Friday, April 30, 2010

Experiment - No - It Is Not

Science, (which you may know as computer science, or biological science, or DNA genetics, or medicine; there are many branches to science; would you agree with that- science), dominates our lives today.  Without the technology which makes our lives what they are, we are in real trouble.  We have become so dependent upon the technology that we don't resist the scientific influence into other areas of our lives.  For example, relationships, if they (watch this) "don't work," that is a scientific statement, it is treating the holy relationship of people, whether it is love or simply respect for each other; it is treating that relationship as a hypothesis, so that it is broken into two pieces- one works, the other doesn't, and if it "doesn't work?"  What happens is like a petri dish with bad culture, the relationship gets tossed out, that's about as involved as some people are in the most intimate of all relationships, love.  While we hypocritically and ridiculously sit back and wonder why relationships, marriages, friendships, and families are falling into pathos and destruction, it should be, to use a scientific analogy - obvious.  When you start to look at the way that you love or don't love, relate or don't relate, respect or don't respect, and you have to examine them; like bugs under a microscope- you are in trouble- feelings aren't manageable as such, and we aren't an experiment.  Loving God is not an experiment- when you love God you will love everyone else, as well, if you don't, then John's question about "how can you love God, who you can't see, if you don't love your brother, who you can?"
(1 John 4:20)  Becomes even more pragmatically a point- being in love with God happens for you, it is not something you generate, so if it isn't a part of your life, if you don't love God and love others- you need to take care of that, first. 
First love God, the rest of your life 
in walking with God will follow as it should. 

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Different Ways

Different - there you have it, if you are different, are you the sort of different where somebody wants to take you out back and school you with their best intellect -OR, are you the kind of different where people say, "yes I get that, that makes sense."  See the difference?  The difference will always be there, especially if you follow Jesus, you will find yourself being at odds with something, that's just how the worldly system will happen to a person who follows close bye the will of the Lord Jesus.  How you handle that being at odds, determines how people will react to the Jesus they see in you.  Now sometimes, we've all got to admit, folks aren't seeing a really nice Jesus, are they?  But many times, you'd be surprised, if you even open your mouth about Christ, you'll be stepping outside the norm by quite a bit of difference from those who talk about politics, world wars and wars that are happening, and the latest disease scare, and the latest media hyped fear- those are what folks normally discuss, so if you are talking and living as one who is at peace with the world and at peace with Jesus, guess what, you'll be different alright, so, here it comes, you knew it was there, right?  Sure, are you different?

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Do Not Ignore

We live in a time where information is all over the place; we have instant news, cellular photo and recording that goes out instantly, we have "the web." So what we have is instant satiation of curiosity. This one is going to be so different from anything you've ever heard before, that you might want to share it with someone else - see, here is what folks don't understand about the instant generation, they have very little curiosity. Think about that a while and you will see that the factor of curiosity that is fundamental is the imaginative process whereby the curious must obtain information about what they are curious about. As the curiosity increases, so does the interest, but as the interest is satiated, the curiosity goes down, and so does the interest. The result is, boredom. Look around at how the generation behind yours looks at life, you will see this happening, we are being conditioned not to question. Just as we are being fed literal poison in our food
supply (see "Food Inc." to get that one...I dare you)and we are being stripped of family foundations to support each other in love (over half of all marriages end in year one divorces)and world wide we are being conditioned to believe that leaders aren't operating in our best interest (ask people if they think politicians are interested in truth or votes?)- at this moment in history we have a generation which is becoming comfortably numb to it all. If you had a friend who was taking poison; literally taking pills that were made of poison, and they'd taken three, and five was the dose that would end their life- would you try to stop them from taking those other two? Will you...

