"There is a Fifth Great Awakening occurring in our world today. According to David Barrett, author of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 82,000 people become Christians every day. More are coming to Christ than at any time in Christian history. Today, 32,000 will become followers of Jesus in Africa, 25,000 in Asia, and 17,000 in Latin America.1
More Muslims are becoming Christians than at any time in the history of Islam. Thousands of Muslims are seeing visions and dreams of Jesus and coming to faith in him as their Lord.2
Saudi Arabian Muslim leader Sheikh Ahmad al-Qatanni recently reported on al-Jazeera television that every day, "16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity." He claimed that Islam was losing six million a year to Christian faith.3 While he could be inflating his numbers to incite Islamic reaction against Christianity, it is clear that a significant Christian movement is occurring in the Muslim world.4
However, of the 82,000 coming to Christ every day around the world, only 6,000 are in Europe and North America, combined. While much of the world is experiencing an explosion in Christian growth, we are living in a time of unprecedented skepticism in the Western world with regard to historic Christianity." [Center for Informed Faith]
As you read that let it sink in, Christianity isn't losing the battle, in North America, they aren't putting up a fight- and the real crux question is...why aren't they? My hearts in the fight, your hearts in the fight, some of my friends are in the fracus as well, so, where's that statistic coming from?
These are sobering figures, but as you let them sink in, realize, they have a meaning, an enormous meaning, and then look around at all the people that you know who want to convince you that they love Jesus- huh(?) wait a minute...when was the last time somebody spent some effort with you convincing you that they loved Jesus? Oh oh...beginning to see the picture? We're being distracted by issues of money, taxes, healthcare you name it, in the U.S. but also all over the world, Christian's are being distracted, but especially in the U.S. what is happening is reflected in Dr. Denison's research...folks...it's time for prayer- wouldn't you say?
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