When someone receives a gift, they feel good about getting the gift, so long as, it is appropriate, it is in keeping with their expectations and the timing on the gift is appropriate. Imagine that, shocking isn't it, but the truth is, many times, gifts aren't actually appreciated, rather they aren't rudely ignored or unaccepted, but instead, the receiver simply moves to a mode where they tolerate getting the gift with a lame smile. Think about it and you will see life situations which have matched this, and you have seen that lame smile. Here comes the shocker - Satanic influences push that reaction to gifts, push that ingratitude because the forces of evil that Satan heads up are masters are delivering disappointment and victimization, which are the resultant feelings of the created ingratitude. Shocked yet, it gets better, as one person in a locale becomes vocal about the disappointment; they encourage folks to join them, and as they increase the number of people who agree with their discontent, the intensity of the ingratitude increases; exponentially- now, that is what is happening all over the world about the greatest giving nation in the history of humankind. We are being put to sleep, Christian's, are being put to sleep; about this warfare of the vocal of the spirit- it is from the overflow of the internal that the mouth expresses what is there. Today, do your part, to reverse this situation, as you begin to express good about your country, good about her giving nature, you will find the force of evil suddenly becoming alert to you, and you will have a conflict occur- don't take my word for it, get positive about the goodness of America and watch it happen, God Bless America.
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