Friday, April 2, 2010

Beyond The Edge

 So much of what we know about God, whether we like it or not, is mysterious; God clearly lets us know that His ways aren't our ways; no kidding- and His thoughts aren't our thoughts; when have any of us decided the best way to do things is to bring total destruction upon them?  God is above us, so far beyond our ability to see Him that at times just getting your brain around the fact that God is personal, can be, and should be a bit awe inspiring, and, scary?  But the God that we see in the Old Testament Hebrew seems somehow different from the impression we get of Christ?  If you note the subtle differences; God told Israel to totally wipe out groups of cities which were Baal oriented, Christ wouldn't wipe out men who had perverted the very nature of the Law which He authored?  So as you think on this, today, which historically we take as the day Jesus is entombed; as He would rise again, in three days; as you think on the power that you have within you; God in you, as the presence of the Holy Spirit; lets this day remember that God is fearsomely beyond the edge of our most extended reasoning-  take your mind as far and as extended as you want to take it, think as lofty a thought that you have the capacity to, and standing just beyond that edge will be, God.  My sense is that when Jesus said He would return soon, He may well have been talking about now as soon, for truly, the extensions of my mind about how hateful and despicable mankind can be, have truly been broached this year; for such cruelty, such enormous and monstrous murder in our world, where children have no families, where scarcity is turned into money by oil greedy barons who are nothing more than modern day pirates by any other name, where men actually can steal billions from people, and not be punished for it (what punishment would fit that crime?); this world is truly becoming the one I hear Christ speak of, as the world before He returns.  You see Jesus was thinking on an edge that you and I only rarely touch off on, but sometimes we can get there, and when we pray, and pray, and pray some more, we can even move beyond the edge; as outlandish as that might seem.  So today, can we move there?

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