Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Three Times the Arrogance

 God treats us splendidly, He actually is very sweet to us, for example, most who believe in God get that He doesn't devastate innocence; ergo babies under grace, people who have a heart ascent to His lordship, etc., are covered in gracious splendor. On the other hand, God does have a purpose in history; in you, and that will be accomplished if you follow Jesus, by the taking up of your cross, daily (Luke added to the synoptic recount the word daily). So we know that much of what we read in the New Testament isn't essential to your salvation, but may involve the salvation of others, in which you are supposed to take a part; so it is that the three times arrogance idea came to me in prayer, and I'm not sure it's been proposed much lately, if it has I apologize to the proponent I'm unaware of, not wanting to be arrogant. Here is therefore, the basic three times the arrogance stance:
Peter was crushed as he heard the Cock crow. 
The reason he was crushed is Peter believed in his heart he'd deserted his King in time of need. That wasn't honesty, it was arrogance, an egotistical defense of his "feelings," which was unrealistic- and here is why- Peter couldn't have done a thing to prevent Ciaphis and the murdering San Hedren from accomplishing what Jesus had forced them into- Christ had seen to His death on the cross- not just a death, but on the cross, nobody would strangle or stone Him, nobody would sword Him, nobody would bleed Him to death, before the cross; and that is what Jesus told Peter; who in first stage one arrogance, denied the truth told him. A friend had offered Peter a handle to reality; and he turned it down; it goes like this, "well Lord, since this is the truth, what would you have me to do after the cock crows?" That would have been a question from the love Peter really had, if he'd allowed his arrogance to step across it; level two; hanging on to ideas which are good feeling for you, but fail to note the reality of the knowledge of truth speaking with you. Third and most enlightening; Peter was already beginning to feel puffed up about the whole situation; so when the arresting soldiers came at them; right there in front of love, who said "they will, they must, take me;" what did Peter do; he tried to kill them. Third level of arrogance, action based on your lack of reason. All of this was preventable, except, were that to have occurred, do you think you and I would be reading it today? Three times the arrogance is perhaps something that you would examine in your own life; how surrendered to God are you, honestly? How much time do you really spend listening to Jesus, honestly? How willing are you to surrender to what He tells you to do, honestly? See the real problem with three times the arrogance is, it doesn't stop there...note all the things that are going to happen after Christ rises, which, had Peter had to it together, might've been far different, we had a lot of questions, not having to do with salvation, which might've been answered, had Peter asked them. So today what question do you think you might like to ask Jesus to teach you?  Or would you rather be...well, you get the point?
Three Times the Arrogance 
Level One - Denial of the truth explained to you.

Level Two - hanging on to ideas which feel good, 
                     rather than grasping truth.

Level Three - action based on your arrogance rather than truth.

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