Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Word Up - Oh Yeah...

It is unseemly, arrogant perhaps, even crude; to brag on yourself.
We don't like people who do that, and we don't usually
even like ourselves when we do. We don't like bragging,
unless, we think it is earned. This earned thing with us
is unique to humans. If you agree comment so, if you don't
agree, let us know why. But first read this quickee article
and get a little background on that statement

Now bounce that comment in ...everybody is wanting to see it...

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Did You See That?

Remember to check this blogs sponsor

A lady at church told me the other day that I was making too many comments in Sunday School, that I was, "taking over the class." Now that's interesting, guess it means we are supposed to come into the Sunday school class and sit - quietly, not commenting, not objecting, not thinking? Wow wouldn't that be something...Guess what she doesn't get is that, that isn't going to happen with me, and it really doesn't matter who would suggest it. Here's why; my mouth isn't wired that way, when it comes to my brain, only part of the wiring was completed and so usually, before I get my foot out of my mouth, it's opened up, and "Shazzam" I've gone and asked another one of those questions, or made another one of those comments...or made someone feel like I was trying to show off or take over the class. Thank goodness that other defenders of the good news of the gospel weren't like that! Thank goodness that all through the Bible we have people who keep their mouths shut and rather than stand out, SIT DOWN and SHUT UP...Oh, oh, wait a sec...that's not quite how it is it? Well durn...guess I'll have to stand guilty of shouting GRACE of GOD at the top of my lungs...and forever I shall always remain, Christ's servant. "Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" ...yeah I must be...forgiving, right? Keep smilin' and keep prayin' ...believe me, I need those prayers. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Total Darkness

There was a time when CLICK HERE such as this would have been known only on their side of the world. Notice how the world is still today, divided by this interesting dimension we call, time. Notice how time, is related to, something which we call, place. Notice how place is relative to where you are right this instant- reading this. Now realize NONE OF THAT MEANS A THING TO GOD, He is Omnipresent, that is, everywhere, always. That's what He, God, told Moses: NIV - Exd 3:5 -
“Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” So why do you think God had him take off the sandles?

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

If It Is Meant To Be

We've all heard that, and some folks actually have it in their heads that this is Christian. Now while we're thinking on that, let's just ask ourselves one simple question, what does meant to be mean? It means that you wouldn't have a choice about it, doesn't it? But isn't the reason that everything happened the way that it did, from the Ram in the bush, to the cross, about you having the free will to not love God? Isn't your free will to love God, something you count on? Aren't we all sinners? Do we do that because we mean it, or do we usually not even realize we have, until we have? You tell me, it's just a question that I think we have wrong, my sense is that we have free will so that we can love God, without that, how can we?

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Friday, July 17, 2009

WOW Experience

Ever feel just overwhelmed with an awesome site? It just grabs you and makes your eyes move and groove with it? Thanks to an artist amongst us, this morning I was allowed to do that, and it was so freeing. On that site was this athlete's prayer, truly this is what my wish would be also, how about you? If you twitter visit her my sense is you'll be glad you did

The Athlete's Prayer
God, let me play well but fairly.
Let competition make me strong but never hostile.
In this and in all things, guide me to the virtuous path.
If I know victory, grant me happiness;
If I am denied, keep me from envy.
See me not when I am cheered, but when I bend to help my opponent up.
Seal it in my heart that everyone who takes the field with me becomes my sister.
Remind me that sports are just games.
Teach me something that will matter once the games are over.
And if through athletics I set an example – let it be a good one.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Headline Making Type Style

There is a major difference between thinking and being.

When you think about what you would like to do, and what you do, if there is a big
difference between them, you may be caught in the differential of being versus
thinking. One flows from the other, the ideal is when the direction is thought,
then being, unfortunately, what sometimes happens is being, then thought.
I'd say think about it...but...

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