We live in a time where information is all over the place; we have instant news, cellular photo and recording that goes out instantly, we have "the web." So what we have is instant satiation of curiosity. This one is going to be so different from anything you've ever heard before, that you might want to share it with someone else - see, here is what folks don't understand about the instant generation, they have very little curiosity. Think about that a while and you will see that the factor of curiosity that is fundamental is the imaginative process whereby the curious must obtain information about what they are curious about. As the curiosity increases, so does the interest, but as the interest is satiated, the curiosity goes down, and so does the interest. The result is, boredom. Look around at how the generation behind yours looks at life, you will see this happening, we are being conditioned not to question. Just as we are being fed literal poison in our food
supply (see "Food Inc." to get that one...I dare you)and we are being stripped of family foundations to support each other in love (over half of all marriages end in year one divorces)and world wide we are being conditioned to believe that leaders aren't operating in our best interest (ask people if they think politicians are interested in truth or votes?)- at this moment in history we have a generation which is becoming comfortably numb to it all. If you had a friend who was taking poison; literally taking pills that were made of poison, and they'd taken three, and five was the dose that would end their life- would you try to stop them from taking those other two? Will you...
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