Prayer - going to God to be with God in the most private of ways imaginable. Believing God will hear you, and, knowing God will act on what you ask, and, then; listening to what God says in response to your prayer. Reading the Bible every day, in a set fashion so that, if you are reading books of the Bible, or, sections, that in a set amount of time, you have read it through, so that at some point you have studied the entire scripture, end to end. One of the claims of the secular world is that fundamentalist Christian's don't know the scripture. The unfortunate truth is just that, so, don't allow yourself the luxury of saying "aw, Jesus will forgive me," that's not the point, your here as a remnant Christian to Heaven to let others know about Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to make disciples, not just to; so called "witness," there is an enormous difference, and if you aren't making disciples, you will get to explain to Christ why you aren't. It is between you and Jesus but the command is very specific and what it says is very specific. Are you making disciples? Notice it doesn't say, disciple, it says, disciples; plural...oh my- what have you been doing with your faith? Jesus spent His ministry on earth as the sacrifice, building twelve disciples- 30 plus years in the making, the story is still going on today as we read their truths; what story will be going on about you in the future? That you spent so much time feeling useless guilt over useless issues that you didn't have to indulge in, that you didn't make a single disciple? Would that be tragic?
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