
are calling them original- one has to wonder at what
a person will call original? Now the fun starts,
fundamentalists, called them Satanic? Said that
anybody who listened to this sort of stuff was
hell bound. It got so silly at one point that
the band said they'd curtail their activities if
it would calm folks down- which naturally it didn't-
ever read that part of the New Testament where Jesus
tells the folks He deals with to keep quiet about it?
Mar 8:26 And he sent him away to his house, saying,
Neither go into the town, nor tell
[it] to any in the town.

Now ugly as it might sound, we do better at this today than
this guy did! We're so busy hollering at one another about
what we should believe- that we're totally wasting away
what we do believe! And people who could care less about what
we do or don't do, remain that way, because we have allowed
our ministry to get smaller, and smaller and smaller- while
the really enormous ministries, such as Joel Osteen, or,
Franklin Graham ministries, or - any other multi-thousand
televised ministry- what has happened is, we've allowed
our Jesus to become strictly our Jesus- when He isn't
like that at all- He is like Blue Oyster Cult, a big scale;
really scary dude (if you don't believe that- read
what he has to say about the end of time)- and a man who
knew, how to love- that Jesus, the real Jesus, is not
only amazing, but in the midst of all that is going on,
He is exactly what Mustafa on family radio was talking
about - the possibility that Muslims aren't what the
extremists say, just as Jesus followers aren't what
the extremists say! So there you go my friend, we
can benefit from opening our hearts a touch and reaching
out to people who are totally different than we are,
and that my friends is a real challenge to live for.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Loving - December 27 - Difficult but not Impossible

Life comes at us as a fair proposition, what we put into it, is
what we get out of it; or, as Dr. Joe Vitale of the movie and
book "the Secret" says, "intend it! If you believe that it will
happen, it will." The Bible says these very words as, "as you
sow, so shall you reap." 2Cr 9:6 But this [I say],
He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he
which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

Finding the birth event of Christ, the parents of Jesus, and
the people who were all around that, is such a momentous time;
what it must have been like. Yet a sad truth is, based on how
we handle the day, most days, we spend the hours of our lives
complaining that God has put us into this? That we are in a
situation we don't like, (yet we aren't going to change?), that
we are in a place we don't like, (yet we aren't going to move?),
that we are around people we don't like, (yet we aren't willing
to risk having new friends?), that we aren't happy. (whatever that
means?)- see the picture? And doesn't it just seem to you that
God must wonder why we are missing it? Here God has put before us
life, put before us pain (to know we are still capable of feeling it),
pleasure, (because it's what we think, erroneously is the opposite of
pain), put before us emotions, (that we cannot neglect a healthy
emotional set of friends), put before us a banquet of life, so
that we can thank God for such. How can we thank God? My sense
in listening to the voice of Jesus is to believe that we can
thank God by living the life He grants us to His glory?

Sometimes it isn't easy to ponder what has taken place in your
life. I don't like to look at it, sometimes it's not appealing,
to look at what really exists can be downright difficult, if not
impossible to handle, and yet, I am encouraged by one fact that
is presented in the movie and the book "the Secret" by a marvelous
and powerful doctor of psychology, here is that paraphrase: when
you look at where you are you are looking at the sum of your past,
not the future- what you were, not what you are, what you are is
what you are about to create, and that can be, marvelous!
The Bible says these same words this way: Ecc 3:1 To every
[thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose

under the heaven:

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Loving - December 26 - Nothing Simple

What do you think happens to people who change in their walk of
faith? Do they tire out? Do they lose vision? Do they let their
relationship with God go sour? What happens, that we know them,
feel close to them, and then just over a short period of time,
they are gone? John said it happened because they were never
really a part of us to begin with;

1Jo 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us;
for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued
with us: but [they went out], that they might be made
manifest that they were not all of us.

...not doubting John, after all, he hung out with Jesus in
the physical, and, so, John it would seem, would know?
Yet as I study John much of history tells me
he was dealing with issues which we today are not? So in that
he was writing to, talking about, and thinking about issues
which we aren't, are they the same? Will the suggestion to deal
with legalistic Christianity and doubt also work for someone who
has an emotional falling away?

We believe that John took care of Mary, the Bible says that Mary
pondered her experiences with her Son, Jesus, our Savior, and
such seems to me to be the case, so is it possible that some of
what Mary had to say rubbed off on John? Just as you rub off on
others? We presume here that as a follower of Jesus, you have
impact on folks around you? Such may not be the case, but it's
nice to imagine that you try to steer them toward Him at all times?

The rubbing off factor in what we do with Jesus. Much of our lives
are spent in doing things which have nothing to do with
the direct evangelical outpouring of the Holy Spirit- we work
at whatever it takes to make our living as it's called; and we
have our homes, where we live, if we are fortunate enough to have
shelter, and we live out our lives many times doing the evangelical
outreach as an after thought to that. Is this wrong? Is this
a misinterpretation and a misrepresentation of what Christ would
have us to do? At the end of the day, are these the questions
which we want to deal with? Did the first followers of Jesus
have these same questions? Did John and Mary look at one another
across the table, and know that they knew, that He was
who He said He was, and that was what they shared as she pondered
what it meant? If someone stares into your life, will they
find Jesus rubbing off onto them?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Loving - December 25- Quite a bridge to jump

We are very blessed people, speaking directly of my family,
we are blessed, we have friends, and more than a few associates,
and we have some fun in life, even though at times it is
difficult. What you; as you read this might think is,
"So what...", or, "yeah well, that's too bad...", or even,
"yes I have been there..." What we maintain along with
a lot of other very smart people is that we have three
choices about situations in life, accept them, reject them,
change them.

In the circumstances of life we have opportunities to do
and be and assist in the lives of others doing and being;
if we choose to listen to the directions which say "here
is another option." Where we run out of wisdom, the Bible
has already anticipated it. Where we can't see a way, the
Bible shines a light onto it. Where we believe there isn't
a means, the Bible has already laid in a foot path.
And the example of that is a baby who was born to the
world, when His path was to die. Imagine being the parent
of a child who you know is foretold as a sacrifice?
At some point that occurred to Mary who pondered Jesus:
Luk 2:19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered [them] in her heart.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Loving - December 24 - First ...Always!

