Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First- The October RUN

Nobody who knows me believes I can do this, but, each day in October
we will review one mind boggling theological concept in one paragraph.
That's the part nobody can buy, they know I have a big mouth and write
like I speak. But here is what they don't know, a person who is in
love, can do remarkable things, and this is written for you, and, I
love you. God, you know, is love. Consider that, the Bible doesn't say
God knows about love, that would be obvious, or that God approves of love,
or even that God, who made us in His image, wonders about love when
it comes to humankind whom He created, but who apparently don't get it.
No the Bible says, God is love, and that, is water to water, water is
water, dirt is dirt, electricity is shocking, but electricity is
electricity- so while you are trying to dig your head out of it,
let's take this first mind boggling theological truth and absorb
it from this one paragraph, "God is love." (1 John 4:8)

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When we love

The video on the "Revelation Song," so passionately
and with anointing, done by Kari Jode, exemplifies
what worship can become.

We have become familiar with worship as
connecting to God, a place where
you and God are together, it is as if, you and God
are there and no other person is present, that
sense of His presence invades your heart, touches
your soul, and as you listen to the truth of
adoring Jesus, and the power of that adoration;
the heart of worship develops.

It is that heart which can love, it is the
forgiving and understanding,
and compassionate heart, it is the heart of love.
It is that heart which God gives you. One of the
deepest mysteries of faith in my life is to see
people who believe they are born again, yet they
have not had this change take place in their heart?

Someone asked me how a person can know that they
are a Christian, and near as I can tell, the answer
isn't hard, their heart won't be; because the heart
of God, the new heart which God puts into a person
who confesses Jesus as their Lord and Savior
and asks Jesus to forgive them of their sins;
that heart, can't be the same hard nature one
that existed in that person before.

When a person has this heart surgery,
the meaning of their life becomes love
and to love; so let's cut through it today,
is that the purpose of your life, to
love and be loved? In my heart it sure
seems that is what John meant in writing
about his Jesus: 1Jo 4:7 Beloved, let us
love one another: for love is of God;
and every one that loveth is born of God,
and knoweth God.
1Jo 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God;
for God is love.

Let's pray for each other today,
that we will love and be
loved, thank you for allowing me to be.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

You Matter

Let's try a simple but profound experimental game,
why experimental, because we're not sure what the
outcome will be, why a game, because in real life
the odds are that you would not have the game
conditions come up. Great, now that we have the
legal stuff out of the way, as the Pharisees would
say; let's get down to it, as the Scribes would say.
Oh we almost forgot the Sadducees, who were odd
in their time, and certainly very hard to understand
in ours. According to one source, they haven't existed
since 70 A.D..

On to the game, which has as an object, to
prove to you, why you matter. Both as a person,
and in particular, as a Christian. So let's set
the ground rules. You will need a person to play
the part of the learner, and then you will play
the part of the teacher. For the learner the
script goes like this; "I don't believe you,
because..." It doesn't matter what they say,
any reason not to believe you will do. Now for
the part that makes this game resemble the need
which makes you matter, have the person who is
going to play the learner ties your hands behind
your back, with good strong rope- label the rope,
"things you have done wrong that others know
about." Now you can't move your hands, now put
good strong rope around your feet, label this
"sins that others believe I have committed."
So now with no hands and no feet, you will
have trouble moving. Now have the learner
put duct tape over your mouth, so that
you can't speak, label the duct tape; "the
excuses I've come up with not to share the
gospel." Ok, now, the learner is free to
go- and you have to catch them, and convince
them that you know that Jesus can forgive them
of their sins. "Aw c'mon man, you know I
can't do that, I can't walk, because my feet
are bound, I can't undo the knots, because
my hands are tied up, and I can't yell because
my mouth is taped shut." Of course we know
why - question, will the learner ever get
caught? Answer, no. Question, will the
learner ever hear the truth from you? Answer,
no. So there you go- with no hands, no
feet and no mouths, if you were God, what
would you do? It's just a game folks....
Don't miss the point here:

Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees
and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them,
O generation of vipers, who hath warned you
to flee from the wrath to come?