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not Accountability - Life

There has been in the last few years a drastic change in Christian thinking and feelings, a drastic distancing from the warmth of the Body of Christ, flesh intermixed with the Holy Spirit of God, toward, groupthink and standardized behaviors.  More psychology than spirituality; and yet, in it's danger, is also the very thing that must be the solution to much of what we have allowed to happen.  It is not about being accountable, that's a term that a jailer uses when they are making sure the inmates are in the right cell!  Rather it is about surrendered life, the giving over of ones will to the only King one needs to willingly serve.  Now don't think this is semantics, because at the very heart of God is a want for those who should love Him to understand both His mercy and grace, neither of which are present when someone demands to know why you haven't done what you were supposed to do- that's not life in Christ, that's bondage in Egypt!  For all those who believe the law of God is immutably the way- my suggestion would be to wonder at why Jesus and the disciples consistently are shown ministering on the Sabbath- surely it's occurred to you - they ministered all the time- the point of the Holy Spirit inspiring those first writers of the Gospel was pure - God isn't about a bunch of rules you make up to be obeyed- God is about faith, in Him, which you can't get by staying in a confined box of defined laws- you get faith in God by listening to His loving voice, by reading His loving word, by coming to understand His Heart and doing - doing - doing what love will have you to do; thus you do not become accountable, you become, a life lived in love!

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Doing Right

In the time when Jesus ministered the lives in the villages were being ruined by two branches of community life leadership.  Poor religious, to non-existent religious leadership, the people kept their mind to God because they spoke of, remembered in song and tales, their God and His actions; but the leaders, were fast becoming paid enforcement officials of "what ought to be done," note that difference, it is as if though they knew.  The second life leading force that was against the people was the government in which they were held, Israel, was captive to Rome; and Rome was, watch this one, overtaxing them, abusing them by use of the law to their disadvantage; and terrorizing them to live in fear of the power of the enforcement of the Roman Law (Pax Romana).  One Pastor has said that America seems a lot like that today?  In my humble opinion America today looks more like another nation, France, prior to the revolution therein, we have many of the characteristics world wide, of that period of time; but doing right, well, it's just not considered as it ought to be.  Jesus burst upon that time, and in that, many have examined His ministry, His teaching, His miracles, His sacrifice; and have overlooked something which is large scale, the times themselves.  When what is right becomes wrong in its doing, when what is good is seen as bad, the times are becoming close at hand when Christ might return.  He said it would be soon.  A coach that I know was recently vilified personally and professionally when he insisted that his players must achieve grades in learning to play sports under him.  Those of us who understand the value of education cheered this decision, but many did not, what was right was viewed by many as wrong?  Laws are now being bent not for the right, but for the wrong?  Recently in America we watched generations of money being abused by banks- taken advantage of - and in the process our nation weakened, and yet, for that wrong, nothing was done?  Our leaders are seldom, now, perceived as being trustworthy?  We who claim to know Christ do indeed have a lot to do, don't we? 

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Monday, April 26, 2010


"Don't make a major production out of it,"  ever hear that one, or, "it's not that big of a deal," you may have heard it put that way?  Those are both ways of trying to get a person to see that something that they believe is important, may be to them, but it's not to, you, or perhaps, generally to others and you're aware of that.  We also call this a "common sense," approach to things; which I like Zig Ziglar's statement, "there is nothing common about common sense."  And like so many things Ziglar says, that one is based in the Bible, and yes you are right, Proverbs, see, and you thought you weren't catching on- give yourself a little credit; maybe it's a bigger deal than you realize?  What's that you ask, that's a bigger deal than you realized?  Why your life, the time that God's given you to achieve, to grow, to manifest, to accomplish, maybe that's a bigger deal than you realized it was?  If you haven't read Sarah Palin's autobiographical sketch, "Going Rogue," you owe yourself a good read, and this one I couldn't put down for four hours- it's a fantastic set of truths, a realistic statement by a person who is a leader; and frankly, she is a talented writer; not to mention she'd make a fantastic President of these United States; and she just might be the next President of these United States, which might get us back on track as she did for her state of Alaska as Governor.  When Sarah was mayor of an Alaskan community; she did not see herself where she is- she saw the work, did the work, served the people with diligence, but God, who Sarah unashamedly believes in; had other plans for her life.  God has plans for your life as well, and they will happen- if you can find out where God intends that; you might be able to help with the production of your big life- because that's what it is, a big life given to you from God.  What a gift!

