The other day in a conversation my friend informed me that the Koran wasn't a holy book? That the Bible is the only Holy Book- O.K., that's easy to take in, only guess what, it's not going to help convert those who believe the Koran is a holy book? Paul said, very clearly, that he attempted to understand everybody around him, if they were poor, Paul got with them in being poor, if they were not well educated, Paul took his high level of knowledge down a peg, Paul said he would become everything to everybody in the hopes of saving some...if you've not read it in the scripture pages for this entry...Paul as serious, do we need to read the Koran? Most people would not know how, because they would erroneously believe that you can just pick it up and read it chronologically, when that isn't real, furthermore, they wouldn't understand that the Koran when it is understood, supports Christianity and God, supports the principle of peace and supports bringing about a peaceful resolve between Christianity and Islam; but first, one has to understand it; else when one is talking with someone who is Muslim, you won't be able to do as Paul directed. Now please consider what Newt Gingrich is saying, for as many years as he's been writing about it, so have others including myself...
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