It's a good question- and it is why, you matter, it is
only one of so many reasons why you matter, but it's
a good one...

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

"This is..., I've made up my mind." Those are words that can
go either way, they can be good, they can be bad. All depends
upon which way you are headed as a result of them. For
example, you wanted a raise, you talked it over with the
boss, you get called in and she says "This, I've
made up my mind." Are you gonna get the raise? Or
you might get a call from the Mayor's office, the mayor
has been after you to work on a committee that she
believes you would be excellent on, and she begins
the conversation by saying, "This, I've
made up my mind." Are you gonna get her approval?

The point is much the same when this occurs:

Jhn 8:8 And again he stooped down,
and wrote on the ground.

What do you think Jesus was writing? The Bible
doesn't say what he wrote, but it sure seems possible
that His mind was now made up? Is yours?

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

In The End

We've been looking at judging this week,
we might even take it a bit further and
deeper next week, but for today I want to
take a little break away from the deep
and dark woods for today. We've been to
the parted path, seen the majestic snow
with absolutely no prints in it, blown
across ground that shows nothing beneath
the clear, crisp, delightfully pure white.

We've been into the depths a little about
what judging is, and is not; and the
personal aspect of it, and that gets deep
so today I thought we'd just lighten up
a bit, if that's O.K. with you?

Somebody told me one time that the way
that sound travels is in waves, and
at about 186,000 feet per minute, light
multiplies that to 186,000 miles per
second; but that distance traveled
at that given rate for one year is
then called a light year.

Here is the mind bending part of that, it isn't
a measure of time but of distance.

So when we say that the universe that we
detect light from is 473 million light
years distant, we are, nevertheless
measuring a passage of time. The
universe is not only very old, very
(beyond comprehension, which is,
by the way, what God describes Himself
as, beyond comprehension "Iam that Iam"
literally means, I was, I am now and
I will be Forever" Which is beyond
comprehension), and very beautiful,
the universe, somehow, is balanced.

What I mean by that is, when it all
works out, all the factors necessary
for you to be reading this as you are,
happened, and you are, reading this.


Hope you will ponder; that; in order for
that to take place, Martin Luther,
had to nail his 95 theses on the Wittenberg
castle door? The Guttenburg printing
press people had to get it printed up
and out to the people, as one of their
mass printing efforts?

Hope you'll consider that in order for
that to have happened, the unified body
of worship, the general or "Catholic"
way, had to exist. That they had gotten
off course by claiming to be able to pray
loved ones out of purgatory for contributions
to the rector (called selling indulgences)
; a practice Luther found
without merit in scripture, which was
largely Latin. Few Greek texts survived
Diocletian who approximately 299 to 306 years
after the Ascension of Christ, actively
sought to destroy any Christian writings
or markings of any kind from the Roman Empire.

Hope you'll ponder that the unified church
came about as methods of worship arose out of
the principally synagogue style of gathering
together to share the knowledge gleaned in
the process of revealed God interacting with man?

Hope you'll ponder that; as that; was the style
then, so it is still today- and so, some
things just don't change easily, no matter
how fast light travels!

Ponder that the next time you figure you
need to judge somebody.

That God who created all of this
has declared Himself to be solely capable of
judging sins- and then realize, you may judge
less, but we all sin from time to time.

Then as you are wondering about all of that,
and judging, realize that you were, as you
read it, judging. Life isn't possible
without judging, and so, that really isn't
what God meant when He said we aren't to
be judging, what He likely meant,
(as God who made all of this is hard to fathom,
in my meager brain, I don't know about
you, but God is so far beyond my ability
to comprehend, that I just read his word
and try to take it for what it says,
how about you?) so when God says to me
that I don't need to be judging my brother;
it's generic, it isn't relegated to any
gender, and God means what He says.
I don't think He winks at it, I don't think He
"Aw shucks," it as some would suggest, I
feel in my heart that to God judging is
very, very, important, and when it comes to
your sin, none of my business.