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Friday, April 23, 2010

So Simple

Have you ever noticed how it is that the things that you don't want to have happen, happen?  Ever notice how when you really need something, it's just not gonna be there?  Ever hear the statement "events are spiraling out of control?"Ever wonder why that was?  Something happened the other day that has rocked my thinking on the subject of life- and I want to pass it on to you.  It began with a webinar by best selling author Jack Canfield, "Chicken Soup For The Soul"- in that webinar he said that
Events + Response = Outcome-  how we respond to events; is the outcome of our life.  There it was, the connection - I'd always known in my heart that metaphysics was right, but the language that they use, sometimes doesn't fit a Christian perspective- nevertheless, I knew they are right- and there it was, the connecting point!  How we respond to events determines the outcome of our lives.  So simple, and yet, it now seems, this may be why Jesus was so often up in the early morning hours praying...Ah, you weren't ready for the twist were you, see it's about adversarial thinking, which is how to really win at life.  Jesus ministry, all of my teachers have taught me, was His doing, His sacrifice, the Bible says that, and so; is it possible that early in the morning, as Jesus prepared to go out and do what He knew He was going to accomplish that day- that He prayed for strength to go against the adversary, overcome the adversary, and win victory against this opposing force, Satan?  Is that possible? So lets take it one step further for us as Christian's, do we have an opposing force that we need to consider and do we(?), or, have we been blinded to the real danger of not being aware of this adversary, Satan?  So that if today you would think of the many things which you intend to accomplish, then briefly consider what an adversary might try to do to spoil such efforts, make them harder than they need to be, and waste your strength fighting against that rather than the actual doing of your life today, mightn't that change our prayers just a touch?  This is the part of the model prayer that is just now hitting home..."and lead us not into temptation - but- deliver us from evil." Is it possible we might find our prayer and our Christian lives becoming even more vital were we to remember this?

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

You'd do what?

Dr. Covey called it "the collective dialogue of the deaf," meaning, blissfully unaware of the problems, we strive through life never coming to grips with life, until, life is over.  We listen but don't hear; see but don't look, we are involved but not intensely so; until it's a crisis, and the list goes on and on. You know that the problem is that this is true of us; we love God, so long as, God isn't bugging us to change.  We're thankful for the earnest gift of the Holy Spirit, so long as, we don't have to respond to conscience?  We respect Jesus, so long as, Jesus doesn't ask us to forgive in a way which is not only costly to our human ego, but downright difficult to our pride.  Oh we have tons of them, don't we- only in the end, the only person we've fooled is us; God isn't like us, we don't fool Him.  Wouldn't it be interesting if at the start of each new day we not only expressed to God what we appreciated, thanking God for what He has already done for us that day, but also, what God might create if He knew we were willing cooperatives for the adventure?

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Revolutionary Idea

How do you see God?  Your view of God really is the determining factor in whether you have anything to say about God or not.  Do you live as if though God is real?  Do you love and forgive, donate, sacrifice in behalf of those who have less than you, as if though God exists?  Do you uplift, pray for, support, encourage and treat your fellow God believers, as if though, God exists?  If you don't, do you believe God exists? Do you believe- really believe, God is real?  If God is real, and you don't live as if though you believe God is real, then do you really believe God is real?  Simple isn't it- but this revolutionary idea is still kicking the tales of those who want to lie about what they really feel - who want to hide behind false statements, false actions, guarded notions of inner hatreds which they refuse to turn loose of, and the worst of all possible things that can happen to a person who believes they believe in God- live as if though God isn't real at all.  How do you see God?  My viewpoint is a very simple one, God, in the form of Jesus the Son, is coming back, He is going to return, Christ is going to return- He will conquer the earth as a reigning King- the suffering servant appearance was a couple thousand years back in history- this next occurence of Jesus Christ the King is coming.  Based on what the world is looking like lately- banks can't be trusted, governments can't be trusted, leaders can't be trusted, the earth itself is becoming more volcanic, more shaky with earthquakes and inside families are breaking up faster than they are staying together (think about it, if more than 50% of Christian marriages end before year one- who is staying married?), parents aren't loving their kids who are rebelling in monstrous ways against their parents, and not returning to loveless homes- you tell me- isn't that the world that Christ said we'd see when He was fixin' to come back?  How do you see God?

