One of the politically correct statements which has emerged in business is "well, going forward, let's," and then some curt statement is added about what it is that the politic cop thinks you did incorrectly that they'd like you to correct. It is insulting and demeaning to humanity the way that modern business is conducted- and it's because of the way that greedy and egotistical people who were interested not in the general good of those the managed, but in their own avarice, conducted business. The years of people being treated badly which resulted in thousands upon thousands of mistreatment law actions, because they were necessary, suddenly created a Tsunami of legal actions which resulted from those preceding years. The result of this carnival of the bizarre immoral is the current backlash called "political correctness," wherein the very ways in which people talk are controlled by policy. It is beyond imagination, Jesus called it, "hypocritical," and He was right. When it gets to the point that you can't talk to a person like a person anymore because policy won't allow it - you have become a machine and not a person. That is the present world climate for standards in operating procedure. Anyone doubt that? So you tell me - how far off the path of righteous communication is being forced to; coerced to, state things a certain way to satisfy a standard of proper conduct established by the government?
Think these aren't the end times(!) -
I'd say "think again," if it weren't politically incorrect.
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