Why do I say that? Because Jesus said this:

Mat 5:22 "But I say unto you,
That whosoever is angry with his brother
without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:
and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca,
shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever
shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."

I love you and pray for you this day-
remember if you feel led to keep this
author writing, a secure Pay Pal site
has been added onto this page for you
to do so.

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Judge Between - The Fight of Fights

One of my favorite authors, who should be, our favorite author;
is Robert B. Parker, who wrote the famous Spenser for Hire series,
which many years back starred Robert Urich, who we lost to cancer,
sometime back; sadly- and Spenser for Hire was a great T.V. show,
Robert B. Parker is a fantastic author. Introduced this very important
"Morningside" to you that way, because I want to use a quote from
Mr. Parker's work, it says what we are about so clearly:

"I can't stand watching you pulled apart like this.
You love two things, ...,and you have to
hurt one to help the other."
("Mortal Stakes"-pg. 251)

Is that, judging?

NIV - Luk 16:13 -
“No servant can serve two masters.
Either he will hate the one and love
the other, or he will be devoted to the
one and despise the other. You cannot
serve both God and Money.”

Right now, you are judging me; and at the same
time, you are being judged- and putting yourself
into a position of being judged- writer and reader,
speaker and listener, any time there is relationship-
there is judging going on. So what can change that?

Ah hah, now you have a reason to catch this devotional
tomorrow- we'll be here let's pray for
each other, we have lots to do, don't we?

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


(Do you know someone who needs to read this?)
It doesn't feel good, guarantee you that, when somebody
comes down on you for no reason, it doesn't feel good.
It forces you to make a choice, take a stand, be about
something or someone that you might not want to be, it
puts you in a position that you didn't necessarily ask
for, nor want. Unless it is a position that you have
asked for, and do want?

So it is pretty direct, one way or the other,
when it comes to Jesus and being in a position
of being judged, get ready, one way or
the other you are going to be judged. But
who the judge is, you may not be ready for?

Now the really intriguing thing is,
how you feel right this instant, no, NO,
don't dismiss that, instead, relate to it,
relate, to the feeling that is inside you at this
instant. Now let's ask ourselves a very serious
question, what is being judged about? Where does
it really come from? Who really, is the judge that
we are being judged by? And so we approach the
throne of grace, but the question is, are we really
ready to approach that throne of grace?

Mat 5:23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,
and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;

Mat 5:24 Leave there thy gift before the altar,
and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother,
and then come and offer thy gift.

This isn't to cloud the interpretation waters
on this one, but my heart really wants you to
hear this...hear the Shepard's voice on this one:

Mar 3:33 And he answered them, saying,
is my mother, or my brethren?

Now take it just a teeny bit deeper - do we need to
be reconciled to our Brother? Hmm...

So we come to the crux, who is judging who about
what? When it comes to you, who is the judge?
Until tomorrow let's pray for one another?

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Right without Might

"Not by might, not by power," you are for certain
going to want to take this in today, because we
are going to tie together great distance in Bible
prophecy, and great presence of Judgment, as we
are exploring this week about the proper nature,
use and place of judging in a Christian's life.

So we begin with pain, which must be a part of all
lives, it doesn't matter how good that life is,
or how bad that life is, in every life, there is
pain; of some form or fashion. It might not be
physical pain, although those come and go, it
might be emotional pain, which can last a while
and then sometimes, can go away; hopefully, it
goes away. It can be spiritual pain, which is
a strange and deep longing in the
belief, is that John the disciple of Jesus
knew that kind of pain; as he reflected back
on the wonder of Jesus whom he loved- who he
watched die, who he watched rise again, who
ate with him after the resurrection, Jesus who
in chastizing Peter, from a perspective of love,
told John he'd outlast them all, and he did.
John who, at the age of 70 or 75 years old was
quarrying rock for the very enemies roads, who
destroyed his savior so cruelly upon their
cross; who beat Him, who crowned Him with
thorns; John's Jesus, who he loved so deeply;
they couldn't break John; so they had to respect
him, and thus he was in the grotto by himself
in prayer when Jesus appeared. NOW, read this
next section carefully as it ties thousands
of years of Bible prophecy together in just
a very few short verses. You may not have
seen this before, it is ...well, judgment
by God, of time, and place:

