This is the question, isn't it? We ask this question many times in a day, don't we? It is ingrained into our culture to be curious, often, though, those who partake of this devotional in other countries find that behavior odd, here is why- in some countries once you know something you own it. Think about that one? For us in the U.S. it's just a curiosity, but for other cultures, they wonder why we would want to own the solution to that one? They do not think in terms of mere examination, they think in terms of resolution, once you know. I've read in Tony Hillerman's work where the Navajo have similar beliefs- which seem to add up to tremendous problems for them when dealing with us? We sometimes tend to be arrogant about what we think that we know about God when in reality, we know, very little? Jesus put it this way: Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. People who see this for the first time don't realize the many different meanings of the word sword in His time, versus what we believe we understand about sword in our time? The typical Jewish Sword cut from one side, the hated Romans developed a sword that cut both ways- it was superior for killing in both directions instead of having to be facing your enemy. Once you know, you own it.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
You'd think that after all the humble pie that I've eaten that I'd learn never to say; "never." Truth is, sometimes, you have to say, never; but usually, it's been my experience, if you'll pray about it, never doesn't have to happen, there is usually a way around it, to bye-pass it, or some other means to get there. Sometimes, though, that's not gonna happen. My best love in the world is God, Debbie and family (in which I automatically include some) second, and third is my dog Mopsey, here is why. When Mopsey was dumped at the place where my wife used to work (it's shortly to go down to Mexico and all the faithful workers there, let go...nice, huh? It's happening all over the place from what I hear?) Mopsey was about 20 pounds of tortured animal, she had been so abused by people that she was deathly scared of people. Her pink skin shone through what looked like kicked or bitten off fur, so much so that we took her to the vet, couple hundred bucks later determined, no, it wasn't the mange. Also she had been shot in the ear with a BB gun (would love to find out who did that so I could pray God would take the matter into consideration for His vengance for His Zoe..), and basically Mopsey was flat out near death and scared to death. Over a period of three months, three long, difficult and torturous months, we got Mopsey to eat food and drink water, and come near to me, I'd get down on all fours with my eyes down, and the back of my hand lifted toward her, and eventually, we were able to get her to connect. What sort of courage do you think it took for Mopsey to forgive some soul which had tortured her, I don't think she understood that humans, all humans, didn't equal such pain, and it took time to get her to see that not all humans are soulfully lacking respect for God by not honoring His creation. So perhaps as a result of this very brief description of my basic, very basic love for this great souled dog; you will understand why it hurts me beyond belief to have to spank her with a newspaper because those who live around us want to limit her freedom without the expense of putting up a fence? We will soon be fencing in the yard, but right now, we've had to engage in somehow getting Mopsey to understand that she cannot be free, as I understand it, if you use newspaper, it doesn't hurt, but the sound provides a scare? Personally it's hurting me in the extreme to have to go this route but what else can one do, until she learns to remain within boundaries set by those who believe they own God's creation? Those who believe that God doesn't mind when His creation gets harmed or hurt by their lack of love? The Bible says:
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
So to those who believe that they are superior to God and that they are destined to control what God hath made and that the creation of God doesn't feel, nor need consideration of the great love of God, my prayer is that they'll awaken from their slumber soon, before God has to illustrate for them the pain they foolishly cause with their lack of love for their God, in that they abuse His created order.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
At some point in my walk with Christ it happened, for some unknown and hard to explain reason, my eyes popped open one day and I realized that God's Word is exactly what God said; a name which John in his Gospel makes clear is; Jesus. Jesus who before the foundation of the world was the determining factor in creation; Jesus who willingly determined that the method for salvation proposed in the Godhead would be bodily purchased by the supreme and one time sacrifice; Jesus who through His blood purchased my and our salvation. That has not been questioned in my faith, but now, those who are said to be teachers have actually asked me publicly, three times, if I believe the Bible? If I believe what is written in the Bible and what it says? This is hard for me to imagine as I've followed Christ since 1976, and actually, before that; but the moment of my salvation experience was in 1976, in a barracks in Germany, and I shall never forget it, it is nailed down and no power of Hell can ever take that from me! So I'm making sure that in this last transmission to certain individuals who shall remain anonymous, because it's a bit much for a man who holds a doctorate in theology to defend his belief in the Bible(!); will also be aware that they won't be receiving this anymore in a direct mail out- if they want to purview it on the web that's their business, the internet is open and free as my ability to publish this blog is- and they are welcome to show their lack of skill by commenting as to whether or not I believe the Bible; there- let me suffice it to say that it flabbergasts me to have my belief in God's Word, which John makes clear is Christ, doubted- but I've learned a very important lesson from this, I shall endeavor as much as my strength and heart and soul can develop it to always worship God, and as Paul has said, to speak of Christ and His crucifixion only. Of what sense are any other issues? Just to be certain that anyone who doubts my faith in Jesus, my salvation, or my understanding of the scriptures as the Holy Word of God; is now advised - my soul, heart mind and strength shall continue to love and pray for them; as Paul prayed for his people, that their eyes might be opened to the majesty of God, not as they traditionally have been taught, not as they traditionally believe, but rather as that Word of God actually is, for God is love, and love is enormous.
