How do simple sayings, like this one, "death and taxes," become rooted in our culture? First, they slide in under the radar; a colloquialism for, where they won't be noticed. It is the noticed part of this that concerns you and I and others. The shocking truth is that all around you reality is changing at an incredible rate, only you aren't noticing it. The Bible is under attack as never before, Christian's are under attack as never before, and, you don't even realize it, but the enemy has taken up a camp in your very heart, and you don't even know it; because you don't have to worry about it, after all, the only thing that is certain are "death and taxes." My my, is it possible that your eyes are being deceived, while you are supposedly observing the very thing, the Bible, that should open them for you?
It was recently a pleasure of mine to speak with a minister about this, to show him a book that I've been studying a bit, it is about the Bible, and I read the Bible every day, as do many of my friends, and they tell me that they do, and I respect that, don't you? But in my case, it isn't that I read the Bible nearly so much as it is that the Bible reads me. Reveals my inner sinfulness that I'd rather not deal with, reveals my inner callous nature that I'd like to try and placate as not being so real, and the Bible exposes the truth of my discipleship and bearing as a follower of Jesus Christ. You see the Bible reads me, like a book, and the truth that the Bible reveals, and the power of Holy Spirit to reveal that truth to me, often by a voice which is always present if I'll shut up long enough to hear that voice; and oft times via a great and wide and loud voice called, others. How about you? Does the Bible read you?
My deeper troubles began with a Prophet that God really moved in miraculous ways, an honest man, and a man who literally asked God about the prophecy that he was giving him, "Then I said, "Ah Sovereign Lord! They are saying of me, "isn't he just telling parables?" (Ezekiel 20:49) I read it, and read it again, and prayed about what it meant, because it is perhaps one of the oddest things I've heard, a prophet who was saying, "God, this is what they are saying of me." When he had to know, full good and well, that God already knew this? Didn't he, wouldn't you think that Ezekiel, one of the mightiest prophets of all, would have known such of God? Read it again, it's odd isn't it?
So I began to pray about this, almost halfway through the prophecy of Ezekiel, it began to come on home, and that my dear friend is what God then began to enlighten me about this mighty, mighty prophecy; you see, I've always believed in my heart that the Bible has many layers of truth. The obvious truth that is easily seen, easily understood, readily makes sense, then yet another layer to it that isn't so easy to see, but if one will open their spiritual eyes, it is there. Jesus said:"Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?" Mar 8:18
Then one day during prayer God revealed to me yet other layers, they had been there all the time, and many Bible scholars had spoken of them, but for the first time, God really began to work with me in seeing the truth when applied, as having many layers to it, from the Bible. |
Proverbs 22:4 - Let's Go A Bit Deeper
Usually in this section I'll post a derivation breakout of the language, if it is Old Testament it is Hebrew, if it is New Testament it is Greek, remember that Jesus spoke Aramaic "the language of the people," one of the best root descriptions of it being, "Aramaic is the ancient language of the Semitic family group, which includes the Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Arameans, Hebrews, and Arabs."[Click here to go to this fascinating page] In this instance we are looking into Proverbs, which is Hebrew, but it is more.
When we discuss a Proverb, it is a "wise saying," it is usually pithy, short and loaded with meaning. But wisdom is hard to get a total track on, each time you believe that you have solved it, you find that you have turned a corner, and now, you are on an entirely different street. The street you left is still there, thank goodness, so every once in a while, one can back track (!) but you've turned the corner to a brand new adventure. Take the example of early morning prayer street, one time a book was shared with me about C.H. Spurgeon who would regularly go to his study at 3 A.M. to pray before going to his office at 8 A.M. to work! Spurgeon's teachings on prayer are related to what he knew of the master, and what he'd learned in prayer, for truly one learns about the power of prayer by God directly as God Himself shows you what prayer is about. So as a young year one pastor I found myself entrenched in a ministry without understanding what it meant to serve the Lord; you might find that shocking, but it's the truth of the matter, I'd no more clue of what it meant to serve the Lord that first year, than in looking back at in hindsight, can I claim to have truly gleaned all God would intend that I should from the experience; but this I know; my prayer life might have been deeper and more like C.H. Spurgeon's, and had it been so, no doubt the result of that year would have been bathed in more people coming to know Christ.