The Prophet Zechariah

Zec 4:2 And said unto me, What seest thou?
And I said, I have looked,
and behold a candlestick all [of] gold,
with a bowl upon the top of it,
and his seven lamps thereon,
and seven pipes to the seven lamps,
which [are] upon the top thereof:

Zec 4:3 And two olive trees by it,
one upon the right [side] of the bowl,
and the other upon the left [side] thereof.

Zec 4:4 So I answered and spake to the
angel that talked with me, saying,
What [are] these, my lord?

Zec 4:5 Then the angel that talked
with me answered and said unto me,
Knowest thou not what these be?
And I said, No, my lord.

Zec 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me,
saying, This [is] the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel,
saying, Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

And now, John, on Patmos, "The Revelation of Christ" -

Rev 1:12 And I turned to see the voice
that spake with me. And being turned,
I saw seven golden candlesticks;

Rev 1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks
[one] like unto the Son of man,
clothed with a garment down to the foot,
and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

Judgment is a factor of the character of God,
the Son Jesus Christ, stands in the portal of history
from an ancient prophet, and then again, the portals
of history with the modern revelation, and in both,
stands in the midst, not apart, ,not distant, not
detached, but in the midst of what is going on.
Let's pray for each other this day...

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Most Incredible

Remarkable moments - do you sense them? The flashing bye
of life, where one moment is significant? Do you have a
sense that the moment is? To be clear this is the moment
when you see the person you're going to marry? This is
the moment when you know your life direction, perhaps,
for the first time? This is the moment where you know
what your life is about? Now that you know what moment
we are talking about, have you had it, or some of them?

This week we're going to deal with the toughest of all
subjects, judging, what it means, why and how we do so,
and, should we or should we not? You see, many Christians,
are not only confused about this, but believe, falsely,
that the Bible teaches against judging. The truth is,
Jesus said that judging was serious, should be taken
seriously, but shouldn't be ignored. Quickly then,
let's connect the spiritual worshipful, to the subject-
as tomorrow we will deal with the scripture more
thoroughly, consider these scriptural statements:

Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged:
condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned:
forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
Luk 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you;
good measure, pressed down, and shaken together,
and running over, shall men give into your bosom.
For with the same measure that ye mete withal
it shall be measured to you again.

Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge,
ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete,
it shall be measured to you again.

So this day let us pray that we shall get the
matter of judgment into our core spiritual nature
and after this weeks review, my belief is you will
not only be a better judge, but you will get the
character concept of God which comes through
His pronouncements about this highly important
part of what it means to be in touch with Him.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

DrD's Contributor Profile - Associated Content


Woman Astonished - How About You?

"She said- Our fathers worshiped
in this mountain..."

Sometimes it is the small things that matter,
our instead of my, in instead of on...

My life is blessed because of a church
home- people who worship God in a way
that challenges and arouses me- but even more
than how they go about getting in touch
with God, they don't enforce a way that
I must. Yes, they have some behaviors
which they believe in, and yes, they
have some basic precepts of faith which
they feel prove that a person is in fact
a disciple of Christ, but beyond that,
they are very accepting and very genuine
folks. My hope is that you have such a
church family- on the other hand, I would
suggest that no church family is going to
be perfect- because the Body of Christ is
made up of humans who are imperfect, and
while basically the whole may look and
act perfect, because every single part is
flawed, in the end, it isn't perfect.

