We spoke yesterday of the test about love and the Body of Christ; how you did on that exam, tells you a lot, you see it is between you and God where you stand with the Body of Christ, but it is between you and the world where it will stand for eternity. Loving without presence, isn't loving. One of my associates heard someone say, "Love people use things, don't use things and love people," but when asked where that quote came from, in other words the presence, they didn't know- Dr. Covey, whom it's been my thrilling pleasure to have met on two occasions, both unannounced and both, without getting his autograph, but by meeting him, he allowed me to move into his presence. Dr. Covey brought that, to love people, use things; to everyone's attention when he was explaining to them that they needed to expand the fences that guarded their hearts in their lives. Dr. Covey uses a famous story about the man who gets on the subway train on Sunday morning in New York, who has five kids with him, and the kids are just running around getting crazy with the passengers; so much so that Dr. Covey feels like he needs to say something and eventually does, "Couldn't help but notice your children," and as he was getting ready to talk about controlling them the man said, "yeah we just came from the hospital where their mother died," he began to tear up, "and I guess I just don't know what to do with them, or myself." Dr. Covey said instantly his compassion changed, his heart and love changed. Presence - we have to have the presence of those we love, love doesn't work without presence; it can last, as an eternal emotion, but without presence you won't like it- love needs contact, contact makes sense to a person about concern, concern connects the person to love, love requires connection. Dr. Covey in "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," pointed out that contact and presence are what impacts upon lives. Did Jesus know this- and use this? My goodness yes...check out the scripture page for today and you'll see our Lord was a master at making and keeping contact for connection for love. Love someone today!
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