Sure you do, remember that first kiss?
Clear back to the second grade,
I remember mine, her name was Rhonda, and,
they dared me, and,
so, at recess; I went over to the fence and told her:
"Rhonda," you can imagine this was a tense moment,
"see those guys over there..."
"Yeah," typical closed mouth woman ( win...),
Redhead, freckles;
"Rhonda, uh," now the tension was really building..."
"Say it..." She wasn't liking all this drama either...
and the sun was hot.
"They dared me to kiss you, or they said they are gonna beat me up."
"Liar, I know you're lying Dana, they never..."
She had blue, azure eyes.
"Yeah they did Rhonda, can you help me?"
Ah, the first kiss, how about yours?

"Hey man, I thought this was a devotional page,
what are you talkin' about
kissin' for?" Not kissin', firsts- and almost
every person I know, remembers
that first kiss, because it's not mom or
grandma, it's a ...girl...or...boy?
It is the first time that we maybe realize
something is odd here, something

that is inexplicable, and, it's first, and
we don't forget it, do we?

Going back to the second grade, can
you remember your teachers name?

But you remember that first kiss, don't you?

For people who have nothing, they have shelter,
food and water, mostly, on
good weeks, enough grain to sustain energy,
barely, and enough water to
keep from perishing, barely, and cardboard
that is thick but won't stop
rain, if it ever rains, it sags in on them;
they have nothing, so they don't
even pause to consider how good or
bad life can be, they don't have that
luxury- they are fighting to remain in existence.
They are the ones that
we who have much must become part of, so
that we can contribute not to their
misery, but to their rescue. Not to their
demise, but to their ability to
come out of that, to enjoy, really,
laughingly, marvelously enjoy, what we
take totally for granted; because we,
and especially in the United States,
we, take what we have, for granted.
We don't much appreciate what we have
that is so awesome that others not
only don't have, but would nearly kill to
obtain, we don't get that; but we have it.
Yet we are losing that sense of
gratitude, and that is scary! Once
that sense of what we owe those who
went before us, and are currently
sacrificing that we may have, once we lose
that, we're through as a nation of glory-
and we're mighty close to that
today- and so, we must be cautious, and
we must be making others see it-
and yet, not close their minds to helping.
It's not as easy as it seems.

Jesus had already shown the guys with him that
doing physical stuff was no
big deal, He took vats of water and turned that
water into wine, and not
just wine, He turned it into the best "fest"
wine they'd ever drank...oh
my...I bet it tasted so good, what do you think?
So the guys around Jesus
knew he could do physical stuff, they'd seen
him touch a man with a shriveled
up hand, and watched it stretch back to
shape (talk about movie special effects!)
and then; they saw him restore sight to a
person who couldn't see! So they
knew; yet, they didn't get that Jesus could
make stuff happen when it came
to food? Did He get it? Let's think on that,
because it seems that Jesus
was in constant touch with God, Jesus
called Him Father- and Jesus said
we can too? Do you? It's a hard question -
it really is, see right now
you're saying, "well of course, I pray...
" that's not what that question
asks you, read it again, do you call God -
Father? Because my sense is,
you don't talk to God like you do your dad?
My other sense is, God would
prefer you did address Him and treat
Him precisely that way, see if you
and I did, we'd get into less sin. Because
what Jesus was showing the guys
wasn't about Him, and it wasn't about
them, and it wasn't even about the
miracles, it was so that, after all else is
said and done, you could know
Him, and, know that Jesus called God
Father, and you can too. Uh, by the
way, when Jesus did that, He was, the
first. By the way, when you finally
do come 'round to understanding such,
it will be a first for you as well.

Luk 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man
knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son,
and [he] to whom the Son will reveal [him].

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Loving - December 23 - Anticipate If You Must

Between the years 1800 and 1900 three generations of males
were born, we don't know if the first born, 1800 all died before
the end of the century, but we know that the percentages
favored such, also the groupings favored that those born
mid 1800 would not survive past 1900,however, the percentages
and longevity factor became vastly enhanced after 1850,
and by mid 1950 the average age of demise
had risen from 47 years old to over 65; today it stands at
75 and according to at least one expert in exponential
scientific discovery, a person alive and 55 years old in
2010 will likely live to be 125 years old! That is an
increase slightly over 50% - which is extraordinary when
anyone wants to say that they don't believe that God is
at work in our world!

The most staggering revelation of God in our lives
being not what is said from the pulpits, not what is
credited from the televisions and radios, not what is
pushed from the internet and web based e-magazines;
the most staggering revelation of God at work in our
lives is that we're still here. For over 50 years
during which time fewer and fewer sinners have died,
and so far as we are aware, baptisms and confessions
of faith have not increased; we can therefore conclude
that the enemy hasn't lost ground, but very possibly
as the God directed may have, for over fifty years
we have had the ability to destroy this planet by
nuclear means; only, it hasn't happened, and that
by any persons take is an extraordinary denial of the
power of the one who hates us and wants to enact his
meager form of lying justice, but only to a certain
extent. We are blessed, and that's sometimes a means
to an end that we need to be precautionary about.

Were God not in our lives we wouldn't have them,
and as direct as that is, our cause to celebrate
the birth of His Son Jesus of Nazareth is now
more intense than it's ever been, and the truth
is that we now live in a world where five
generations of families are alive at once, it is
almost a reversal of the image prior to one of the
great figures in the Hebrew tale of life, Noah.
Longevity, and intensity, call them the Noah
factor of our reality, and just as His birth was
foretold, and we celebrate that today, so indeed
is His return; and the conditions are ones which
any person can observe.
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also
will it be in the days of the Son of Man."
-Luke 17:26

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Loving - December 22 - You Want This Secret?