Neither is my church home perfect, but in
defense of it I will say this, it is the
people that show me love, teach me God's
Holy word and lead me in prayer and
thanksgiving of heart to God, to get in
touch with God (called worship) which
keep me returning. So finally the
decision to worship God in one house
or another, is up to you, God is not
going to interfere with your freedom
to choose, but I would suggest to you
one single item, pray about that decision.
Pray and earnestly ask God if He would
like for you to worship in one place
or another. You might be amazed at
His answer. It is hidden in this
statement from Christ to a woman who
was astonished at our Lord, imagine that!

Jhn 4:20
Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

Jhn 4:21
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

So it comes down to the basic
question about where you will choose
to tell God you love Him, while I am
less than perfect at it, my first suggestion
is, that we do so humbly, on our knees.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yes Today...

Most of the time we are happy to have life
go along on a pretty straight line, certain
things happen, we are used to those, and
certain things don't happen, and we claim
that they don't matter, which isn't true
they do matter, we just don't want to admit
it. The question is, do you really believe
that God, who made you, wants you to lose?
Wants you to hurt? Wants you to give in?
Wants you to flaunt endless justifications
about your inability to achieve at the end
of which is, another loss? Is your life
to be all about that?

God would not want that, surely not?
So we run smack into your right
to mess up what otherwise would
be perfect, and WHY- God wants you to be
Being sacrificial doesn't help you achieve
the God's perfect will for your life; because in
being obedient you will find His will for
the life he has imparted to you. Now this
is pretty deep stuff but it is supported
it would seem by this and other Bible based
passages, let us know what you think?

1Sa 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD
[as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold,
to obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and]
to hearken than the fat of rams.

So let's get serious about the point of obedience?
Let's make it today, and when we know that we
have failed to obey, let's pray- it is under
this guidance that it seems to me Jesus was
referring when he commanded that we ought always
to pray!

Luk 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them [to this end],
that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


One of my favorite stories is about Joe Vitale
how he has come from obscurity to wealth,
success and popularity in a short span of
years. Dr. Joe has written over 40 best
selling self help books, and really, if you
stop and think about it, that's a great
testimony to thinking and realistic
approaches to life that work.

One of his expressions is to dare
something worthy- and we as those
who follow Jesus have the greatest
chance to do that, ever, in history. In
fact this is the moment, really, today, this
is it- you have it- it is yours, and so the
question becomes, will you seize this
moment, or let it go? Jesus would tell
you in your heart of hearts, seize it.

Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as
of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Keep it...simple

It doesn't matter when it happens
it matters that it happens. One
of the amusing aspects of being
in love with God is that God's
time is eternal, ours isn't-
and that central confusing fact
throws folks a lot of curves.

The other part of loving God that
is rough is that by comparison
it is -Ant to human, if the human
were omniscient (all knowing).
So you can see how silly that
levelizing is, and you can rest
assured, God knew that would be
the deal, quite awhile before
you were reading this, or possibly
thinking about it. Ah well, such
is the nature of being in a
love event that is hard on you.
Do you think God didn't know
it would be rough on you, loving
Him? So much so that He spent
several thousand years getting
you together for the event?

Well now, that should tell you that
in the Kingdom of God, you count.
Now that should also tell you
that in the Kingdom of God, that
person that you claim you can't
stand, uh, they count too. Should
tell you that in the Kingdom of
God, that highly emotional and
dramatically upsetting event that
you went through, God knew, so
the one who had some schooling
due, wasn't God? And that the
person who tells you that they
are going through something rough?
Maybe, just maybe, you might want
to hear them out. Maybe, just
maybe, that's what God means when
He calls you His body? Check it out:

"1Cr 11:24

And when he had given thanks,
he brake [it], and said, Take, eat:
this is my body, which is broken
for you: this do in remembrance of me

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How - not - Why

Can we think together for a moment about what we're doing?

