But God does see motive, which should, give us all pause. God looks inside the human condition; God knows your heart, which should, give some of us pause; and all of us, a moment of reality concerning what we believe God doesn't know; which would be those portions of what we call our heart, that we think we have God fooled on. We don't, God isn't, and, God knows why you do what you do. This can be good, this can be, glorious, it can also be comforting, the person, for example, who under some false burden believed they had to confess their sin to God or He wouldn't know it, can now relax, God knows. You can't see motive, but God does; so the act of confessing sin isn't in any way to inform God - it is agreeing with God about what God has known all along. We can't see motive, but God does. It is amazing how many people don't believe this truth; think they can continue to "fake it," and they'll be O.K., it is so strange because in just thinking that they have to fake it, they're admitting that they know of God;
so why not learn to please God in your motives for living rather than scapegoat your life? Why sacrifice your life on the altar of almost being faithful, when in just a matter of seconds you can put your life right with God, and begin to live in the glory of a relationship with someone who never turns on you as people do? Sure people do turn on you, friends who should be supportive, at critical moments, grow distant, even cold; friends who should stand with you when you are under attack, actually get so messed up in their thinking that they believe you deserve what is happening to you; after all, "you must have done something to deserve this happening to you." There are just oodles and oodles of reasons people use, even those who claim they love you, as they absolutely pull your heart out and rip it to shreds; it is in those moments when you feel you don't have a friend anywhere; that God will shine into your heart in a way that only God will do, it is then that you will know, like
Corrie Ten Boom did with her sister, whom often Corrie couldn't find loving...oh my goodness, it is then, that you will know God never turns on you, not ever!
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