David Blaine the Magician (note=Magi)has made a career out of
leaving people spellbound, which is a term meaning you and I
can't figure it out. Fundamentalists get all bent out of shape
when you talk about simple things like magic, they shouldn't
because it's not evil, it's just magic. On the other hand
the person who is fooling you and I, can certainly turn it
into something which isn't just magic, and that's the problem.

The same thing is true of other epi-sciences, (note, epi-
science, not pseudo-science, there is a very distinctive
difference, and we're gonna get there next paragraph), and
even extend to sciences considered too legitimate to be
magical; which is the ultimate nonsensical statement.
Consider the wonder of reality and quantum physics, just
for a gentle moment that my prayer is, will leave you a
little spellbound, even though David Blaine I'm not.

Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.
, is a serious mind, a genius,
a man of the highest laurels and academic pedigree,
he has been the focus of intense Public Broadcasting,
Discovery Channel, and many other television research
type programs; goes deeply into what we are about-
he isn't a magician; he's a scientist, but when
Fred is done speaking, the resultant feeling to the
observer, even a skeptical, cynical one such as I,
is the same spellbound feeling; why? Oh my, you
are really gonna enjoy these next two paragraphs,
because, here we go...

The Magi, the men of renown, Persians from what
I've heard scholars explain, were following what
they knew, to find a God they knew had to exist,
but they were following tales of renown; tales
which were told that a King would come. They
looked into the skies and saw what they needed
to see; "His star in the East." (Matt 1) Ever thought
about that, because if they were in Persia,
and the star appeared to them in the east,
then, it wouldn't be over Bethlehem would it?
So what I want to suggest to you, is that, there
are some things which we won't know about
adding up, until we get to personally talk it
over with them...

"Wow Dana I never thought about that...what's
your point?" Is it also possible that when Matthew
wrote the Magi's comment:
"We saw His star in the East," was Matthew
intending something else entirely? I don't
know, I'm waiting for Tim Lehaye and Jerry
Jenkins to come out with Matthew, in their
"Jesus Chronicles" series...which I find
really helpful and frankly just a really
good read. So we don't know this little
mystery do we? Ah my...yet again the
Bible is filled with leaves
us, breathless with it's depth, and yet
knowing in our hearts that it is true,
even though all else fail, it will not.
Luk 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away:
but my words shall not pass away.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Loving - December 21- The Trail Ends Here

One of my favorite old time heroes is John Wayne, "the Duke,"
you always knew with the Duke, where you stood, he was a
"straight shooter." That's what I like about Jesus, He is a
straight shooter, you don't have any doubt
about what He is about. John Wayne, being human,
failed often, in his real life, he had heroic tendencies,
to be sure, as is borne out in his family,
his legacy is a mighty one; but he sometimes fell
short of the mark in his personal conduct. But here is
something I suspect, my suspicion is that
when John Wayne messed up, he asked for forgiveness
and moved on? Now what you might not realize is
that sometimes we don't even have sense enough
when it comes to Jesus to realize we messed up,
so he did it for us: Luk 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father,
forgive them; for they know not
what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

That prayer, is still being answered today.
What is that if not loving?
What is love if not forgiving?
What is love if not, knowing that your
loved one needs something, before they ask?
Thank you King Jesus for the
example and the way - truly Lord, we need it.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Loving - December 20 - Vox Populi Vox dei

In the recent hit movie “Live Free or Die Hard,” Bruce Willis’s continuing saga of the “Die Hard,” series, the subject matter concerns something called a “firesale” attack on the technology of the country. The theory behind it being that link where just as in a fire sale; “everything has to go”; so in this dramatized “firesale” the electricity, utilities, television, system controls for traffic management, you name it, anything that could be controlled via a computer, is taken over by the bad guys. As usual Bruce is nearly killed numerous times, and as in all Hollywood action flicks of late, our hero sustains enough injury that anyone who understands medicine knows, “this guy has been a walking dead man since the second time he was shot!” So the unreal is seen via this media as real (note that). The unreal is also seen as having power- that the power resides in the ability of the hero to overcome (note that)- so that your impression of the media hyped hero is that he is wonderful, he saves the day and all is well in our world. You might not know this, so you will need to check it out with Dr. Dennis Waitley of NASA and Olympic athlete training fame, but here is a fact, your mind cannot distinguish from what it sees as input that is surreal or fake or drama, and what is real, in terms of how your body reacts- this is called visual motor rehearsal. Now here is a real shocker for you; my take on this is that the Bible addressed this as early as Adam and Eve in the garden, God didn’t ask them what they were thinking, God asked them “where are you?” Big difference in that question. Now what this says to us are two very important things that we noted, first, your being reacts to drama in a physical way as if though it were real (read that Adrenalin pumping action flicks really get your Adrenalin pumping, so do video games, so do stimulating visual products…) and second, what we have been conditioned to believe is that we must save the day! We’re the hero in that drama, we’re the savior in that series, we’re …it. Oops, that doesn’t sound like surrender to Christ as Lord to me? So where does the power reside in that situation, with the person. It is the mantra of our time, “be all you can be,” “success is all that matters,” “it isn’t how you play the game, but whether you win or not, which leaves you as memorable, nobody remembers the second place Super Bowl teams…” And on and on and on it goes, the power residing in the person.

The scene is a calm hill, it’s quiet, the dawn has broken over water, people around this small desert village are just waking; they have gathered around because they know that the solitary figure coming down off the hill can and does heal the sick. They’ve seen it happen, word has spread, and this Jesus of Nazareth; well, he’s power, and they know it. He turns to the men who are walking with him and says; “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be yes therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” That meets with the wide eyed stare of those who are being sent out, but they realize, if they have learned enough of Jesus and His unique power, they will be fine so long as they rely on Him and not upon their own foolishness, such is wisdom that He speaks of. That’s a far cry from our way of doing things today, wouldn’t you say?

