"Don't make a major production out of it," ever hear that one, or, "it's not that big of a deal," you may have heard it put that way? Those are both ways of trying to get a person to see that something that they believe is important, may be to them, but it's not to, you, or perhaps, generally to others and you're aware of that. We also call this a "common sense," approach to things; which I like Zig Ziglar's statement, "there is nothing common about common sense." And like so many things Ziglar says, that one is based in the Bible, and yes you are right, Proverbs, see, and you thought you weren't catching on- give yourself a little credit; maybe it's a bigger deal than you realize? What's that you ask, that's a bigger deal than you realized? Why your life, the time that God's given you to achieve, to grow, to manifest, to accomplish, maybe that's a bigger deal than you realized it was? If you haven't read Sarah Palin's autobiographical sketch, "Going Rogue," you owe yourself a good read, and this one I couldn't put down for four hours- it's a fantastic set of truths, a realistic statement by a person who is a leader; and frankly,
she is a talented writer; not to mention she'd make a fantastic President of these United States; and she just might be the next President of these United States, which might get us back on track as she did for her state of Alaska as Governor. When Sarah was mayor of an Alaskan community; she did not see herself where she is- she saw the work, did the work, served the people with diligence, but God, who Sarah unashamedly believes in; had other plans for her life. God has plans for your life as well, and they will happen- if you can find out where God intends that; you might be able to help with the production of your big life- because that's what it is, a big life given to you from God. What a gift!
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