Jhn 6:28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
As you read on you discover a conflict between Jesus and the hardliners about rules and law- in their love of the law and the commands of God, they left out His heart, in America in our love of soaking up His grace with out materialistic pursuits, we have excluded God while pretending not to, what's the difference? As I'm writing this I'm watching the efforts of some to work a person who is coming out of a tough background who has trouble finding work, he is being given work by them, and also, they are going the extra mile of trying to be as kind to him with their resources as possible- note that: with their resources; once again, it has to be asked, who formulated this course of action with this person, them, or God? Only they know, but one has to be wondering how it is going to turn out in so far as the potential disciple is concerned? What lesson is he really learning about the love of God in what they have Him doing? The issue isn't balance, Jesus doesn't use the word one time in his ministry, because it isn't about balance, it is about love, what love are we teaching people when they just exchange one form of Egypt for another, when what we should be teaching them is FREEDOM! Jesus cried out for FREEDOM not materialistic enslavement! Why on earth can't we hear the true heart of our Lord saying there is another way, that way is - LOVE! Jhn 13:35 By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)
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