Thursday, April 1, 2010

It Got Messy Fast

 We were all milling around, not really sure what to do, we'd seen wrecks before, but now we were in it.  At 75 miles per hour we'd been hit and then pushed into the car in front of us on the freeway, and so the wreck had occurred at 70 plus miles per hour.  We were hurt, but amazingly, not killed.  What you do is, you move to the side of the road, so oncoming cars don't hit you, you start...praying, as you shake.  You can see it, can't you.  It got messy fast.  Passover was a high time in worshiping God, it was a time of great love, and a time of great fear - God had shown that the firstborn of an entire kingdom, could be killed in one evening.  So much death, brought so much misery; and yet, from that, Israel was allowed to leave the enslavement that itself was misery beyond description.  So it is with the Passover as Jesus changes everything, forever; the cup which was the announcement of preparedness to leave; He said, was His blood, poured out as a sacrifice for our sins.  The bread, eaten in haste, with no leaven, no "corruption of yeast," which the desert heat could destroy a man with; eaten in a hurry for Israel, Jesus changed forever as He proclaimed; "this is my body, broken for you, eat this, in remembrance of me." From there, it got messy, fast.  We don't realize sometimes, how when a person comes to know Jesus, it can get messy fast.  They come out of a life that is run by sin, for sin, and in sin, to a life which is seeking after Jesus and His righteousness; they will have a time of it, and it will get messy fast - so can't we, sometimes, be a little bit more understanding about why they might not get all the "stuff," they're supposed to?  You and I are very fortunate in that we know Jesus, and know of His saving power; for them however, the choices are all fresh; and, it gets messy fast.

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