of the sacrificed "Passover Lamb," sprinkled above the door. We have cell phones, television, internet, newscasts and public radio, and we can't get the word out to people to make it to a free concert. Moses had word of mouth, that's it, nothing else, and 600,000 homes were made safe, in one day. Go ahead and explain that one away; as we mentioned in Sunday School, if you can bring about doubt on this most spectacular of miracles in the Oldest Story of history, then you can begin to really crumble so many other aspects of the truth; and that is why, it is under attack today as at no other time in human history. You weren't aware of that, were you? That fact alone should tell you something? Jesus was talking to the disciples and they insisted that he start to clue them in on what the end of it all would be like; they had at least glimpsed a portion of the truth, Jesus did know, and they wanted to know...reading what Jesus said, it's hard to see past this present age...
Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
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