At some time in your life you will reach a point where you wonder if what is going on is what you intended, or is it something else? This strange point usually occurs for men at about the age of 40 or older, although, with our present intellectual capacity, this introspective moment may occur in males at younger ages. For women this moment usually comes as they turn to face a home which had children and then teens in it, which now is, occupied by a husband who is sort of in the same place. This strange moment can occur for a person who was in an accident, they lived through it, and then, approximately a week later, they will ask themselves if their life is what they expected it to be. This introspection is a harsh part of all life; so far as we are able to determine, wildlife, does not go through this, humankind may be unique in this function. At this point in the process a person can go toward something, or, they lock into the place where they are. Yes that does sound weird but as you look at those around you, you will see some who aren't moving, in fact, they reject change at an amazing rate. So in that they reject change, they are functionally not progressing; they have, according to all we understand about faith, become, faithless. This lack of moving toward a new set of goals, or a new land, as the Bible called it; can create havoc, look at what happened to Lot, versus, Abraham, while Lot was busy living in the city, Abraham was busy fighting for it's right to continue to exist if only ten righteous people could be found in it. Small details of lives which make up enormous legacy in the overall of life. Which says that we need sometimes to establish whether we are an option to those around us, or, are we necessary? Sometimes we put ourselves in a position where we don't matter, but we think we do; that is a dangerous place to be, in such a circumstance, you are setting yourself up not to move toward a good goal, but to walk into disappointment at the end result. When you are an option to someone, don't let them be necessary to you, when such occurs, you aren't in control of the life God has rendered you, that worshipful walk has been changed. So are you moving toward a better future or not? Of course the real question is, what was Abraham displaying in his conversation with God, courage, trust, love, respect or all of those wrapped in the garment of, faith? Gen 18:23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)
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