I've heard preachers talk about how Moses must've been sad not to cross into the promised land with his people- only, I'm not so sure about that - he was, 120 years old; anybody think like me on that one, that's a lot of years; and, God had provisioned a leader of faith, Joshua, to take
Moses place- O.K., Joshua has the name that is the task of Christ, "Jehovah is Salvation," is what his name literally means, and Moses of course was the law, so at
Mt. Nebo, the law was laid down and could not pass into the promised land that Joshua would lead the people into - it seems to be an easy archetype for Jesus leading those who are no longer under the law into the promised land? It is easy to become morose about following Christ, years and tears take you down paths you never thought you'd go down, in ways you never thought you'd go; and the long road, oh the road gets long sometimes don't it? Well; I'm just not so sure Moses wasn't ready to be laid to rest atop a beautiful mountain of peace
knowing his people were now "saved," and led by a man of faith?
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