Thursday, April 1, 2010

Now - You Want To Get Serious...Now?

 Oh my goodness, let's break it down, first, your eyes were drawn to the word; Now.  Then your eyes took in - "Ger Serious," the "you want to," floats into the back of that statement, and then you see the final, "now." At which point you've figured it out, this is a story, or a writing about, now?  Something serious, and now.  Aren't you just about amazing, and yet, those presumptions are not at all where this is heading.  Rather let us think for this brief time together, what do we mean, really; when we tell somebody to "get serious."  Do we mean, they are presently joking, and it's inappropriate?  Do we mean they are doing some things which they think are amusing, but which we, don't?  Are we saying that we want them to be thinking as we are thinking, since we are thinking, seriously?  What really do we mean when we say, or even, taking it to the Metaphysical side of the house, as outlandish as some might presume that to be, think that somebody needs to change their thinking into "serious."  What do we mean?  "Well gee whiz Dana, I don't even consider that, I just say that when somebody is acting a fool and I want them to stop."  Oh, O.K., so now we have at least figured out what we mean, but what do you suppose, God means?  "Aw c'mon man, you aren't gonna tell me God ever says stuff like that?"  Oh- yes, as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I'm going to say...see, that's precisely what Jesus warned his disciples about as they entered the Garden on his final evening there before the cross; He said that they were needing to pray lest they fall into temptation.  What then happened to them?  I want to suggest to you that they fell into temptation, as they went to sleep...they were tempted to give over the need for prayer, into the need for sleep?  They were tempted because, had they been capable of understanding their God's request, they would have, gotten serious, right then.  "Well Dana are you suggesting that they weren't serious, I mean, these were some serious men, surely they knew something heavy was coming down?"  Yes and no, they knew things were changing rapidly, as we know today, things are changing rapidly, but did they know that this was it?  Dwell and pray on that one, let us know what you think...even if it might seem...outlandish to some...we promise we won't think of it in such covertly judgmental ...freely...lest you...sleep?  Hmm...

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