But as it is written, Eyehathnotseen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
So having said this thus, my closing is very simple, before someone chooses to call someone; (who has spent agonizing hours studying original Greek texts, first hand, and attempting to understand the proper hermeneutic applied), inaccurate and without responsible faith and knowledge, and understanding as to the Word of God- consider first what the half brother of Jesus said:
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
I just love evangelists who today think they've really found some new and tantalizing, shall we say, mind blowing way to present the bigness of God and the personal nature of God- because they are doing work that is so important- and yet, with a sad countenance I also know they are staying boxed into a theology not designed to the age they are preaching in. This isn't anything new, Prophets have always been ahead of human controls, and prophesy wasn't sealed with the last book of Canon, The Revelation of Christ, rather, John in writing that would say that the doors to Prophesy, as a New Testament gift from God, are blown wide open. But here is the thing, each time we gain insight, we also tend to take a while to incorporate that insight into our belief systems- which means, folks who should get the light, get the shaft, which isn't what God intended when he imparted the gift to the prophet. Think of it this way- God wants people that he loves to come out of this experience a certain way, and who does God love(?)- Oh O.K., you're gonna say, "well the whole world man...," Yes I would agree with you, so, how come prophets get into the situations that they do, and then the people get into the situations that they do? Should be the other way around? Watch out about prophets, when a person is given the gift of prophecy, which essentially means they are probably, personally going to be miserable- because they will know, what's potentially going to be a disaster, can be avoided, but likely won't be; so the prophet is left inside the dilemma, not outside it. Jesus said it this way,
If Ihadnotcome and spoken unto them, they hadnothad sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
Imagine that the creator of the Universe, God, is in human flesh, that would be Jesus, and imagine what He sees when He prays? Imagine what His Father tries to guide Him into, because imagine what His mission is? It's one thing to be a criminal and be guilty of a crime and so the state tries to kill you, but it is another thing entirely, to be guiltless and force the authorities, who the Bible says are appointed by whom(?)- to kill you? Yup - I just love modern evangelists who find mind blowing things to share with people, in my heart of hearts it's my prayer to somebody that they would pay a little bit more attention to the meaning of the one thing Jesus said mattered; love. See everybody today points to Christ's statement that the law is summed up in two principles, without realizing, both of those aren't possible without - love.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
The odd thing about how we as Christian's see the way things are, is that they are skewed through our culture, instead of the other way around. For example, we will place sporting events above worship under the banner of "well, everybody is going to be home watching it anyway?" That sort of lukewarm response to the gospels power isn't in keeping with what the Bible mandates, and those who seek a nice, comfortable, snug middle ground and actually have a devotional time as they assemble to gather while watching the sporting event (as an example) are simply halving up the value of the worship they claim they believe in. Take it out of venue and look at it as food, so that each worship hour, moment, event ( such as personal or corporate prayer) is a bite of food. You do the math, my sense is, if we existed food wise on what you put into worship, Bible reading, and prayer, and go ahead and include service specific to Christ, my guess is, we'd loose a little weight, wouldn't we? What if we looked at it as a church body? Suppose that each time that we gathered together we gained nourishment, and when we failed to show up to the Bible ordained meeting (Hebr : 10:25) we didn't? How well nourished is your body today? Why don't people care about important matters like worship, over anything else? Why don't people value God over anything else? Why don't people show that they have that value by excitedly gathering together to worship that God as the Word which He shed His blood for proclaims they should? I don't know, is it a lukewarm kind of love? Is there such a thing as lukewarm love? I don't think so- but apparently, to many worshipers, that's not the case and they think lukewarm is O.K., maybe they need to think about what Jesus said:
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
