This world that you work and function in is changing, for example, your economic ability to survive is now put to test over your ability to testify about your Jesus. It goes like this, you can do and say certain things, but if you do others, your job is in jeapordy. It is the latest and greatest method that evil has of getting away with being evil and covering the truth. You might doubt this, but I've experienced it first hand- going into corporate stores and asking to put up a sign about a gospel benefit - singing songs about Jesus, we were told the following: "we aren't allowed to put anything on the walls." That was a coporate decision, obviously, that no notices of any kind could be put up on the walls, it was a reduce the hassle decision, no doubt- the result of which is, silence. NOW- I want to remind you one more time- the danger that this great FREE world is in- it's not just America, it is the FREE is the danger: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke) As you read that and think "ah c'mon man..." put into your sifter the reality that you are in a spiritual war that you aren't even aware of, prior to reading this, how much thought had you given to being silenced? See here is the deal, you get silenced on lots of issues that have nothing to do with Jesus - but they come back around to it...get it. The last thing we'll say in this walk is this, if you don't know history very well, look back at Germany, look at WWI ending and prior to WWII, look at the economy and the price of food, look at (of all things, healthcare); look at what a rising young political star name Adolf promised people...not saying that as a slam on Germans at all, what it is - is- history, you need to read that portion of the world history, in order that you will understand what is being said here by Edmund Burke, see those German people were good people, as are you, and what happened to them is they got led down the primrose path by a very convincing leader named Adolf. Check it out and see if my interpretation on history is correct or not?
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