Events + Response = Outcome- how we respond to events; is the outcome of our life. There it was, the connection - I'd always known in my heart that metaphysics was right, but the language that they use, sometimes doesn't fit a Christian perspective- nevertheless, I knew they are right- and there it was, the connecting point! How we respond to events determines the outcome of our lives. So simple, and yet, it now seems, this may be why Jesus was so often up in the early morning hours praying...Ah, you weren't ready for the twist were you, see it's about adversarial thinking, which is how to really win at life. Jesus ministry, all of my teachers have taught me, was His doing, His sacrifice, the Bible says that, and so; is it possible that early in the morning, as Jesus prepared to go out and do what He knew He was going to accomplish that day- that He prayed for strength to go against the adversary, overcome the adversary, and win victory against this opposing force, Satan? Is that possible? So lets take it one step further for us as Christian's, do we have an opposing force that we need to consider and do we(?), or, have we been blinded to the real danger of not being aware of this adversary, Satan? So that if today you would think of the many things which you intend to accomplish, then briefly consider what an adversary might try to do to spoil such efforts, make them harder than they need to be, and waste your strength fighting against that rather than the actual doing of your life today, mightn't that change our prayers just a touch? This is the part of the model prayer that is just now hitting home..."and lead us not into temptation - but- deliver us from evil." Is it possible we might find our prayer and our Christian lives becoming even more vital were we to remember this?
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