One of the most challenging things that happen to Christian's without them even being aware of it, is they lose their joy, not perhaps, totally; as in depression; but they lose their sense of being joyous over Jesus. That first lovely fresh powerful feeling that we all remember when we finally gave up the pride, finally got the weight off our hearts, and owned up to one of the most mysterious things of all, we belong to God who made us. When we asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins, when we knew that the cross was real, and Jesus did it, and we felt that overwhelming power of forgiveness - we felt real and powerful and lasting joy for the first time. As we smiled to those around us, if they knew, or inwardly, to ourselves as we knew, that real joy, that smile was so awesome wasn't it? My friends sometimes get that glow going, that's what I call it, the glow- know where I'm going with this one? Yes indeed, Moses face comin' down off the mountain, what's the terms used, they say his face, "glowed." Makes sense doesn't it, whenever you are in the presence of God Almighty, like right now, your face, glows. You know it's real and so now, today, aren't we part of a much bigger picture that let's us get in on God making that experience real for someone else, know how that happens; with these feelings expressed through your soul: "let's be friends again, I'm sorry that we had this misunderstanding, can you forgive me?" Wow...what a powerful difference forgiving one another can make.
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