Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Body Needs You

One of the most fascinating things about fellow Christian's is the association and when they will be open and honest, the various ways that they have of looking at things.  While it is true that my approach to following Jesus demands sacrifice from me in certain areas, like, pridefulness, open heartedness, giving of resources and understanding who provides those resources to be given; so while its true that my outlook is very much Christ, the Cross and only the Cross; that doesn't make it right, and it certainly doesn't make it the only way.  Jesus is the only way, the writer of this blog is decidedly human; and so, with every breath and with every possible human, sinful erring way, my heart wants to reach and strive to follow Christ, the Cross and nothing but the Cross.  Most days my cross carrying isn't so hot, how about yours?  Making this even more sensible, imagine that a view slanted by such enthusiasm is almost too strong, it needs to be tempered down with love, with a viewpoint that understands heart and says so, this is the blessing of the body of Christ, one of many, but isn't it also, the way that the church, even from it's inception went about dealing with reality?  In our scripture references this week you will see where Peter and Paul and others had to settle disagreement, and it was done, through the body of Christ, in love; what about us today, can we make that happen?  Can we choose to say with the aspostles and others throughout history that these disagreements that we think matter, while they might be important to our ego, aren't important when we look at them through the shadow of the cross, for in that light, their shape changes into that of a body hanging, sacrificed; waiting for us to learn from that great, great sacrifice, what it means to love; and I believe that you dear reader, can do just that.

"drd's" Blog

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