Ever take a test where you got an A, but you knew good and well that one of your answers was incomplete? It may seem hard to believe, have you ever been asked a question that you thought you knew the answer to, so you gave it, and it was right, but later, you realized, the answer was not totally right, even though it satisfied the question? This is the harder aspect of what we are walking in today, as Christian's, we're being fooled into believing we are doing what is right, that we are following Christ, but what's happening is we are being led along a path that is not the path Christ wants us, Christian's to take, and the way that we know this is two fold - 1) Does the path you are taking agree with Jesus teaching in the New Testament- and - 2) When you listen very carefully in your prayer time, does the still small voice confirm it? The test you see, of Christianity is conflict, any time that anything conflicts with Christianity, that conflict is a measure of the follower-ship - test one- Did Christ encourage His disciples to stay together as a group? When you prayerfully lift that up to the Father in heaven, who sits on the judgment seat which He as God has a right to, what does the still small voice whisper into your soul? Should you pay attention to gathering together with those who believe as you do, as often as a family you are able to? If you ignore that voice of the right path, you do so at your own peril. But much, much larger, is the peril to the Body of Christ itself.
Pride - it isn't being handled properly by those who occupy the highest positions of honor - except in rare occasions, where they get it right- there is nothing wrong with proper pride, at all- self righteousness, on the other hand is both stupid and deadly. There, that's pretty simple isn't it- the deal is this, if you aren't meeting each chance you get to assemble with the Body of believers you identify with- your out of fellowship and your love for the Body of Christ is dying and it's only a matter of time before your part of the Body of Christ will be completely deceived and dead. Choose to be smart and assemble any chance you can with like minded Christian's who follow Jesus, and lift them up, and let them lift you up, because if you don't, you will find the food you are eating from the world, is not the bread of life, and you will starve to death, as Satan cheers your dying body. Was that direct enough? Someone stupidly said to me, "well I don't believe we have to be in the church every time the doors are open," to which the only truth is, don't you love your family? Don't you want to be with those you love? Isn't the love of each other, the importance of each other being promoted there? Truth is...while preaching a false doctrine of concern for the lost- emphasizing the wrong values of Christ, what has happened is a loss of love among the brethren- exemplified by a total lack of concern about where the brothers (and sisters) are, what they are doing, and what they are needing- these facts of walking with Christ have been removed from the love of the Body of Christ, right under your eyes and heart, as a member of that Body, you've allowed your own love to wax cold, your own support to become shallow and the love that should be so pronounced among the Christ followers that the world would flock to see it in action, as they did when Jesus put it into force, as they did when Peter and Paul and John and Mark and Matthew and James, and Silas, and Barnabas; Oh Barnabas, Steven and others who were powerful in the love of Christ, when they preached their lives brought people to see the love- today; the Body of Christ is losing that love, prove me wrong in church assembled this evening; or prove to yourself where your real love is at!
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