See the thing that you need to ask yourself is; is God who loves this Nation America, and I'm convinced God does love this Nation, is God going to let her go without a fight? Now the question is, what would that look like? Please pray that we will return to God as we ought, before God brings us back to Him as He had to do with Israel.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
I'll never forget the first time somebody said this to me, it shocked me, as an only child, I grew up thinking that those who had brothers and sisters had it all and I was less because I didn't. In school whenever they had a hassle, they had a big brother or sister to turn to, or a little brother or sister to live up to, I had ...well, me, and my parents and relatives who were helping to raise me. So family to me is a very intense thing, whereas to someone who has family, I suppose it's not such a big deal, to me, brothers and sisters are enormous blessings of God that people should be thrilled to have, and most are, I am, to this day, somewhat envious of them. But when she said this, it shocked me, "my brother, is a complete waste of human." She went on to say she wished he weren't her brother. Well that stuck with me, and today, in the body of Christ, in our, family, my goodness, are there some who are there, but we wished they weren't? Are there some who are there, only, they really aren't there? They might be there physically but their minds, hearts and souls aren't? Are there some who only show up on occasion, when it's habit for them, because they want a distant relationship from the family, well, until it's time to join that family in the air? Hmm, wonder how distant they'll want to be then? Are they family? Are they in the family? You see that's my question when someone asks that really dumb question about how often we "have" to go to church, I just cringe and wonder, are they in the family Lord, are they? Apparently they don't love the family much? Or else why wouldn't they want to get together and see us? Maybe it's just me and a family thing? But for once I have brothers and sisters and so for me, it's a joy to be able to be with them, Sunday morning, evening, Wednesdays, anytime we can get together, I love to see them, for another chance to get outside my own vain foolish ignorant pride and tell them that I love them and am glad to be with them, because Jesus is there with us and it's a family thing? How about you, do you have a family, and do you treat them like they are, or do you treat them like they are distant relatives that you wished weren't even in the family? Here is what Jesus said:
For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
It is odd how in life you can be the friend, or, have someone be a friend to you; one is giving one is receiving; both are pretty nice, when they're on an even keel, it's a boat that will not get rocked and take on water over the edge. But often in our lives we have situations which aren't even, friends who aren't much when it comes to being friends; and it might raise the question about how good a friend we are? Truth be told, we're sometimes a might better than what those we think of as our friends are? How do you measure it? In my brief experience I've developed what I call the Pauline friendship ruler, because I believe Paul was a true lover of those around him, but sometimes, when those friendships got lopsided, I think Paul took action on that; and so should you. What I do is take a look at the small things, how often am I there for them, that it isn't returned? How often am I caring and concerned about them, when it isn't returned? How often am I giving of my efforts, time, talents, gifts and whatever else my Lord has seen fit to grant me with, toward them, when such is not reciprocated in kind? Someone has said that as Christian's we are to be sacrificing and giving, and that is certainly true, but one thing I'd advise you if you want to prevent your heart from getting broken is to watch out where you bestow the precious title of friend; for in my life, they are very few and very far between. So it is that I think of Paul, and wonder, he never seemed to get real good at not being knocked about by his choices, so, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on us, and maybe, just maybe, someday, someone will say to me, "you are really a good friend," as they return the kindness to me? But just in case that never happens, which is usually the case, isn't it wonderful to have a friend that I know will never let me down, his name being, Jesus.
A man [that hath] friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend [that] sticketh closerthanabrother.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Some years back a very dedicated and very devoted deacon shared one of his favorite scriptures with me. It stuck with me for two reasons, one; it's an awesome observation by the Prophet, and two, the messenger's conviction about it.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valleyofdecision: for the day of the LORD [is] near in the valleyofdecision.