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh...It's true alright...

  Some of the worst natural and man made disasters have all occured in a very short frame of time, within the decade the amount of, and, severity of these events should be alerting Christian's to passages of the Bible which talk about them.  But let's get outside the box for a just a few moments together, I think you may find this least, like the usual stuff you read here, I'd be willing to bet it's gonna challenge your current thinking, a bit; good chance of that, isn't there?
  Suppose you were capable of analyzing things in a different more advanced way, than say, the most advanced statistical analyst which has all the computational skills available to them in todays world; where the evidences of degrees of intervention, probable results in measured statistical normative values less than millionths in probable certainty; suppose you were capable of that, would you warn people of what was coming?  What if your enemies, the ones who hated you worse than they hated losing their own lives, think about that amount of dedication to taking your life, stopping your truth, suppose you were up against that?  Would you still find a way to get the news to the ones who so desperately needed it?

Outlandish as it may seem, have you ever wondered about the method that God puts into play, rather than the play itself?  Oh my, let me make that one very, very clear to you, as it is, indeed, seldome referenced.  The method- fire from a mountain top - the play, how we as humans must relate to God who is above what we are, He, God, created us.  See the example clearly?  Let's do another, the method, allow judgeships in a land where judging is by the all powerful Himself, but allow it- method.  The play, how to preserve the identity of a nation within more powerful nations who take them.   See the example yet?  The method - pull a human into the divine, take them to a realm where everything is beyond anything they have ever or will ever experience, with metals and constructs, and devices and ways, ways of acting and dressing and being; which have not yet occured - the play, reveal to man what is coming.  Wonder not so much at the play itself, for in that is revealed some interesting and dynamic parts of faith, but step back for a moment and think about what the method says, the method in itself, and guess what you'll see? 
So let's go for the really intriguing one...
history - the method, oh my,
and the play is...well; you guessed it...

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To Know

One of the politically correct statements which has emerged in business is "well, going forward, let's," and then some curt statement is added about what it is that the politic cop thinks you did incorrectly that they'd like you to correct.  It is insulting and demeaning to humanity the way that modern business is conducted- and it's because of the way that greedy and egotistical people who were interested not in the general good of those the managed, but in their own avarice, conducted business.  The years of people being treated badly which resulted in thousands upon thousands of mistreatment law actions, because they were necessary, suddenly created a Tsunami of legal actions which resulted from those preceding years.  The result of this carnival of the bizarre immoral is the current backlash called "political correctness," wherein the very ways in which people talk are controlled by policy.  It is beyond imagination, Jesus called it, "hypocritical," and He was right.  When it gets to the point that you can't talk to a person like a person anymore because policy won't allow it - you have become a machine and not a person.  That is the present world climate for standards in operating procedure.  Anyone doubt that?  So you tell me - how far off the path of righteous communication is being forced to; coerced to, state things a certain way to satisfy a standard of proper conduct established by the government?

