Iran celebrates
Nuclear Day today and it is as bad as it sounds. If you had a juvenile delinquent criminally minded child that said that they were going to burn your house down, AND, they had the matches to do it, AND, they showed you their matchbook - as they turned to walk to the gas station- they said, "I'll be back with the gas to set this fire." What would you do, wait until they were in the yard with the red plastic tank of gas before you got alarmed? Here is the problem in a nutshell- we're being warned right now; if we don't act, we will inherit what happens as a result of that. Here are your
Congress persons contact number U.S. wide, you need to call them. Here is the
Headquarters page for the Tea Party - who knows - maybe you can get their attention on this? Now for those who say this isn't biblical - it certainly is, we are told in the Bible that we are to "
prepare for war in times of peace." You can believe that or not, the President of Iran will not leave your future alone- be prepared or suffer the consequences of not being prepared.
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