So when we come to the time to celebrate the birth of this amazing Jesus of Nazareth, perhaps one of the things that we might do is really examine where the power resides in our life? If it resides with Him, then we cannot fail; He doesn’t fail, we will all make it, who put our faith and trust in His ability to save us and keep us; we shall be there, not because of who we are, but because of who He is. If the power is residing with us, however, then my suspicion is that just as we sin everyday, we will find a way to lose track of what faith is, we will find a way to dis-serve the master and even lose faith in Him; until ultimately our worth in the kingdom is diminished to the extent that it ought not exist at all. Which is sad, but happens many times. The very real challenge for us in Christianity today is to not lose sight of who we belong to and what His power is all about. So the question to you this fine day is, do you know who has the power in your life?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Loving - December 18 - Better Read This One

Every person who believes they understand the current situation that
the world is in, with few exceptions, (note that) is probably wrong, here
is why: although you don't know it - when the Bible says that Jesus was
predicted from a time before time, that He was pre-determined from a
place of chaos to bring about a place of order; doesn't it mean that? In
other words, you've been reading the so called "fall of man" as a bringing
of chaos - oh(?)- let's back up just a quick sec and ask one important
question - Christ, according to John who knew him really well, agreed
to the sacrifice, before the world(s) (note that) were formed!

Now you and I have to ask ourselves why we believe therefore,
that each generation which would miss the mark, was outside
the plan of God? One more time- we have to ask ourselves,
therefore, the question which John intended would eventually
get asked, which is, are we, when we, miss the mark,
as we do, it's called sin, are we then, outside the plan of God?

This birth which we celebrate says, no, He was willing
before the worlds were formed, to agree to end the
warfare (note that) between evil, the rebellion,
and man, before the worlds were formed!

So here is the real kicker - up 'til now it's all been prep -
here it comes - you're gonna love this...Oh...hey...wait
a sec...I've got it...let's do the rest of this one...later... sure to dial back in a few...more to come...
later...and maybe...some free gifts to the commenter's!

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Loving - December 17 - Are You Serious?

He wasn't joking, now, back in those days, my sense of humor was,
folks tell me, better. Folks tell me that lately my sense of humor
hasn't been real sharp. Someone shared some jokes with me and I
guess, they just didn't hit my funny bone, ever have that happen?
On the other hand, was watching, actually watching, an Adam Sandler
movie; and laughing; so there is no telling. He was, back to the
tale, serious, "it'll be $300.00," now, he was serious, I was the
one laughing; he wasn't amused. In my mind that much for shoes
was absolutely ridiculous, but I guess my days of shoe shopping
were based in a different realm than today? Uh, no, I didn't
buy them, but according to him, they were "worth it at any price."
Mary would say that her son was worth following at any price.
We'd agree with her, but the religious leaders of that day did not;
in fact, they had already been given considerable difficulties
within the culture by the subtle eroding away of their faith by
the Roman's and others.
In the background of the experience is
the captivity of Israel, we have no metric for that, no way to
understand what it felt like as a nation to be captured? But
we know from the sayings of the Old Testament prophets that
God expressed His anger and anguish over their situation.
Today we can truthfully wonder at why that would be since
Christ came in the fullness of time? Did not all that had
occurred prior to His advent have to occur in order that His
birth time would be "full?" It is one of the unusual aspects
of biblical theology that on one hand all the things which
did occur in the past had to occur for Christ to be born;
yet, in such there would still be anger expressed by God
toward Israel?
Somewhere in the halls of time there echoes the woe of
Him who sought to save every person; upon Whom would reside
the utter horror that many would choose evil? Many will
serve evil out of a failure to serve righteousness, and
one would be hard pressed to say which, from our human
point of view; would be worse?
Faced with all the enormous need, faced with all the
huge understanding necessary, Mary received the divine gift,
and undertook to raise up the Son who would be the Messiah?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Loving - December 16 - The Wreckage

As you stare at the scene, you realize you've just seen something
happen, and it was quick! One car pulled out into the path of
another car, and the wreck happened, right in front of you, in
fact, your surprised that the metal and flying glass, didn't hit
your car. Now you begin to think. While it was happening, you
weren't thinking in this way, this contemplative way, while it
was happening, some other mode of thinking was in play. See the
difference? We think all the time, but how we think, changes.
We dream all the time, but, we don't remember every dream, as a
general rule. Our brains actually take in something on the order
of 15 billion or so bits of information in a day, about 80 or
more percent of which is rejected, or, you'd go completely crazy.
Some people have said that in my case, it's close- I'm nearly there.

Was Mary young, we don't really know, we think she was; certain types
of evidence seem to suggest that she wasn't much older than a teenage
or, eighteen year old, girl. Was Joseph young, we don't really know,
but a lot of implied evidence seems to suggest that he was young.
So these two people are central in the telling of the tale which will
become Jesus the Christ, our Lord. They will interact with family,
one of whom is a temple priest, Zechariah, Mary will visit her cousin
Elizabeth, they will experience the miracle of both interactions, check
Luke Chapter 1 for these. What they knew is that something spectacular
was coming, what Mary really knew, however, in my sense of it, goes
a whole lot deeper than just the surface observation of the car at
the scene of the accident, you were watching it, the people in that
car were experiencing it. We look back into Mary in history, she
was living it. Was Mary young, let's change our perception to,
perhaps before she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, because from
that time on, Mary began to age, I'd believe fairly quickly.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Loving - December 15 - Supplemental - Christmas

Christmas Secret Revealed To You

What if there were an enormous Christmas secret that was knowable, you could find it out, and it would be wonderful when you did, and you weren't aware of it? That would be some secret wouldn't it? You might not like somebody who knew something that would be good for you and chose not to share it, so that they kept it a secret, would you? Ever play a game of hide and go seek, and the other players all got together and left you hiding there? After a while you got suspicious and came “all-e-all-e ins that's free.” and there wasn't anybody there? Well this isn't a secret like that, rather this is more like a fly that is on the wall of the Grand Canyon; you would need to know specifically which rock outcrop that fly was on, to the inch, in order to set your scope up to find it, wouldn't you? This Christmas secret is going to be revealed to you, and so, in this brief writing that's what we're going to get into, the “how do I,” find this Christmas secret?

