and Corrie Ten Boom, weren't fading or lanquishing disciples, they were, near as I can tell; full blown, full throated, absolutely outlandish when it came to their devotion to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Where are the Jim Elliot's and the Corrie Ten Boom's today? My sense is Jim Denison is one, a man who devotedly studies, travels to the front lines of the East, to Israel, to Saudi land, and a man who prints out the truth of what he sees, speaks to large and small audiences about it, and lives his faith. My home church pastor, Tim Everett, who preaches fearlessly from the pulpit about the shameful loss of power that the church is allowing; the pastor of pastors Bro. Garth Collier, a man who literally dives into the midst of things, a man I've seen pray in hospital rooms with his flocks family, a man who fearleslly preaches against sin, a man who lives his faith every single day and a man who humbly does his dead level best to let me know he cares about me. My neighbor, bless her heart, who has been widowed now many years, who ceaselessly grooms God's garden in her yard, and faces her life with unswerving devoted attendance to her church. Our neighbors up the street who face decisions every single day that involve hundreds of people and often, millions of dollars, and yet, are just as humble and sweet a people as you could ask for. Where are the Jim Elliot's and the Corrie Ten Boom's; I think they are living out their faith right here, and as outlandish as that idea might seem to some, I think they represent the body of Christ much better than they themselves would admit to- but honestly, if you don't see the greatness of this kingdoms spirit in the love of the people who occupy it and make their lives every day count for something, I'm afraid you're missing some of the greatest blessings of this century- and they are right in front of your eyes - the lady who took her time last night to let me know that she liked our gospel groups web site, she didn't have to do that, she took her time to do so, that's what sweetness and love look like, so today, let's you and I do what we can to let others know we love them and are praying for them.
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