Many years ago a man sat doing what essentially I am doing, but he was very, very much more dedicated, and in my humble opinion, a much deeper spiritual man than myself. Why do I say that, because, he sat with his heart, and his Bible, and his knowledge and worked day in, day out, with little more than a pen, and in 1912
Dr. James Stalker, D.D.; wrote "The Life of St. Paul," Dr. Stalker didn't have my modern means of referencing; looking up data, finding historical records, or the nearly hundred years of Archeology to fall back on, which I have today; and I'd be willing to bet, he didn't write it from an air-conditioned room such as the one my three computers are housed in. Dr. Stalker worked with the American Tract Society, and wrote this master work, which God blessed me to find in a small Texas town; Jefferson Texas, some know it as the antique land of Texas; I don't know it except to say it's quaint, really wonderful in terms of antique finds, and loaded with books like this one; except this one, isn't an update, or a republication, it's a first rights copyrighted 1912 original. It's almost one hundred years old, and God blessed me to have it in my hands on that hot summer day when he directed my wife to take me "antiquing," whatever that is. "Oh c'mon Dana," she was wanting to go next door to the one with all the piano's in it, "lets go over there." But something, catch that, something told me..."wait, hold on, look closer." As I did, I saw this brown, faded paper book sitting there, and then I noticed in the faded binding "St. Paul," and that, did it. As I picked it up I said "ya know honey, I don't know if we can afford this one, but I'd sure like to try it." She noted to cost, frowned only a little and said, "oh I think you'll want to read this one..." On pages 142 and 143 of that work is one of the most eloquent renderings of the trial of Paul I've ever read,
would you like to see it,
click here.
Everything that we have in our modern lives doesn't work for the spirit of God; what happens is just the opposite- our luxury makes us complacent, and right now, we're at a time when we have so much luxury in America that it's ridiculous how high up the quality of life scale we've moved; and how far down the quality of spiritual life scale we've managed to crawl. I dare say that men like Dr. Stalker knew Christ at a level and way that I've got to strive to reach, and every simplification of the process which isn't directly oriented to Jesus, doesn't bring me closer but more distant, and further at ease. We are asleep and unafraid, we should be wide awake on guard and scared - we think that we know what the revealing of God's love in Christ on Patmos to John is all about, but I'd be willing to bet, we're too comfortable to really see the truth of it; we're sleeping too soundly, eating too much, exercising too little and way too comfortable; we even think that God's impressed with us- oh God loves us, of that there is no doubt, but don't think for an instant that we have it ironed out, and that faith isn't grown by testing, else you've missed some of the real truths of following a savior who didn't spare His blood to save your soul, expect he less from us? Where are the sermons of discomfort from the Jonathan Edward's of our day warning us that it is a "fearful thing, to fall into the hands of a living God." (Hebrew 10:31)
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