If it matters, it matters to you- and if it doesn't, it sticks out all over the place, not in big things- but in the small details of what life is all about. Take the following simple situation that happens all over the U.S. and all over the world, who, other than God knows, how many times a day. The woman in the relationship says she has to go somewhere, the man in the relationship says, "I heard that, but listen, let me know you got there safe, would you, I hate to worry." She says "you know I'm not gonna be able to do that because I'll forget because I'm busy." Message sent, message received, only, it's not the message she wanted to send- but the message is received. She says on another day, "hey call me and let's try to get together later." He says, "yeah I will." The day becomes busy, he doesn't get the call made, message sent, message received. Only, that isn't the message he wanted to send, but the message is received. Now while you're saying, "oh my God people grow up, before I throw up," stop and realize that what's taking place is FAST, really FAST, communication; which has meaning- and in times past, when behavioral memes we established (and if you don't know what a MEME is, don't feel bad, but it is sort of something you might want to know,
check it out here)there was no instantaneous communications such as exist at present. So what do we do with what we have, because what is happening is messages are getting sent out, but the meanings need a better definition. For example, is it O.K. in a relationship to not give much credence to small matters of one day significance, while considering the much bigger and longer importance of the overall relationship? That is not the meme that we've been taught, we've been taught that you must not, if you don't mean it; and we try to stick to that, but I just wonder if we're not doing ourselves and our loved ones an enormous disservice by expecting perfection in communication and ideas when there is not time to think? Lets say that once more in closing, as we look at what the Bible really does say about this, let's ask ourselves that question, are we doing ourselves a tremendous disservice by expecting perfection in communication and ideas when there is no time to think? The saying on highways is, "Speed Kills," it was adopted by anti-drug forces, maybe we ought to think about it in terms of instant talk technology? Now to the Word of God on it:
NLT - Hbr 10:24 - "Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds."
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