Think these aren't the end times(!) - 
I'd say "think again," if it weren't politically incorrect.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Finest Presentation on the Trinity - Ever

Don't you just love humble folks- I do, people who have their heart locked into other people, they really blow my mind- because their concern isn't for them, it's for others. Those people seem close to Jesus to me- one of them is a person that it's been my pleasure to know, and she was given a pretty difficult task by her pastor- "teach the Trinity." She took it on, and let me tell you, in seminary, my first preaching assignment, as Dr. Taylor lovingly laughed, with that twinkle in his eye, was, "now you preacher boys here wanna really listen, 'cause brother Richardson is gonna straighten us out on the Trinity." His eyes twinkled with real joy, because he knew, I was going in fast and cocky- to deliver the model description which Anselm had popularized- and which during the evenings teaching - discussion, it was my pleasure to hear an elder of the church go into, yet again.  But my friend, my humble friend, she serves Christ well in teaching us about the Trinity - for in the mystery beyond any others is locked a very real historical secret that if my friend had read one of the authors we've discussed here, Karen Armstrong, then she would have gained this strange insight about God- that a single God, a monotheistic God, rather than the Samaria numerous God's, was the real presentation of His interjection into history, and therefore, the Trinity is a completely new and totally diverse and creative existence in the thinking and concepts of man, whom God enlightens as to His existence.  My friend did an absolutely superb job of maintaining the scriptural correct presentation of the Trinity- for which she must be commended as having done a wonderful work, and one which is memorable- and certainly to bring into such a discussion the depth of a historical concept that man is the one who has trouble envisioning God, not the other way around- well, it's a point that can- or cannot- be made, it doesn't add or detract from the wonder that is the Trinity.  Here is perhaps what someone might consider a linear approach to seeing the Trinity.  In this image, God is pointed to by the Holy Spirit on earth, and the Holy Spirit points to Christ on earth, in heaven, there is God; and in heaven the three, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God never disagree, and they all are one in Heaven, as God.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Your Test

We spoke yesterday of the test about love and the Body of Christ; how you did on that exam, tells you a lot, you see it is between you and God where you stand with the Body of Christ, but it is between you and the world where it will stand for eternity.  Loving without presence, isn't loving.  One of my associates heard someone say, "Love people use things, don't use things and love people," but when asked where that quote came from, in other words the presence, they didn't know- Dr. Covey, whom it's been my thrilling pleasure to have met on two occasions, both unannounced and both, without getting his autograph, but by meeting him, he allowed me to move into his presence.  Dr. Covey brought that, to love people, use things; to everyone's attention when he was explaining to them that they needed to expand the fences that guarded their hearts in their lives.  Dr. Covey uses a famous story about the man who gets on the subway train on Sunday morning in New York, who has five kids with him, and the kids are just running around getting crazy with the passengers; so much so that Dr. Covey feels like he needs to say something and eventually does, "Couldn't help but notice your children," and as he was getting ready to talk about controlling them the man said, "yeah we just came from the hospital where their mother died," he began to tear up, "and I guess I just don't know what to do with them, or myself."  Dr. Covey said instantly his compassion changed, his heart and love changed.  Presence - we have to have the presence of those we love, love doesn't work without presence; it can last, as an eternal emotion, but without presence you won't like it- love needs contact, contact makes sense to a person about concern, concern connects the person to love, love requires connection.  Dr. Covey in "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," pointed out that contact and presence are what impacts upon lives.  Did Jesus know this- and use this?  My goodness yes...check out the scripture page for today and you'll see our Lord was a master at making and keeping contact for connection for love.  Love someone today!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Assemble together- yes indeed!

