Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Revelations and The Revelation of Christ

It is actually pretty funny when you think about it; what might happen, and what might not happen, and how many different people believe they have it figured out, and how many people figure they can't figure it out-and yet, there it is, in black and white; so to say.  Think about it, the playbook isn't hidden, it is "revealed," that's literally what the title says; only, guess what; in all the "revealing," have you got it straight- really?  It's also odd, in fact downright, strange; that in all the "revealing," seldom do you hear someone putting forth the idea that it's not gonna look like, note that, LOOK LIKE, folks are thinking it will.  Outlandish isn't it?  Which means, it's probably not going to happen like you think...now why would you suppose that might be?  My first input to you on this dear reader concerns the matter of what you will allow your head to get around, and what, out of just sheer being who you are, you won't.  Think about that for just a moment- O.K., got it, it's not a judgment, it's not calling you a sinner or not, it isn't anything except a flat out statement about who we all are, we will accpet some stuff, but other stuff, forget it, it's just not going to go in there.  NOW...here comes a kicker...you ready?  Why would you think John, who was the author that Jesus revealed Himself to; why would you think John, would be any different than any other human ever?  O.K., told you it was going to get into a place you haven't been to, too often; see, more and more as I study it, think about it, and dwell upon it, my heart keeps telling me, we're heading for stuff that could be headed off, but we're not paying attention to what John said about it.  We are, for lack of a better term, missing it, and it's to the point now, that my heart keeps telling me, it's gonna cost us.   See it's one thing to be told that trucks come down the street, and then to be handed a code which tells you it is every ten minutes; and it's quite another to mess up the interpretation of that code as "every minute" so you keep dashing off the street, cause you don't want to get hit, only no truck comes along...so eventually, nine minutes late, you see a truck, and you say, "well dang, I must've misunderstood what it said."  Keep that process up long enough and eventually you know what will happen?  Your neighbor will notice that the trucks keep coming every ten minutes, and they'll ask you why you are jumping out of the street every minute, and you'll say, "well I know it looks odd, but you know, this says, one is going to come every minute..."  The neighbor looks at it and laughs and says, "aw man, that's what they write like in Los Angeles, but here, brother, we're on Southern time!"  Now you really are confused, and so, what was intended as a very clear warning...a very clear message, in fact thats what it is known as, the revealing of Jesus, well now suddenly, it's just not as clear is it?  Jesus is coming back, that my friend is a fact.  When and how may be matters that we need to study and pray and consider faithfully, as to whether or not we have the issue figured out or not?  See any trucks comin'..?

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