The deacon said that when the preacher shared this scripture that it was presented as the heartbreaking view that it is, people who couldn't make a decision, and it's not a hard one, is it? Being secure, safe, and to reside in God? Why would anyone reject that simple offer? Here is the truth, when it's presented incorrectly- you see, the horrific misinterpretation of the Bibles message about The Christ, has left many people not wanting to follow Jesus, instead of wanting to follow Jesus? Christ didn't create that negativity, so where'd it come from? Down through the countless choices of "sinful" history, people of greed, power, lust and poor understanding of love, set the standard for what the world would see as God; the picture got slanted to an image that is far from loving, and that is a shame. What we can do today is present the picture correctly, that Christ loved us that God loved us to the point that He sent Jesus to be our savior.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Watch this quick - simple - powerful - devotional thought, it's thirty seven years in the making.
Why'd He ask say that, when He asked it, where He asked it, to those He asked it of? What is going on here, off the cuff, did you know? If not, that's actually O.K., here's why, if you didn't know, did you look? See that's important, here's why- notice what He said- it wasn't condemning, it wasn't presumptive, it wasn't even human - it was Godly - God sent- and so simple and so powerful that to this day, it's the question we get to answer- isn't it? Jesus wants to know, simply, do you love me- and He tells us how He knows - if we keep His Commandments. Notice the personal nature of this question, because in English it doesn't come through, the "If " is a singular conjunction (joiner) to the phrase "ye love" (those are both links, please click on them to see what my research bears out)- so Jesus is actually pointing out, love is our mission, and in doing that what will we do, we will follow His commandments. It isn't complicated, it isn't scientifically challenging, it isn't as they say "rocket science," what it is, is; heart work (little tongue twist there on "hard work...") - so are you up to a little heart work today?
Big change here, just for today, have taken off the Prayer of the Cross for Louie Giglio -
Who knows what lesson is being taught about with the public figures who are cleaning their private laundry so openly? To a public which is accepting it so easily? Look I know that this is out there, and to ignore it is nearly impossible, at least in my house, where the subject plays on TV very loudly and I have the choice to leave the room- or, listen to it in the background, because I really could care less about Tiger's problems, other than perhaps to pray for him? But really, Tiger isn't the only public figure who is going down that highway, so publicly, am I the only one who finds this to be gossip and wonder why Christian's aren't ignoring it as we are told to do in the Bible?
For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
One of the kindest most considerate most awesome leaders that I've ever known is also one of the most giving people I've ever known; now being a giving type of person doesn't make her such an incredible leader, but it doesn't hurt none, either. So let's consider what the economics of God is actually like, and then let's really think about what we think the economics of God are like, because, it's a pretty safe bet, we're off the mark. First, our economics have to do with resources, God's economy has to do with faith. We love a hoarder, a person who builds up their own wealth, we revere such people and call them "successful," God calls them "wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." (Rev 3:17)- because God loves a cheerful and giving heart- my friend has stored up for herself blessings in heaven that cannot be numbered, so many lives has she blessed. Second - our economy is based on a principle called scarcity- when something is scarce, or perceived to be scarce, people want it, so they are willing to pay for it, keeps the wheels of our economy greased, according to those who love to sell grease! God's economy has some bearing on this, because he asks us to consider his power in the deal through service. Jesus said we'd be able to help folks, and we ought to, in simple terms that is the message of love that He passed to us, and what do we do with that? My friend makes use of her talents as best she can, and she keeps adding to her talents as she is able, in turn, God has gifted her with blessings and numerous, numerous, tremendous witnesses. My deepest joy is to be with my friend, to take in the spirit of powerful love which she gives off, and to bask in the warmth of depth, her legacy is a marvelous one, and she comes from a mom who is the same way- blessings poured out upon blessings, and serving those of us fortunate enough to know them. Thank You God our Father for such folks, truly you have shown us how to work in your economy, so let's say today that we give that our best efforts?