Ever take a test where you got an A, but you knew good and well that one of your answers was incomplete? It may seem hard to believe, have you ever been asked a question that you thought you knew the answer to, so you gave it, and it was right, but later, you realized, the answer was not totally right, even though it satisfied the question? This is the harder aspect of what we are walking in today, as Christian's, we're being fooled into believing we are doing what is right, that we are following Christ, but what's happening is we are being led along a path that is not the path Christ wants us, Christian's to take, and the way that we know this is two fold - 1) Does the path you are taking agree with Jesus teaching in the New Testament- and - 2) When you listen very carefully in your prayer time, does the still small voice confirm it? The test you see, of Christianity is conflict, any time that anything conflicts with Christianity, that conflict is a measure of the follower-ship - test one- Did Christ encourage His disciples to stay together as a group? When you prayerfully lift that up to the Father in heaven, who sits on the judgment seat which He as God has a right to, what does the still small voice whisper into your soul? Should you pay attention to gathering together with those who believe as you do, as often as a family you are able to? If you ignore that voice of the right path, you do so at your own peril. But much, much larger, is the peril to the Body of Christ itself.
Pride - it isn't being handled properly by those who occupy the highest positions of honor - except in rare occasions, where they get it right- there is nothing wrong with proper pride, at all- self righteousness, on the other hand is both stupid and deadly. There, that's pretty simple isn't it- the deal is this, if you aren't meeting each chance you get to assemble with the Body of believers you identify with- your out of fellowship and your love for the Body of Christ is dying and it's only a matter of time before your part of the Body of Christ will be completely deceived and dead. Choose to be smart and assemble any chance you can with like minded Christian's who follow Jesus, and lift them up, and let them lift you up, because if you don't, you will find the food you are eating from the world, is not the bread of life, and you will starve to death, as Satan cheers your dying body. Was that direct enough? Someone stupidly said to me, "well I don't believe we have to be in the church every time the doors are open," to which the only truth is, don't you love your family? Don't you want to be with those you love? Isn't the love of each other, the importance of each other being promoted there? Truth is...while preaching a false doctrine of concern for the lost- emphasizing the wrong values of Christ, what has happened is a loss of love among the brethren- exemplified by a total lack of concern about where the brothers (and sisters) are, what they are doing, and what they are needing- these facts of walking with Christ have been removed from the love of the Body of Christ, right under your eyes and heart, as a member of that Body, you've allowed your own love to wax cold, your own support to become shallow and the love that should be so pronounced among the Christ followers that the world would flock to see it in action, as they did when Jesus put it into force, as they did when Peter and Paul and John and Mark and Matthew and James, and Silas, and Barnabas; Oh Barnabas, Steven and others who were powerful in the love of Christ, when they preached their lives brought people to see the love- today; the Body of Christ is losing that love, prove me wrong in church assembled this evening; or prove to yourself where your real love is at!

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The day is coming when you and I won't look nor act like we do now- we will essentially be what we are, but we shall be changed into something gloriously different and free- right now we're bound by the gravity that forces our bodies into the earth- but then, gloriously, we shall be free, we shall fly- we shall mount up with wings like eagles- and FLY!  One of my associates lives a sort of lonely existence, work is a part of their world, they have a spouse, who largely ignores their life, it's sad in some profound sense that they are bound by their sense of loyalty and fidelity to Christ into a relationship which isn't fulfilling for them; they are in some sense; held in place- a sad place.  Oh don't misunderstand me, they have some joy in their life, on occasion they have famliy who come around and cheer them up, and they have friends who try to help them see that it's not just the sad and incomplete relationship they are in which is their life, but otherwise, day in and day out they are handled by a spouse who doesn't really treat them with respect- it is sad and they are bound- but guess what- the day is coming- oh glorious day, when they shall be free!  They shall mount up with wings like eagles, and FLY!  They will run, and not grow weary!  They will be - free!  But in the meantime as they are ignored yet another day- as they are disrespected yet another day- does God want such for them?  Oh my friends if we could see the heart of God- we'd see big on a scale that would take out breath away- God is big in a way which is beyond making sense- and in my lonely associates life- they have merely to listen to God and they will find Him saying love into their life in so many, many ways.  God isn't just about what is to come- God is about what is here, and now, yes it's hard at times to see that, but God brings into our lives every day, what we need, if we will only put our trust in God, He will bring love to us- He will bring freedom to us, He is about love, God is love- and then...we fly!