In reading about Spurgeon my first reaction was the modern one, "my goodness where'd he find the strength to do that," since then, however, wisdom has shown me a few other things, as we said, we left Spurgeon boulevard on our knees and crawled around the corner, as it were, to Bounds street. There we met the one who is spoken of as being perhaps, the mightiest prayer warrior of all, E.M. Bound's, who's work on prayer is called the book to read if one wishes to study prayer. "It is impossible for the preacher to keep his spirit in harmony with the divine nature of his high calling without much prayer." Bounds, "Power Through Prayer," pg. 34, gets right to the heart of the issue, and so as you read that, you believe you get it, don't you, seems reasonably well stated, doesn't it, only inside that sentence, as in so many of Bound's sentences, is the powerful dynamic of wisdom, and it shouts to the person who will have ears to hear it, from their eyes which have beheld it, it is one word, do you see it? "Much," is is the word much, for how much prayer is it which will make it possible for a man to honor his high calling to God? Ah there begin the mere first breaths of the questions which are possible in wisdom.
We could spend, and will spend, much more time in prayer together, I believe in written down prayers, that are thought out as they are prayed; and reflected upon after prayer, and listened to from the heart of God, much later, even still. Let us, however, for the moment, take this a bit deeper:
Proverbs 22:4 seems very simple on the face of it, and that is the way that it is with wisdom, it seems simple. Have you ever heard that simple is much more difficult? Any person can be complicated and seem to be intelligent, but it takes a real genius to reduce such to simple. Simple is beauty that has classic ageless wonder in it. Simple is power, and power is a fair representation of what God means in saying through his writer that He is love (1 John 4:8). Simple has to have enormous amounts of thought and reflection poured into it, and yes, simple doesn't happen without prayer.
Imagine Solomon, reflecting back on his life, as he sits there, knowing what the wonder of it all has been, and in his reflection he comes to understand that humility is actually a power, it isn't at all what it seems, it is like love, it is, through God a power! One can become closer to the heart of God through studying what might and wonder are there, we can't understand God, we never will understand God, God is God, His ways are beyond our ways as much so and more than our ways are beyond the way of the Ant, and yet, God declares to us that if we go to the Ant and consider her ways we will learn how not to be a lazy person? (Proverbs 6:6) So imagine Solomon reflecting back over his enormity and he reasons that what he might have had more of was, humility?
There is an entirely necessary further aspect of this Proverb if one is to begin to truly take it a bit deeper. It is the vantage point of the writer, Solomon, for Solomon is looking to God, seeing that God's power is, and always has been, and always will be, therefore, God is different than man, Solomon has realized that his life is coming to it's natural end, is there more for him? Now the first time that one takes this Proverb in, they may not see it, it is a short, as we said, pithy, saying, and so the true depth of it can escape the casual reader of the Bible (if such is possible, to casually read the Bible?) who sees only a singular line in Proverbs. Here, however, is wisdom, to not go quickly through scripture, but to take time, dwell on it, let it enrich your soul, as the same can be said for, prayer, so can it be said for reading and thinking about this magnificent book. So here in Proverbs 22:4 we find a hidden key to the heart of Solomon and the inspired nature of Proverbs.
It is his enlightened choice of the terms, and this term for humility is a fascinating choice, it is the Hebrew עֲנָוָה (`anavah) and it reveals a great deal about inspiration and God and Solomon, let's begin with where else it is used in the Hebrew writings:
Thou hast also given5414 me the shield4043 of thy salvation3468: and thy gentleness6031 6038 hath made me great7235 . | |
The fear3374 of the LORD3068 [is] the instruction4148 of wisdom2451; and before6440 honour3519 [is] humility6038. | |
Before6440 destruction7667 the heart3820 of man376 is haughty1361 , and before6440 honour3519 [is] humility6038. | |
By6118 humility6038 [and] the fear3374 of the LORD3068 [are] riches6239, and honour3519, and life2416. | |
Seek1245 ye the LORD3068, all ye meek6035 of the earth776, which have wrought6466 his judgment4941; seek1245 righteousness6664, seek1245 meekness6038: it may be194 ye shall be hid5641 in the day3117 of the LORD'S3068 anger639. |
Below is a screen shot taken from's site link is listed below it:
click here to go to page |
Non-Christians, I call them heathens to get 'em hot under the collar,
in the hopes that they'll jump my bones, and while they're insulting
me, I can at least engage their demonic thinking. Now most of the
folks that I talk to, just don't see it. My wife thinks I'm an idiot for
even getting into it with them. Most of these dialogues take place
online, in online chat rooms and places such as that; and it's true,
bringing the heat isn't recommended, but on the other hand, if we
all just go along for the joy ride; that seems to me to be Epicurean
and not Christian?
In other words, for example, the other day one
of the big follower heathen's (This means that better
than a thousand people at a pop get the word that
this person has put something out...)ran a cartoon
where Jesus was on the cross as Popeye. He needed his
spinach in order to help save the world.
