As old as man, and back beyond man, apparently, is a divine sense of the comedy which is life. Only God with such a sense of what must be could construct such a way to do it. People today don't have to do many things in order to ensure that they acquire heaven- that is, if you go by the beliefs of standard evangelicals, who have seen such a numeric downsizing during the last decade in the U.S. that now they are eclipsed by the rest of the world in worship practices attendance; to those evangelicals the issue is simplifying how to tell a person they don't have to go to hell. What those evangelicals don't realize is people don't care about it- they don't believe that they are eternal, and they don't believe that there is a hell; except the one that they are living in; the daily grind where true leadership has been turned into a mockery and actual caring is as rare as finding a diamond stone when you get out of your car in the protected parking area, because security is necessary and wanted in this day and age. People are therefore a little less than aggressive as evangelicals share with them that these days are getting shorter, the world is getting less loving; the clearest sign of the rise of the Antichrist was given by Jesus when recorded in Matthew that the love of many would wax cold, hasn't that happened? If the love of many gets any colder we'll never need refrigeration again- it is a cold world. For us who believe Jesus is coming back as Messiah, as conqueror, as warrior, as fierce commander of theocratic truth, as the one on the White Horse who has a sword dipped in the blood of the Saints, one who will rule with absolute law and therefore absolute power- hell being the alternative for those who don't get on His side now; for those who believe, the word is..don't stop- Don't Stop-
DON'T STOP - keep screaming, keep alarming, keep on sharing and caring, you are the only ones who are on course according to scripture; your job is make disciples, do it, do it as much as you have strength to do it, and in the end, when the skies split open as a miracle (something God does) then you and I will know that we didn't stop!
diligo est a divinus adveho
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