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
The real reward is in the service, not the result. This fundamental fact of following Christ has left much of the pulpit of America, and, unfortunately, elsewhere as well. Service minded Christianity asks the question of Christ, "Lord what would you have my body, your servant do?" It is in answer to the question asked by great evangelicals who sought to share what they felt Jesus felt on the cross, it was all they knew how to offer, in many instances, they didn't even understand what they were doing. Over the years I've watched so called revivals turn from Holy Spirit led events; to scheduled circus style entertainments- built and literally designed to run a certain time, at certain times, for a certain time, in a certain way, for a certain group paying the bills (you see), who are due the respect of the event, and the Holy Spirit gets into the situation by force! Imagine that if you will, the Holy Spirit literally has to force His way into a three day event, scheduled between 9&11 and then from 6-8 on any given day- or whatever convenient set of schedules the church determines they will allow Him to perform at! Tell me it's not so? Oh I know, full and well that there are exceptions, but why in the world, would they be exceptions? The exception should be the cold blooded scheduled so called revivals, shouldn't it? Instead the norm has become very cold natured, very controlled, very, dare I say it, political? So much so that I fear deep in my bones that we've got not only the second coming screwed up in our heads, but in our hearts as well- what in the world are Christian's going to do if they are called upon to actually get into a fight- on their knees? Many of them have forgotten what that means? What if the Holy Spirit calls the war, only it's not on their schedule? Why do people think it's gonna be a fun event, when what Jesus clearly says is; "I came not to bring peace, but a sword." What in the world has gotten hold of Christian's who believe they aren't in a battle but are just waiting for Jesus to come back and do all the lifting for them? Is that what Christ said to Peter? "Peter, don't worry about following me, you just keep fishin', I'm here to entertain you during the times you find it convenient, and the rest of the time, don't worry about becoming a fisher of men- that would be too much like war." Folks we need to wake up, seriously awaken, fore we are slumbering into a battle that the enemy wants us to fight, and it's a battle that does not need to take place, if we will wake up!
Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it [is] laid over with gold and silver, and [there is] no breath at all in the midst of it.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Ridiculous and frivolous lack of vision, that's one way to describe a nation which is told for over twenty years that production based life will have to become information based life, and that the jobs of making things will have to become the jobs of telling others and other nations how to make things. Some listened, most, did not, today we are reaping that stupidity on behalf of our bloated and irresponsible Chiefs. Folks want to argue about that, but you go back twenty five years and read what the best in the field of futurism and statistics, the science of predicting what is coming, based on the present truth, read what they said, and they said it with perfect clarity and we are reaping it today. What will we reap next as we blissfully fail to wake up? How long are evangelical Christian's going to remain unaware of the truths of the reality of scripture that doesn't talk about warfare without redemption, existence without faith, and leadership which has no vision? Why do I say evangelical Christian's? Because of the many different forms of Christianity on earth, the evangelical Christian's are the ones most apt to miss it in their zeal to sell the redemption of people from hell, rather than, to Jesus. They fall in love with fire insurance type of relating to people, not realizing that Christ built relationships, Christ built for time, and God, God builds an empire which is His, we are but travelers in it, and the vision we need to pass to those who don't know God is of God, not hell- we're missing it by a country mile while we try to scare the hell out of people who believe they are living in hell, and they aren't far from the truth given what their leadership has provided for them. The Bible can be debated, but salvation isn't up for debate, it comes at a single decision which comes from an invitation by the Holy Spirit of God, don't sell fire insurance to scare the hell out of people, it won't work, instead, try following Jesus through His leadership about giving, sacrificing, and the joy of purity in the love of God, and guess what will happen to those around you? You see one truth which this devotional will always stand for is what Jesus said, love, love is the power which overcomes all evil- and God, His Father, is love.