First we'll talk about Christmas just a bit, because it is so important, before it happens, as it happens, and after it happens. Then we'll talk about, in the next paragraphs, the Christmas secret and how you can find it before Christmas, during Christmas, and we hope, after Christmas, so let's go?

Before Christmas happens things begin to change, in different cultures the world over, people begin to adjust to the idea that something really “neat,” really wonderful in terms of a holiday, is going to happen. Christmas is a world sized holiday, by the way, which, while celebrated differently, by style, takes place on the same day, December the 25th. For some it's just a recognition that the rest of the planet sees this day as significant; for most of those countries, however, it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ. It's becoming, in America, and in many other countries, unpopular to state it so, which does not make much sense, given that all that Jesus ever did, no matter what else you may think, all He ever did was good for everybody! So in that He was so unlike so many other people, maybe that is why they have chosen to reject celebrating His birthday? But actually, my sense is that good people everywhere know that Jesus the Christ is real, was a real baby, actually lived here on earth, and really did do nothing but good the whole time He was here. If there's a problem with Jesus the Christ, it's probably not about Him at all, but about the people who say they know Him; but act like they don't. People who are supposed to be loving and kind, but sometimes have a very odd way of showing it? Maybe if they weren't like they are, people would be happier about celebrating their King's birth? I don't know, all I know for sure about Christmas is, it does change the world, each year before it gets here, the world gets ready for it, and if you are looking for Christmas, you might find it in that fact?

When Christmas day shines out, my heart rejoices, with so many other hearts, because it is the day in which Jesus the Christ, was born. Historically, maybe not, history is good to study, my preference is to believe that history is kept in the humans heart who knows love, and this day celebrates the birth of the Man who taught love, lived love; and is love. That to me is what Christmas is all about, but it really happens that morning because the night before we have a family tradition, which began when we were extremely poor, a year where we lost just about everything, and even our families health wasn't good. That year both of us, the wife and I, were trying to think of something that we could do which would be good; we needed something good to take place, those were hard times. So I'd seen this clip of a movie called “A Christmas Carol.” several great actors who have since died, George C. Scott and Edward Woodward, to name a couple; were in it; it is an incredible movie, if you don't have it, it's worth the $5.00 it might cost to get it today. Anyway, in our state of down, somehow this movie seemed from the clip to be good, so my suggestion was, “hey, let's watch it.” She agreed and so was begun the Christmas tradition of watching “A Christmas Carol,” by Charles Dickens. If I had a wish to be granted, like they do at the TED meeting each year, I wish every wealthy greedy world sized corporate pirate leader, who believed they had no need of Christmas, would get to watch this with us.
After Christmas things aren't the same. Children who had hoped that Santa Clause, or, Saint Nicholas, Shengdan Laoren of Chinese name, JuiTomten of Sweden or others, can be found smiling. In fact this website: seems to be a pretty good one, for checking out Santa's name, but back to the hoping, smiling, children; they are enjoying what Santa has left. Parents who have actually listened to their children and each other (these would be the 50 or so percent who aren't getting divorced) are smiling inside, just a little, and that “just a little,” may be the about the only smile they get for a while. Things aren't the same and that is certainly hard to dispute when such a large scale holiday takes place, Christmas doesn't leave things the same, so if you are looking for a clue about the Christmas secret, that's a huge one, things after Christmas change.

We've spent just a little time together about before, during and after Christmas itself, because nothing is like it, as a holiday, I don't know one that world wide, has it's power? New Year's is celebrated world wide, but it doesn't have the significance of Christmas and the secret which we are going to discuss, may be a fundamental aspect of why?

Now let's go into the Christmas secret, because it can be found before Christmas, let me tell you how. You will need to find a quiet place, where you won't be disturbed for about five minutes; this is going to be tough on you, so you will really have to want to know the secret, because you will need to find a quiet place for five minutes! Here you do nothing, shut off the cell phone and sit – still. Just sit still, for five whole minutes. While you are there ask your heart how many more hurts it can take before it breaks enough to realize that the hurt that you suffer must tell you something about your ability to take hurt? Ask your heart then, if your hurts are worse than the mother who watched her baby die yesterday; because it couldn't get water. Water- not food, not medicine, WATER- now, ask your heart if you really understand what hurting is? If you will listen to your heart and be honest, you'll realize that Dickens's was right, and in the eyes of God “these may be of more importance than you ever will be;” and, we, you and I, and everyone, are letting it happen. It'll be an interesting five minutes if you do it; and remain true to your heart, I guarantee it will affect how you look at suffering.

The Christmas secret however, is also to be found, by you, right there in the midst of the great times of great joy; you see, we need those, oh we desperately need them, here is why. When you are down, and those times will happen, even when you compare the depth of your down to the greater suffering of someone else; you need to be able to think about good Christmases and good times- its a way of keeping your balance with reality. The Christmas secret, begins in the persons heart, and so, for some, sadly, it's gonna remain a secret, their heart, is, unfortunately, only a muscle that pumps blood; and that, is, one of the saddest realities of this world. The Christmas secret might have something to do with, changing that; if it is possible to change that heart with little feeling, to one that feels, the Christmas secret might bring it about.

After Christmas if your heart cannot change, the Christmas secret will help you in ways that you might not believe were possible, but all the time were. A very close personal friend who let other things get between us; realized, not too long ago, that “we don't talk like we used to.” While I almost said, “
no duh,” I stopped my mouth, stayed quiet (like in the car), and listened, because what they said next was something that if your searching for the Christmas secret, will help you, they said, “so every once in a while, let's just call each other, think we can do that?” You know I really do think we can, and somewhere I hear Charles Dickens agreeing with others “they're getting close to finding the Christmas secret aren't they?” What do you think the others say back to them about us?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Loving - December 15 - Heat for You

The winter in the southern U.S. has been light so far, temperatures haven't
been extremely cold, which is to my liking, extremes get me; guess when
it comes to temperature I'm a middle of the road comfort zone person,
how about you? There are times when being in the middle of the road
will get you missed as the cars whiz bye, or standing in between two
locomotives you realize how powerful they are as they rumble past, in
the middle in those instances isn't such a bad thing. But when it
comes to Mary and to her baby, there would be no middle ground, there
would only be, heat, extreme, intense, heat.