Now, this cartoon ran in many magazines, if you
really know about the blood of Christ, it oh so offends you. My own
blood just boils at stuff like that, but here is what I said to the
heathens, "Wow, a cartoon, well, the arts OK, it's just a shame
for them because they really don't know who they are messin' with."
That is a fact Jack, they don't, and that's largely because those
of us who do fear God, are not willing to risk
a little conflict with the heathens to let them know how goofy
they really are; to risk playing with God, sense of humor or not.
It's like when sometimes a carnal Christian is letting me know
how badly I suck for listening to Jesus much as I can, instead
of playing in their carnal land; and, guess what, sometimes I just
laugh and say, "well, if you aren't careful I'm gonna have to take
that one to Dad." But inside my heart is breaking at their disregard
for the power of God and the Love of Christ that they do not
reflect at all, to a world that is lost and steadily getting further lost.
On the other hand, if you aren't really tight with Christ, when
the hellish powers of this world let loose on you, it will be
tough, count on it, most of those powers will come not from
the hell side, they will come from the church itself being used
by Satan against the very witnesses it should support. Any
of you doubt that just look at Franklin Graham and what he
is going through...unbelievable.
The Proverbs we study each day are designed in no small detail
to let you know that God is God; you might not believe this, but
back in the day when much of the Proverbs was put together,
there was actually some talk about there being other God's,
imagine that, other God's? Just imagine a people who had
time enough to sit around and create some Gods that they
figured were it? Just imagine someone saying, "well ya know
the river gives us water, water makes crops, so without
that water? We know the Sun is a God, obviously we can see
it shining every day, but, the river, well, the river is also
a God, but under the bigger God the sun." Wow where does
such thinking come from?
Sure glad today we don't look at someone who has
billions and say, "well they sure know what they
are doing." In our heart we give them creed
that God doesn't, but we do, and let's be honest, is that how
Jesus would want us to be? The old God creating argument
that people make, do you think it died, because it seems to
me its just broader and changed names? We no longer
believe that God heals, but we do believe you better go to
the doctor? Now I'm obviously not saying don't go to a
doctor, but who prays before they do? If God spoke
into your heart and said, "eat a Peach, before you go."
Would you stop and do it?
Come on, get real, want to know why people aren't
coming to Christ, why should they- they don't see
a dimes bit of difference in the people who are
trying to sell them the dollar God and their
own miserable lives, so why bother? Folks we can continue
to act like we haven't lost our God, but I'd be willling to
bet - and I'd win this one, that if someone came before
the church today, desperate, on the edge of taking their
own life and said, "we've got to have enought money
to save our home, can you please take up a special
offering to do that." What do you think would happen?
Here is what I think would happen, the people would
get past their shock, and they'd take up an offering,
I believe they would, but here is what I also know...
many would not be able to contribute, and some of
those honestly would like to, but couldn't, and, some
who had the means, wouldn't, and that is because they
believe that they're church should act and function
a certain way, and when it doesn't, they just won't
have anything to do with it. Tell me what you think?
Proverbs 21:13 will be at bottom...latest entries
will be entered first...we're gonna get this organized
one of these days... -Dana
Hatred Against God - 3 A.M. writings -
Some of the so called challengers to our thinking adaption to faith might actually take a swing at this, and that would be so enjoyable; but it's doubtful, most of what they consider worth looking at is to a much wider audience. One of the video clips that I love watching is when Richard Dawkins, who pretty much heads up the vocal atheist movement that I'm aware of; is speaking at Lynchburg 10/23/06 and it's included here because it's interesting what he says about the external, in regard to the question- listen and see what you think:
Notice that he refers her to an external locus, an external set of proofs- well isn't that interesting- in that next we would have to ask something about the historical imperatives involved?
Notice that he doesn't really answer the question, he actually counters with a couple of statements about the question being absurd as a question, which to a Christian that question isn't absurd at all, but notice that in his technique is the counter question about whether we are wrong or not? Consider that the reason that someone as learned as he takes that course is so that he doesn't move into a discussion of the reality of the Christ- it's there where the real crux issues begin to unfold. And it is there where Jesus told us that the issues would be- think about it. Paul said that the grave of Christ is a focal point- Jesus said that in this time, right now; when people have no faith, that they would turn to this technique He, Christ pointed it out exactly-
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. | |||
¶ | And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; | ||
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. |
You see a Richard Dawkins is a master craftsman at what he does, he takes the issue which is a question which is a faith based question which really can only be answered with - if I'm wrong I'll burn in Hell- that's an answer- that's a correct answer- Jesus said that would be the way that men would look however, not to truth about the realith of it all, but where-
"Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." |
So that to the Richard Dawkins of this world, they are now turning to a reality that isn't going to be able to accomplish for them, what they'd like. They would like to escape Hell without ponying up to the responsibility of getting under the yoke of Christ to prevent Hell on earth- literally, turning the world into a cinder. You see ultimately the evil that is capacited in man has come about not by proper science, but by the ill gotten gain associated with science. It is not sciences fault that greedy war mongers grab hold of atomic power and twist it to their use? That isn't sciences fault anymore than science as a practice can create ( it can't, by the way, create- it can only discover- as science is the practice of defining from observation that which you will build questions to test and verify about!). What the young lady in the video asked Mr. Dawkins, deserved a better response from one so learned- and yet, note the crowds response?