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We Can't Possibly Be That Stupid

"We can't possibly be that stupid," what sort of measure would you use?  Humankind has now built cities that stretch up into the heavens- the worlds tallest building, (we might see it painted in the blood of those who shed their valiant blood on the sand to pay for the oil that built it)  at present in Dubai, shows so clearly how cities get bigger and taller and yet, oddly, don't they become, less habitable, which you can read as - SMOG- pollution and the offshoot of what we call, progress.  God called it gardening, and in the grand design lacking greed God would have had us plant and manage and work under His guidance.  Today we strive mightily to ignore God 24/7 except when there is a personal or larger disaster, then we cry about God and ask with arrogant stupidity- "how can God allow this to happen."  God doesn't allow "this to happen," God has been trying for centuries to get the free will of man to understand His control; and we resist.  It's interesting that in major cities, when professionals photograph them, they use a filter to remove the image of the smog, but for the people who live in those
cities, smog is a fact of life.  It's also interesting that one tree will produce enough oxygen for more than one human-  I'd like some Ph.D. somewhere to measure how having a plant in an apartment in a city full of smog will actually reduce the smog content inside that dwelling- and it does.  My wife of many years was beautifying our yard with some Pear trees - they don't bear fruit, but they are pretty, and so as our family grew in number, little did she know that she had provided for them, oxygen, without even thinking about it.  Wouldn't it be interesting if on planet earth, each time a child were born, someone with enough money and sense to do it, would plant a tree?

In the garden at the beginning of time as the Bible records it we are shown a picture of two people (who were existing among others if you read the text carefully) who were living dependent upon God for the ultimate knowledge of how they were to exist.  Hence God's directive that they should not eat of the tree of the knowledge of "good and evil," for in that day, God says, "you will surely die."  We foolishly put time (linear) into that set of facts which are given to us from a time (eternal) source that is not limited as we are, hence the destruction which has been and will continue to be wrought out until we actually do wake up from OUR slumber and actually do something so difficult as ...planting a tree or watering a bush.  Now as your saying that's ridiculous stop and realize, on much of this planet that we're barbecuing with oil based products, water isn't available.  Still think it's foolish?  So today would you do something truly intelligent, will you pray?  "God give us this day our daily bread," stop right there and realize- no plant- no bread...and notice that it's not about your daily's about OUR daily bread...God intends us to get back to being in touch with Him...will we do it?  Can we do it?  Or are we going to create earth that is...scorched as if though  I asked a smart person if the Revelation of Christ is written in stone, or, is it a it prophecy which says, "thus saith the Lord," and has the message of God's remnant always, in it, or is it something else?  He said he thinks that it is going to happen; my heart knows that's true...but my heart is saddened in that, it doesn't have to be.  We can't possibly be that stupid...

Rev 8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

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You can't believe for somebody else, right? Well partially right, because if they don't believe, still you must, for otherwise, how will they see what belief is about? A very close associate of mine is a control freak; and walks fairly close to fear; he doesn't realize how damaging both of those characteristics are as he determines how we are to conduct the business of God. Now he believes in God, and yet, he also believes that he has to direct how things are going to go; and, no matter how you slice it up, those two won't fit into the same pie. So my friend is often feeling as if though he doesn't do enough; doesn't accomplish enough, and isn't satisfying enough to God; and he shows it and says it and lives it in his every moment with others. Only problem is, Jesus said, "don't be filled with fear, be filled with joy, you believe in me, and I've overcome the world." (several statements put together there...) My associate the control freak thinks Jesus wants him to overcome the world, so, he often is expressing his distaste with how things are going, and he doesn't even realize that he is doing it. One time he was explaining about the best "use of his time," man alive, here is somebody who really does get that it's not his time, and yet, in a state of dither, he feels that it is. This lack of jubilation in those who follow Jesus may be why Jesus seems a tad bit distasteful, a bit difficult, a bit legalistic, and the Jesus that loves me isn't that way at all, so if you are still trying to control things, here is a suggestion, pray and let Jesus guide you into a better, not bitter life?

