One of the weirdest things about people is this thing that happens when they believe they have it "together," and don't need to learn or grow anymore. It is particularly weird when it concerns the area of God and relating to God, but what my experience has taught me is that a person who is arrogant in life about other things, is usually going to carry that same ignorant haughtiness into the realm of God. Such arrogance is distasteful, especially when you make an effort to share with the arrogant where they are shorting themselves of some blessings by being arrogant. If you've ever had the experience of studying some materials that are beyond belief in their wonder and majesty and you share with someone that actually could use the material about it, and they say, "well ya know - I just really don't have time for that, besides, I don't need to know stuff like that." It catches you up short a bit, because the correct answer ought always to be, "thank you and yes I will try to get into that." Or words to that effect, because the proper attitude of a person who is a follower of Jesus is to be more open minded and broad minded than to be so simple and so arrogant as to suggest that they have the ability to judge what they need to know, especially if the Holy Spirit has laid it on your heart to share with them. Yes it might seem a little outlandish to you that somebody would act like that, but you can be sure if you hang around the supposedly humble lovers of the Lord long enough, someone is gonna shock you with their arrogance one day; when that happens please remember this one; don't react to the stupidity- stupid people are a little like grass, they will grow, they just need stuff, they need, and need and need; and while they are being stupidly arrogant about your heart and God, as you try to share with them, just remember, they don't have enough sun yet, enough soil yet, enough nutrients yet, and so they are a little scared of trying to grow, they'd rather be small. Don't let their smallness become your stumbling block, instead, stay tight with Jesus in prayer, and pretty soon, you'll see that arrogant stupidity turned into what it needs to be, humility.
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