I think of the kings who surrounded Jerusalem in the times of Nehemiah- how they shouted insults at the people to try and scare them into not rebuilding the wall. And how- today, that wall still stands. Yes Jerusalem is the center of the stage, as it has always been, which is what God said would take place, which given the enormity of the world, does not make sense when you consider the size of Jerusalem? Think about it, Jerusalem is a tiny city dot on the map of the world, and yet, that tiny dot will cause the world to fly into war such as never has been seen. That is what Christ told us would happen, and it is, beyond any explanation which makes any sense at all, Jerusalem will be the epicenter of what takes place- and therein is one of the prime proofs to me that Christ is exactly who He says He is- you can't prophecy that particular style of history unless you've seen it, in the way that Christ did. If you listen carefully to Jesus's eschatological arguments, discourses about the "end times," you will hear in there the voice of one who saw Nehemiah- and the able men standing in the city that would still exist in His time on earth, because they stood there (get your mind around that one) and then Christ ties that vision into what he says about the coming of the Son of Man, as an end times event! You don't talk that way unless you've seen it. It's like He is talking about a past event- while also speaking of a future event, and while also describing what would take place for Him as the sacrifice- and what we, as His followers would have to endure- listen as Jesus says:
Mat 5:12 | Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great [is] your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. |
So really it becomes impossible to consider the Nehemiah historical fact of Jerusalem standing, the reality of the day we live in, atheism becoming so prevalent; and the reality of the great men of God such as James C. Taylor, whom it was my honor to know, and now remember, his great teachings and great understanding of Jesus- without going into the eschatological teachings of Christ. It is at times like these that my heart so wants to let young people know, now is the time to follow Christ and really learn of His enormous teachings, with youth there is the great minds which can learn Hebrew, with which I struggle and Greek, with which I struggle, but which languages and times contain so much of the rich depth of scriptural study which as a young man I neglected, nevertheless we shall endeavor to work through this great teaching together if you will. I certainly do appreciate your spending your time reading this work with me.
Atheists fail to consider, it seems to me, the actual history that they should, and in many instances, do know, and in many instances, do caustically deny. It is actually at some point amusing to see this happen as it is precisely what Jesus said would take place.
Proverbs 21:13
The intent on this page is to sometimes look a bit deeper
into the possible meanings of what is written in the scriptures-
so in most instances we will try our very best to stick
to the original language as translated on the site that
we use which is The reason that I
make use of that site doesn't have a lot to do with
really deep theological reasoning, it's just a nice easy
site for me to use, and the translation tools that they
use are pretty stout- so, you have to trust someone
unless you read the original scrolls yourself- which
is rare, isn't it? Now that's already a mouthful of deep
but it's gonna get better- right away, here it comes-
see, Proverbs 21:13 talks about the poor- indeed- is it
a poor person who cannot read the Hebrew? Poor
in the sense that they cannot get it, even when they
try- now- low be it for them, therefore, to believe that
they are somehow better than pious because God
chose to deliver them in the same fashion as someone
who can. OK- that's a starting place, here is a screen
shot of the translated Hebrew for Proverbs 21:13 and
we will get into some questions underneath that.
So it is that we come to points which bear looking
into- not the least of which is, what did a Hebrew
mean nearly 6 thousand years ago, roughly speaking,
when he said the term "dai" ? Here is the crux of the
problem- does anyone alive today- know this? There
is a chance that a modern day Bedouin- might have
a fair chance at getting close to what they might have
meant- back then. Is it dangerous to suppose? My
feeling is- that you lose consistency and you lose
integrity when you suppose- on the other hand- if
what you are after is a clean exegete- rather than
to be putting your ideas into it, well, one must do
some supposing in trusting a source translator- so
the literal meaning is densely cloaked in history-
but we have fair approximation and that gets us
close to the meaning. In the picture of the languge
is a weak lip, or one who cannot speak strong- as
if to say, from a position of strength- and this very
much gets at the heart of what we were saying about
whether we choose to hear a person who is poor?
Seems we were very close to right even before we
looked at the literal- what do you think about that?
__________________END Proverbs 21:13
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