Dr. Covey called it "the collective dialogue of the deaf," meaning, blissfully unaware of the problems, we strive through life never coming to grips with life, until, life is over. We listen but don't hear; see but don't look, we are involved but not intensely so; until it's a crisis, and the list goes on and on. You know that the problem is that this is true of us; we love God, so long as, God isn't bugging us to change. We're thankful for the earnest gift of the Holy Spirit, so long as, we don't have to respond to conscience? We respect Jesus, so long as, Jesus doesn't ask us to forgive in a way which is not only costly to our human ego, but downright difficult to our pride. Oh we have tons of them, don't we- only in the end, the only person we've fooled is us; God isn't like us, we don't fool Him. Wouldn't it be interesting if at the start of each new day we not only expressed to God what we appreciated, thanking God for what He has already done for us that day, but also, what God might create if He knew we were willing cooperatives for the adventure?
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