In the year 2000 the world took a tremendous wake up call as people all steadied themselves for what had been widely speculated as a disaster waiting to happen, perhaps you remember that? Computers were supposed to fail, it was supposed to be a mess, and it didn't happen, and remember what the reaction was about that? America, 9/11, remember, the reaction to that, and then, months later, the reaction as the fact of the attack settled in, but we realized that we might be able to do something about future attacks? Speed forward a couple of years, the wounds are now no longer fresh, the hurts are less intense, and people in general aren't even sure we're in danger? Are we still in danger? Yes, but now, we've relaxed a bit? It is that relaxing attitude that we need to think about, you see, everyone is aware of it, many people agree it is something that we ought to avoid, and yet, there it is, prevalent, a sense that we can relax when that is precisely what endangers us. Now let's talk about warning after warning after warning, from weather to strange and intense earthquakes, some which happen at sea, causing unbeknown Tsunami's, the size and intensity of which have not occurred before. Then let's turn our attention to the earthquakes and their intensity, 7 points in Haiti, 8.8 in Chile, a month or so apart; does this appear to be some sort of harbinger to you? Those who have always believed in the Bible's prophetic information, are now saying, "I knew it all along," maybe they are right, but just maybe, they aren't, and what will happen when, as time goes on, once again, people realize that the end predicted, didn't occur? What happens is folks who weren't established in the faith find their all encompassing excuse once again, to not believe. Is that what God would call being respectful on believers behalf, do you think? Or are we, perhaps, better, as believers to say, "I know the King will return, I know He is preparing a place for me, and I know He will come for me, based on this: Jhn 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.
So as a writer who believes that the only way you can complete a trip is if you have the map, and good directions, let me ask you this, if life goes on, for many, many, many years, beyond what you might hope, and the second coming that you think might happen any moment doesn't, what then? Let's consider loving one another as we are, where we are, and as God would have us to, in the present, in the now, with all we've got to do it with, which means, letting those you love, know you love them, now, and not letting the all important moment to say so, pass.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)
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