Oh I don't mean that there is anything at all wrong with what

we are doing, not at all; just that, if you would, join me in a

brief perspective trip about faith. Let's start with that field

over there, you know the one, it's been empty, basically,

unworked, lush green grasses and other plants grow there;

but it is, for all intents and purposes, an empty field. See

it clearly, it glistens in the summer sun, it radiates heat

back in the winter, know the place? It is a quiet, a lonely,

some would say, field. There are unknown millions of

fields, like it, all over the world. Do you wonder that even

perhaps Christ might've known such a field- where the

comparison is Luk 10:2 "Therefore said he unto them,

The harvest truly [is] great, but the labourers [are] few:

pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would

send forth labourers into his harvest. "

Next to this field, and we're almost done with the

visualizing, as one is to realize, it takes time, but

please stay with this one, it will prove of some value

perhaps? Next to this field, is a stream, which every

year, overflows and floods out the field. It is obvious

what is needed to prevent the flooding, isn't it?

A levy, or a wall. It is interesting that as you have

watched people come and go through the property,

they have brought many items with them, and

have left some, they left, for example, many

bricks, many branches, many things that they

thought, weren't worth much, they were disposable,

they were considered trash. But not to you, as you

gaze at the field, you realize, what they have left

in their coming and going is material that could

really help the field be a better field, were it not

flooded each season. So what's needed is a levy or

a wall. Now you have it, the picture, yes?

So the component here that is faith is not the seeing-

nor the noting, nor the study, nor the awareness of the

season; nor even the learning how to take various

kinds of things to make a wall. The component here

that is faith, is getting the leftover material and

making the wall. Faith as used in the Bible is nearly

always of the action type of word. Faith isn't a mental

game, it's a "doing out" or "working out" of what you

have become aware of as being needed. Let that

resonate for a while, you see, here in the U.S.

especially, we have faith ill defined, so poorly

understood as to be nearly lost in the meaning that

the Bible wants you to get, which is action, what

you are made aware of, you do something about.

Is this, therefore, a prayer of faith?

Mar 11:24 "Therefore I say unto you,

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,

believe that ye receive [them],

and ye shall have [them]. "

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090909 - Triple the 3!

It is odd how we place significance
upon numbers- but they are attached
to significant events, and we note
them that way. We've often studied
that God is beyond time, but something
tells me, God also has a means
whereby to His nature numbers do have
a meaning. Often when considering
something for which there is likely
no Bible proof, other than an
entire chapter in the rendition,
called, Numbers, the fact that God
instructed the people to be numbered,
God told Abraham that his inheritance
would be like the number of sand on
the seashore, and on , and on.
Numbers play an important part in our
lives, and you play an important
part in mine, your number is-
known, isn't it?

Rev 15:2
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire:
and them that had gotten the victory over the beast,
and over his image, and over his mark,
[and] over the number of his name,
stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ease Into It

We live in a time when people want to have things go along,
in fact, folks will go a long ways out of their way, not to have to
deal with a hassle. So it just seems to make sense that we would take
a look at whether this matches up with what the Bible says. We say that
we believe the Bible, it is the guide for our life, and so, as a result, if
we are going to become people who "go along to get along," we ought
to see that all over the Bible in all kinds of ways, right? Only what we
see is, just the opposite. We see a man who was hassled for 125 years
building a boat for when the rains came flooding the land, when it had
never rained? That had to be fun.
We see a man who has to tell everyone
that he had a dream where he saw angels coming down to earth, and then,
going back up again? Don't you know people had some questions about that,
"Oh sure, sure we believe you, angels,
yeah, that makes sense, and what
did they do? They totally ignored everybody?
Did they ignore the women
too? Ya know, we've heard that
they didn't ignore 'em in the old days."
That must've been a fun time for him, huh?
We learn about a man who
says, "it's not the food that we're allowed to eat, I'll go and pray about
it." Who gets told if he does, it's off to the Lion's; and, so, his choice
on that one is obvious isn't it? You'd choose the Lion too, wouldn't you?
Then we come to a man who faced not only a storm, but a very
frightening vision from within that storm that spoke to him, told
him to do all sort of strange things, and then, told him to tell the
people that they weren't going to be renewed yet. All fun things to
have to say. Are you getting the drift here? Maybe we aren't supposed
to just go along to get along? What do you think?
Jam 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works:
shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Fifth Part

