Hatred is an interesting emotional experience because it leaves you feeling like you put something into the fracas, but what came out didn't add up, it's an odd feeling of having done less than you needed. My first encounter with hatred was early in life, we were poor, my father either didn't care about us, or, just simply couldn't handle being a "dad," so he left us when I was two, or so when my folks were alive, they would tell me. What happened then is, we became poor, mom worked at jobs that didn't pay much, the family tried to make ends meet, but work hard as they could, they never quite seemed to catch a break above even, and mom and I always were the poor end of the family gathered, and they hated us for being poor. My friends in school didn't hate me for being poor, but their parents did- odd thing about parents of well off kids, they don't trust poor kids, you know "well why aren't they better off if they're honest hard working folks like us, why're they poor? Must be somethin' wrong with'em." Hatred is a horrible experience, especially when you are either too young, or too inexperienced to get why you are hated. Now I don't know about you, but lately I've been wondering - isn't it strange how hatred comes oozing up out of normal everyday living? Isn't it odd how hatred will come from where you never look for it, and grab your heart in a vice so

strong that it takes the sweat that turned to blood in a lonely garden to break it's horrible grip on you- oh I tell you, hatred is - an interesting emotion, and the Bible does talk about hatred, but not so much in the New Testament, in fact, in researching the word hatred, I didn't find Jesus using that term at all, and somehow, that doesn't shock me, does it shock you?
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