Different - there you have it, if you are different, are you the sort of different where somebody wants to take you out back and school you with their best intellect -OR, are you the kind of different where people say, "yes I get that, that makes sense." See the difference? The difference will always be there, especially if you follow Jesus, you will find yourself being at odds with something, that's just how the worldly system will happen to a person who follows close bye the will of the Lord Jesus. How you handle that being at odds, determines how people will react to the Jesus they see in you. Now sometimes, we've all got to admit, folks aren't seeing a really nice Jesus, are they? But many times, you'd be surprised, if you even open your mouth about Christ, you'll be stepping outside the norm by quite a bit of difference from those who talk about politics, world wars and wars that are happening, and the latest disease scare, and the latest media hyped fear- those are what folks normally discuss, so if you are talking and living as one who is at peace with the world and at peace with Jesus, guess what, you'll be different alright, so, here it comes, you knew it was there, right? Sure, are you different?
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