Already a desert person, this land which rages in heat during the day,
and at night is freezing cold, the extremes of the land making life
hard at best; our hero of the faith, Mary, endured what no other lady
in the realm could, she endured bearing this son; not a son, but the Son.

Anytime that you hear someone say that she wasn't a hero of the faith,
remind them that before John the Baptist was proclaiming the Messiah
as an evangelist, Mary had already told the world in her song (Luke
1:46-55) with her cousin, (during a miraculous meeting of two extremely
powerful women, Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist; and Mary, mother
of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!)that this
baby would be the one, the Messiah! Imagine how she felt, there in the
heat, as the full implication of what it meant to be who she was, came
upon her? Can you imagine what it is to find out who you are? To
discover how important you are? To realize, what God, who fearfully
and wonderfully chose you to bring into existence, has decided that
He will make of His life in you? Oh,are you feeling the heat?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Loving - December 14 - Running Inside

Have you ever felt intense emotions that made you gasp for breath?
Been scared for example, to where, your breath got short? Been
thrilled, such as after an athletic win, where your breath gets
short? That shortness of breath, really isn't, what is actually
happening is your body starts automatically taking shallow breaths,
it is interesting how, when you are "hit" with something, your body
reacts? There is a definite tie in between your mind, what the
ancients called, your heart, and, your body; they aren't separate,
they are one, in a way that consciously we can't get our minds
around; because we don't consciously touch base or communicate with
that part of our brain which runs on automatic, usually, but sometimes
we might; which is my suspicion when it comes to meditating.

When worshiping God was new; for example, after the garden, when Adam
and Eve realize, "hey, he didn't kill us, like we thought he was
going to," which sent a thrill through them that they were going to
be able to continue to live, that drive for preservation being such
a deeply embedded part of the "image" of God "in us" (notice I'm setting
apart some things with offset quotes there, for a reason as you will soon
see); when worshiping God was new, it was fresh, and it didn't have any
but the purest form which was just awestruck wonder at being able to
be left alive by a power which could quite easily take that life away.

Lets have a little fun with that today, we're all so sure we get it, its
sometimes fun to remember, we don't, not really; and not because we aren't
smart, but because the most brilliant man who has ever lived isn't but an
nth of a fingernail on the smallest twinky of God's overwhelming knowledge!
And so let's talk about image- then, God in us, which is our hope:
Rom 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this
grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Eph 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and
what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what [is] the
riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles;
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Image as a word has changed it's meaning in the last decade, here is how,
used to be an image was painted or mirrored, seen in a still lake; where
the waters weren't stirred:
Psa 23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
But with the advent of the computer age "image" has now acquired a
meaning of instantaneous and exacting copy. This is a bit different,
it seems, because from a computer imaged disk you can run a program
on another system and it is exactly like the other program was.
The components of God are in you, for you are made in the image of God!

Now let's talk briefly about the "God in us" factor; for within the mystery
of worship, short breath, and your unconscious bodily self, there is locked
a revelation of the power of almighty God to lay in a change in humankind
so profound that even humankind wouldn't be able to grasp it, not fully.
The birth of God's only Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, brought a
fullness to the meaning of God being in us, which previously had not been
possible. Just as the mirror image, and the computerized image are far
different from one another, so also is the understanding of the people who
perceive them both (that's deep you might wanna think on it); as a result,
the worship of God's only Son, Jesus, was different than the worship of
God (again, this is a deep one, you might wanna think on it). And as you
are thinking on it, you are meditating, and meditation is what the early
followers of Jesus were taught. You see it's easy to miss it, if you believe
that the thing which gave Jesus His remarkable powers was prayer, and
prayer alone, it wasn't; frequently this Son of God would be alone, He
would be thinking; quietly, to Himself, meditating; and His disciples were
perplexed at his behavior. They wondered as all people do, why someone
would want to be alone? So here is the tie in, as you draw closer to God,
He instills in you a sense of what is deeply imaged inside of you, and you
begin to be alone but not alone, because you sense His presence, just as
Adam and Eve sensed His presence; and you may find your breath coming
in short bursts as you begin to realize the presence of God. If you get this
you now know how Mary felt on that evening when she was told that
God was going to bring a child into this world through her!

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Loving - December 13 - It Is What It Is

One of the weirdest things I've ever heard was some folks who said they did not believe Mary conceived via the Holy Spirit; that they didn't believe in the immaculate conception! Now there are lots of weird, strange, bizarre, and downright shocking beliefs in our world today, but I never thought I'd hear where Christian's didn't believe in the birth of our Lord being miraculous? That floored me, not so much because it is what I grew up believing, but because it is the substantial building block of Christ as the Messiah that was prophesied for ages that a virgin would give birth, that it would be in Bethlehem, that the Almighty would overshadow it, just for a few.
So when someone seriously proposed that Christ's birth wasn't miraculous, not only was I shocked, I was also, left without much to say to them? What do you say to someone when you believe with every fiber of your being that they are wrong, and yet, if you confront that wrong, your offense will simply create more contest within them to support their radical points of view?

The Bible speaks of wisdom regarding those who do not have sense
to believe what is the truth. Take for example those who
aren't willing to curb or modify their diet but would
rather see 10 billion animals senselessly slaughtered
in horrific ways, rather than try to smart up to being a
Vegan? Is this the same sort of mind set that lets a
person look into the greatest miracle of God, that would
be His Son, and yet, doubt his method of choosing to
have His Son delivered? Give me a break please...
2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying
the power thereof: from such turn away.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Loving - December12 - Yes You ...

