In the time when Jesus ministered the lives in the villages were being ruined by two branches of community life leadership. Poor religious, to non-existent religious leadership, the people kept their mind to God because they spoke of, remembered in song and tales, their God and His actions; but the leaders, were fast becoming paid enforcement officials of "what ought to be done," note that difference, it is as if though they knew. The second life leading force that was against the people was the government in which they were held, Israel, was captive to Rome; and Rome was, watch this one, overtaxing them, abusing them by use of the law to their disadvantage; and terrorizing them to live in fear of the power of the enforcement of the Roman Law (Pax Romana). One Pastor has said that America seems a lot like that today? In my humble opinion America today looks more like another nation, France, prior to the revolution therein, we have many of the characteristics world wide, of that period of time; but doing right, well, it's just not considered as it ought to be. Jesus burst upon that time, and in that, many have examined His ministry, His teaching, His miracles, His sacrifice; and have overlooked something which is large scale, the times themselves. When what is right becomes wrong in its doing, when what is good is seen as bad, the times are becoming close at hand when Christ might return. He said it would be soon. A coach that I know was recently vilified personally and professionally when he insisted that his players must achieve grades in learning to play sports under him. Those of us who understand the value of education cheered this decision, but many did not, what was right was viewed by many as wrong? Laws are now being bent not for the right, but for the wrong? Recently in America we watched generations of money being abused by banks- taken advantage of - and in the process our nation weakened, and yet, for that wrong, nothing was done? Our leaders are seldom, now, perceived as being trustworthy? We who claim to know Christ do indeed have a lot to do, don't we?
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