Don't you just love humble folks- I do, people who have their heart locked into other people, they really blow my mind- because their concern isn't for them, it's for others. Those people seem close to Jesus to me- one of them is a person that it's been my pleasure to know, and she was given a pretty difficult task by her pastor- "teach the Trinity." She took it on, and let me tell you, in seminary, my first preaching assignment, as Dr. Taylor lovingly laughed, with that twinkle in his eye, was, "now you preacher boys here wanna really listen, 'cause brother Richardson is gonna straighten us out on the Trinity." His eyes twinkled with real joy, because he knew, I was going in fast and cocky- to deliver the model description which
Anselm had popularized- and which during the evenings teaching - discussion, it was my pleasure to hear an elder of the church go into, yet again. But my friend, my humble friend, she serves Christ well in teaching us about the Trinity - for in the mystery beyond any others is locked a very real historical secret that if my friend had read one of the authors we've discussed here,
Karen Armstrong, then she would have gained this strange insight about God- that a single God, a monotheistic God, rather than the Samaria numerous God's, was the real presentation of His interjection into history, and therefore, the Trinity is a completely new and totally diverse and creative existence in the thinking and concepts of man, whom God enlightens as to His existence. My friend did an absolutely superb job of maintaining the scriptural correct presentation of the Trinity- for which she must be commended as having done a wonderful work, and one which is memorable- and certainly to bring into such a discussion the depth of a historical concept that man is the one who has trouble envisioning God, not the other way around- well, it's a point that can- or cannot- be made, it doesn't add or detract from the wonder that is the Trinity. Here is perhaps what someone might consider a linear approach to seeing the Trinity. In this image, God is pointed to by the Holy Spirit on earth, and the Holy Spirit points to Christ on earth, in heaven, there is God; and in heaven the three, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God never disagree, and they all are one in Heaven, as God.

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