**The Lord Laughs image belongs to:  a site we pray you might visit and order from if you find the image of our Lord as compelling as I did.

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Monday, April 12, 2010


Hatred is an interesting emotional experience because it leaves you feeling like you put something into the fracas, but what came out didn't add up, it's an odd feeling of having done less than you needed.  My first encounter with hatred was early in life, we were poor, my father either didn't care about us, or, just simply couldn't handle being a "dad," so he left us when I was two, or so when my folks were alive, they would tell me.  What happened then is, we became poor, mom worked at jobs that didn't pay much, the family tried to make ends meet, but work hard as they could, they never quite seemed to catch a break above even, and mom and I always were the poor end of the family gathered, and they hated us for being poor.  My friends in school didn't hate me for being poor, but their parents did- odd thing about parents of well off kids, they don't trust poor kids, you know "well why aren't they better off if they're honest hard working folks like us, why're they poor?  Must be somethin' wrong with'em."  Hatred is a horrible experience, especially when you are either too young, or too inexperienced to get why you are hated.  Now I don't know about you, but lately I've been wondering - isn't it strange how hatred comes oozing up out of normal everyday living?   Isn't it odd how hatred will come from where you never look for it, and grab your heart in a vice so strong that it takes the sweat that turned to blood in a lonely garden to break it's horrible grip on you- oh I tell you, hatred is - an interesting emotion, and the Bible does talk about hatred, but not so much in the New Testament, in fact, in researching the word hatred, I didn't find Jesus using that term at all, and somehow, that doesn't shock me, does it shock you?

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Read And Then ...

Someone said the other day, "I read your writing," which usually I take as a compliment, but what I didn't know was what was coming next when they said, "and I don't agree with what you said, and here is why," now I was really loving it, because this is what anybody who writes desires, that those who differ with them would say so, and say why.  This is also, in my heart, what Jesus did, which is why, those who worship Him as the savior, are so splendid in how they do what they do, and those who don't, revere Him anyway.  Can the same be said of you and your conduct?  Would someone say, I know them, and I don't like them, but I do respect what they represent?  Read the statement and then...

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sex, You, Them

Have you ever found he or she not hearing what you are saying? Ever wonder why? It was clear, to you, it was very clear, and obvious, and yet the person you were talking to, they just didn't get it. Maybe you've even read that they are from Mars or Venus, only, you aren't? Maybe your confusion seems like something that just shouldn't be, and you are tired of it- does that sound about right? Would you like to be able to talk to them without them misunderstanding what you are saying? If you think yes on that one, we have something you will love- just fill in the subscription block on this page and we'll be getting back to you with what is a very wise, very deeply spiritual, very meaningful set of truths and ways of "talking from the heart," which will change your bad situation and bad results (you might say, "no lovin'") into something which is hard to believe in terms of real and deep feeling. This isn't a method, methods can fail, this is much, much better - it works, every time.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

It Is As Bad As It Sounds

Iran celebrates Nuclear Day today and it is as bad as it sounds.  If you had a juvenile delinquent criminally minded child that said that they were going to burn your house down, AND, they had the matches to do it, AND, they showed you their matchbook - as they turned to walk to the gas station- they said, "I'll be back with the gas to set this fire."  What would you do, wait until they were in the yard with the red plastic tank of gas before you got alarmed?  Here is the problem in a nutshell- we're being warned right now; if we don't act, we will inherit what happens as a result of that.  Here are your Congress persons contact number U.S. wide, you need to call them.  Here is the Headquarters page for the Tea Party - who knows - maybe you can get their attention on this?  Now for those who say this isn't biblical - it certainly is, we are told in the Bible that we are to "prepare for war in times of peace."  You can believe that or not, the President of Iran will not leave your future alone- be prepared or suffer the consequences of not being prepared.

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