Ever read something so profound it
makes you wonder how such insight
can exist? Just finished watching
a movie (I know of all things) that
I'd have to classify as a should
see, it is profound. That is with
with one caution, I don't think
you can watch this movie and walk
away feeling nothing. "Seven Pounds"
stars Will Smith in the title role,
and it is a movie which has so much
soul that it oozes from the heart
of the essence of it. Please do
yourself a favor and see it. But
better than that, do yourself a
real favor, and live it. The
reality which this movie speaks
of, is people, and love. NOW
we said we were going to get
through all five elements of the
school of soul, right? So here
is number five:

(5)The food has never tasted better,
and as the meal progresses you
find yourself hauled into actually
feeling the food, rather than just
eating the meal?

There isn't any way to explain this
one- it is rare for me. One time when
I was a teenager my family went to
a new restaurant in town, it was a
theme restaurant, the Casa Bonita
withentertainment and
the chance that you might see
the incredible Ricardo Montalban who
was associated with it. You may remember
his show was"Fantasy Island".

The eatery was an experience,
still is it seems from the web page. As
you entered the water falls and
mariachi bands took over
and the ambience set in. You felt the
experience, it got into your soul.

There- that's the whole enchilada, bad pun,
I know; but it is, where faith, soul,
experience and results all meet up- in the
life that you live. Does the Bible support
that there are special times of higher sensation?
Oh my goodness yes...consider one that is just
about as sensational as it gets:

Exd 3:5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither:
put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the
place whereon thou standest [is] holy ground.

Act 7:33 Then said the Lord to him, Put off
thy shoes from thy feet: for the place
where thou standest is holy ground.

There are several thousand years between
these two renditions, the first is the
Moses experience, the second in Acts as
the record, from the Latin Vulgate roots,
wherein the actual is described. The tale
is told, God and Moses were there, and
Moses took the time to dwell upon this
before it was written down, (would be my
guess), yet several thousand years later
it will be recounted, and today we are
reading it. We aren't just reading it,
though, so much as we are, taking it in.
Which is how God probably intends us to
take the Word, one bite at a time! Don't
leave this table hungry- not today.

Stay strong in the faith- prar for one another.

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FOUR- it's what golfers shout

"Four"- it's what golfers shout to let
people on the fairway know they
have hit a tee shot. It means,"Watch
out I don't hit straight!" No actually
it means "Beware!" which is what
part four of our spiritual questions
journey will bring in today...

(4)You see the trees everyday, but
on this morning, the greens seem
somehow more brilliant? The blue
of the sky seems more intense,
the clouds are wispy and brilliant
white, and you smile, for no
particular reason, you smile.

Situation four is subjective - we
as people are entirely subjective-
you can eat a meal on Tuesday when
you are feeling good, and having a good
day, and it will taste great, Thursday
of a week later, same exact meal, but
this day you are stressed and don't feel
good and didn't sleep well, and it will
not taste good. We are subjective.
God, being God, isn't. God is God-
not subject to anything. I know people
who preach an interesting legal non sense
that God is bound by God's own rules-
apparently these geniuses have never
read the Old Testament, where God-
under his rules, had to kill every single
entity- and yet- did not! God, is not
subject to anything, a result of which
is an interesting attribute of God called
MERCY! Mercy we see as GRACE-
but my challenge to you is to understand
that mercy isn't grace, and God is God.

So you say, "Dang Dana how am I supposed
to talk to God then, since I have no idea
how overwhelmingly powerful He is."
Talk to God knowing that He is merciful,
He is love. Do you trust love, or, are
you going to remain, subjective?

Love, is not subjective.

OK- now we need to see if in the over
all picture of things describing love in
the Bible, will that claim will hold up...
and guess what, it does.

The Bible uses this term love 311 times
in 281 verses on that page if you click on
Lexicon, you will see both the Hebrew and the Greek
use of the term, and that, the way that God love
is usually described, has been inaccurate. Hah,
what'd you think I was gonna leave without a
question to consider...
until tomorrow let's pray for one another...

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