Someone has suggested that Mary was in shock from the time
the angel let her know who she was to be, until the time of
His birth, and then, the shock really set in, as sometime later
she and her family had to flee back to Egypt, the land where
the Passover originated! Yet in all she let everyone know
that she knew; Mary realized early on the remarkable Son
that she had.

Mary literally sang of the Kingship of her son, which was the
same as saying to the despot leading the kingdom, Herod; he
she said, would not be king, but her Son, Jesus, would be.
This statement put her in a position to be killed, in fact it
placed her life in danger; and yet, she still made it? The
sanctity of the empire of Rome obviously did not set well
with the mother of the King of King's and Lord of Lord's!

Her song is commonly called "the Magnificat" it is found
in the gospel of Luke chapter 1:46-55. Which begins with
a soulful connection: "My soul doth magnify the Lord."
Oh that we could say the same my friend?

Let us pray...

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Loving December 9 - Pressure and You

What we like in people is smiling happy faces, we aren't glad to see
the other kinds of faces, the sad faces, the pained expressions, we
surely are hoping that when we see someone they will be smiling.
If that is how we are, do you suppose that people during the time of
Christ were different? Some aspects of people don't change do they?
While it's probably not so popular to mention it, haven't you ever
wondered about why all the principal characters in the story of Christ,
including Christ himself, are young? Mary was likely quite young, the
common practice at that time was the marriage of a young lady, so,
in all likelihood Joseph was also young.

While your gearing up to start ripping and tearing about youngsters,
especially if you are my age, just hold on a sec and understand
something that is so true, so powerful, and so, well, frustrating
about God, honestly, it is probably God's most frustrating characteristic
from a human standpoint; God loves creation, and creation isn't old,
it isn't patterned, it is isn't settled, it is new, lively, different,
in fact, uproariously so. Now don't misunderstand me here, God is
certainly one for order, but if you look very carefully at what Moses
recorded from God about his character (Ten Commandments) you will find
that they are creative, not restrictive. You never saw them that way..
well ..let's take a quick trip up the path of "Wow wee, that's new and
1) 6 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of slavery;
7 you shall have no other gods before me.

This is the height of creative thinking for in it is total freedom,
I don't have to worry about a God for water, a God for sky, a God
for moon, or Sun, or anything else, I have one God, He is God, and
He is the one who delivers those who are enslaved. If you ever
want to meet someone who is enslaved let me introduce you to a modern
student - they are slave to the test, slave to the culture, slave
to the norm; and, they are slave to success and totally consumed
by an all enslaving passion which is taught them. Modern students
are constantly bombarded with, "find your passion." My submission
to you is that they can't really, especially if they are young. for
the truth of youth is that it must be taught, it must be lead, it must
be loved. The truth of the youth during Jesus time resemble that,
today the youth are told to "get out of my face," "what do you mean
you need help, what, are you too stupid to figure it out yourself?"
"Why don't you leave me alone, can't you see I'm under enough stress
as is!" (Which goes both ways, because I know plenty of parents who
love their children dearly, who have children who are horrid, absolutely
horrid toward them!) Stress is a number one word for the societies of
earth, not just the first world countries, it is in every country
all over the planet, people on earth are stressed out, and guess
where it begins? Youth, teen years, where the battle is not being
won by the church my friend! Our young people all over the world
are in such a need of such a revival that it isn't even real. Now
before you say "Amen." to that easily made statement, ask yourself
this question; was it really that much different in Jesus time? As
you consider that, I'll just ask you one question, what was Joseph
seriously considering doing when the Angel found him? Think
their culture was such a nifty one to live in? God's commandments
when they are mis preached, abused and misinterpreted can become
awful and that's not what God intended at all. So we will wrap
this one up on that first commandment, but as we appraoch the birth
of the King of King's I promise you we will look at every command
and why every single one of them isn't restrictive but freeing, isn't
dominating but relational, and isn't enslaving but freeing...
Until then will you pray with me?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From out Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Loving - December 8- Connections and You

Ever hear someone called, "connected," ever hear of someone who
has "friends in high places?" When it comes to family in the time
of Jesus, you'd really have to say, they had friends in high places.
As the events began to come into focus, much of what would be
contemplated by us today, was happening in real time for them.
Isn't that the way faith happens? Faith as a word means action,
not thought, moving and doing, not believing; so, they were
busy about doing their lives, and we today benefit from that.

While I may not agree with him theologically on some nit pick
points about practice of faith, Joel Osteen, nevertheless, impresses
me as a man of faith; who isn't afraid to share with a large
audience of people, how that faith fleshes itself out! In taking
in his excellent work "Your Best Life Now," which is two or more
years back a bestseller; Pastor Osteen recites the battles of
where he was, and where he is, and the difference that a God
sized vision can make. My dear reader, God sized vision doesn't
small down, it enlarges out! It doesn't refine the "jot or tittle,"
because it takes Christ at his word that they will remain, instead
it gets after following God in prayer and relationship and doing
what God wants to be done! That my friend is precisely what the
story of the birth of Jesus is about where you are concerned.

Jesus isn't a stagnant, dead, past only, God, He is alive, moving,
changing, modifying, transferring, relegating and discipling today!
The amazing power which Jesus put within you is His ability to move
your soul to contact other souls to bring them into power, not
peace- bear in mind; this world has no love for it's King Jesus!
Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not to send peace, but a sword.

So the truth about what Mary and Joseph bring into our lives
is a baby who became a man, who became a teacher, who became
a leader and discipler; who became a world changing teacher,
who became a world changing sacrifice. He was taken from the
world in cruelty as a reminder of what the price of missing the
mark is; and, so that in doing so our sins might be forgiven;
but when He returns, it will be as King Jesus! He has said
that He will return to get us who believe in Him, He is now
making a mansion residence for us in His Fathers House, and
God, awaits us there- His birth was necessary as a man, his
sacrifice was necessary as a man, His return is necessary as
our King! May He reign in your heart today.

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Loving - December 7 - See The Light(s)

One of the rare and beautiful things that happens in the world at
Christmas is the lights. Big skyscrapers get patterns in their
windows of the cross, Christmas trees, all sorts of neat lighting,
France decorates the Eiffel Tower, it's amazing,
Eiffel Tower In Christmas Time

Dr. McFreaky | MySpace Video

(SPECIAL NOTE: Depending upon your email you may have to go to the blog
to see the video which is inserted above this line, sorry ;-( )

In Germany they light up everything they can find to put
a light on. Isn't it something that our Lord said it would happen:

John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
I am the light of the world: he that followeth me
shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

King Jesus, ruler of all, creator of all, the one I trust to hold
me, to keep me, to discipline and love me, my King, my savior, my
Lord, and Lord of Lord's. He came to earth to do something that
was needed, fulfilled the plan and destiny of humankind, and did
it once for the entire planet; now that's a King to be proud of!

But my thoughts at this time of year are measured, joy measured
against the sorrow, sorrow leaning upon love, love sent and asked
of my Lord Jesus. What we have in our world is very little time,
we delude ourselves into believing that it isn't thus; and yet,
the truth is, time doesn't exist- we just think it does. What
then is actually going on? The birth of Christ the Bible tells
us, took place in a small village, his mother, Mary, and her
husband, Joseph; were there for the purpose of being measured,
a census for tax purposes.

Luk 2:6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days
were accomplished that she should be delivered.

Reading the secular history it is possible to ferret out how
strange this was, it was an off season, it was an unusual demand,
it's almost like the forces of the world were being pushed into
meeting the voice of the Old Testament prophet:

Mic 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be
little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee
shall he come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in Israel;
whose goings forth [have been] from of old, from everlasting.

So we come to the crux of the events meaning in your life; as
we have been pointing out for many days now, this isn't a story
about the birth of Jesus; that is just a history; on one level
it is the story of King Jesus being born. But on a much different
much deeper level, this is about you. The question is put forth
by the evangel, "what will you do with this Jesus?" It is a good
question; whether you answer it or not, however, is the real one.
My ears pick up a voice ringing down through the centuries that
loved children and reminded me to be joyful, to understand the
thrill of lights, but to also understand the great sorrow which
also exists because that voice tells me this truth:

Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them,
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it]
unto one of the least of these my brethren,
ye have done [it] unto me.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Loving - December 6 (Plus Version) "Oh Joseph, c'mon..."

Let's start here in worship to King Jesus:

Hbr 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us
lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth
so easily beset [us], and let us run with
patience the race that is set before us,
Hbr 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down at
the right hand of the throne of God.

Do you see God who laughs and has a great time?
Do you see God smiling at Joseph and Mary,
as He is bringing about His Son's birth?
Do you not know my friend, that there
was already a great cloud of witnesses
in Heaven, peering anxiously over the rim
of Heaven saying "Oh Joseph, c'mon..."
They peer over the rim of heaven and say:
"(Your name) YOU CAN DO THIS! C'MON!"
Can't you almost hear them? Get alone
in a field of lovely long grass with the
wind gently blowing...see what you hear?
SO- you aren't alone in this my friend...

Do you ever talk with someone who claims to be
a Christian, they probably are, we can't see their
hearts, so my sense is, if someone is gutsy enough
to tell me they believe in Christ, who am I to
doubt it, even if they are
bizarre in their behavior?

Now I know that really rankles some of the
modern day Pharisees who want to condemn
them to hell because they have
a beer in public, but I'm sorry,
shoot me with them, we need to wake up
in following Jesus and quit being so
much in love with ourselves as we
think we understand the Law of God.

My sense is, first off, we don't
understand the Law of God as we should,
few of us, even so called professional
ministers, are knowing that Law as we
should, and those who really had a
chance to really know that Law,
bent it to suit their failings, as Christ
pointed out to them.

Legalism, I believe Paul says, kills the spirit of
the Heart of God. Rom 4:14 "For if they which are
of the law [be] heirs, faith is made void,
and the promise made of none effect:"
On the other hand, God is God,
so, in the Law of God
we see a very powerful picture of exactly
how God is, how God operates,
and how we shall be.
That, uh, term "shall be" is a very important
one, I can't see you as you "shall be,"
although I try to- which is called
looking at someone with eyes of faith-
rather, what you let me see is what
you are now, as you see me as well.
So we do well it seems to look upon
those around us, and to try in our
hearts to understand, we aren't perfect,
we've never been perfect, and, on this
side of the veil, we will never be
perfect; so we need to quit being in
love with the idea of being better
than someone else; we aren't, ever,
better than someone else, not ever.

So what does this mean in terms of God
who laughs and has a great time?

WHAT? God has a great time? You bet-
haven't you ever thought of the
laughter in heaven? It's a cut up
every second- AND- for those of you
who frown as you read the revealing of
Jesus by John (you call it The
Book of Revelations) haven't you read
where heaven has no tears? (Rev 21:4)
Get your heart around this one, heaven is
beyond us and it is lovely, and it
is full of laughter and joy- and some of the
purest joy is that people
who weren't perfect, who went
through this experience of not
being perfect,
MADE IT, and now, they are
cheering you on to MAKE IT,
and they are loving your efforts,
because they know you will,
because they know Jesus
wasn't messing around at all,
when He saved you!

So if you think Christ
doesn't smile at you,
especially when you are
so blowing it my friend,
missing the mark my friend,
guess again; SEE, JESUS knows
you aren't perfect,
He knew that when He saved you,
because He knew you would
make it to the end of the race,
not because of who you are, but because
of who He is; and He is KING JESUS!

And we are very much
in the tune of heaven
when we hear laughter
and joy and singing of the
Angels, as we try so hard
to remain so staunchly
hard hearted toward
those we think we're better than.
Oh my, we can all grow just a bit
when it comes to forgiveness, would you say?

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