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca**, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
** Raca is a term translated from the Aramaic as 1) empty, i.e. a senseless, empty headed man
2) a term of reproach used among the Jews in the time of Christ
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Center field, where the ball is usually hit, if they hit left, they're swingin' early, if they hit right, they're swingin' a little slow, but if they connect jus' right, center it is. This means center field is, unfortunately, usually a back up position, get behind the right fielder if they've got it, the left fielder if they've got it, go get it if they can't, back up the infield on every play, run, run, and then run some more; if you're any good at it, center is a very rough place to play. Center field is also a power hitter position, many times power hitters are put into center, odds are they won't get hurt there, plus, they get an idea about the pitching, seeing the pitcher from behind and dead on. Dead on is a full view, all the time, and it's the view you need if you're gonna survive in this ruckus we call a world, it's getting dizzy for the Christian, and your enemy wants to try to move you left or right of center, he doesn't want you in center field in this game, he wants your focus elsewhere, so you don't see his pitch, and you don't know what to hit, and your ability to back up and get stuff done when you have to, is lessened; when he accomplishes that, he is happy. One of the most inspirational people that I know has this ability to stay in the center of things, and yet, she has this ability to remain pleasant, to remain attached, to remain loving, when all around her, people are anything but, as a result of this, she's a champion pure and simple, now you're thinking "let me guess, she plays center field on the softball team at the church," no, that would have been a bit easy, wouldn't you think? Instead what this lady does is remarkable daily- she is a wonder, and she remains centered in her walk with Christ, there you go...see, centered...uh huh, so, what about you, are you centered in Jesus? If you aren't, ask Him to move you to center field so you can get in some much needed practice, if you are are centered in Christ, welcome to the big leagues, we're gonna get after it this week, because we need to get out of the margins and into the body of the story, and you, are the lead character in the drama called, "Jesus Wins."
And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
So you're sitting there reading this, thank goodness, you are my connection to rewards beyond anyones ability to add them up, and you bless me to be able to place those at Jesus feet and say "Lord without you none of this would have been possible, thank you." So my sense of prayer time with you is this, it's important, and we don't get enough of it, and, God sometimes grants us in prayer, insights that otherwise we'd walk right past. Ever hear someone say, "wow I never noticed that," sure you have, know why(?), it's simple, they're right, they don't notice, we don't notice, small important details, we just don't, they get past us, like two coins in a fishes mouth on a distant sea (Matt 17:27), in a distant time, we don't notice why they were there. At any rate, God gave this insight to me, He has given it to you I'm certain, but He seemed to impress upon me rather strongly to share it again, so, here it goes, here is the problem- God's a spirit, but He is so much more, His glory had to be hidden from Moses(?), yet Moses had been speaking to Him face to face as one speaks to a friend ((Exodus 33:11) (Now catch this insight, it's not about the presence of God, physically, it's about how friends talk...ooh...bit different huh?)), look at Exodus 24:9-10, if you want to stretch your head about what was going on, ask yourself, what did they see; what are you seeing, what is faith? So to the mind stretcher, faithful insight, have the mind in you that is of Christ (as Paul prayed, 1 Cor 2:16) and see what you'd do, God is about to move inside you, how do you do it? Now as you answer quickly, stop, think, and then realize; God did something very amazing in the Holy Spirit which sometimes we fail to give Him credit for! Not deliberately, we just don't...notice it. So today, let's notice it, let's notice love, let's let people that we love, know that we love them, this day, for it is the only day we have!
And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Here is one you probably haven't thought of, and you've been reading this story for years. The night when Jesus was in the garden, you remember the story, his disciples went to sleep while Jesus was in the most enormous prayer, quite possibly, of all eternity- it's either this prayer or the one He mentioned us at, on the cross, remember, "Father forgive them...," one of these two is probably the heavy of all eternity, but anyway, back to it, remember the story? Here's the mind blowing question you ain' asked yourself, what'd they miss? They were sleeping, Jesus was praying, what'd they miss by sleeping? Now as you answer very quickly, stop and think, is it possible that, things might've been different had they stayed awake and prayed with Jesus as He asked? You know my favorite fuss about love is a reality, that is, it grows - over time, over events, inside people, love grows- do you think Jesus understood this? I think He did- and I think He knew they were going to "crash," on the moment, to learn yet another lesson about love - about how it grows from out of character, how it grows consistently with action, how you and I have a lot to learn about love, how it is a powerful change to life, how it enhance, fills full of meaning every moment, how it can actually keep you alive, how the lack of it can actually kill you, how love is the most powerful of all capabilities you have,
As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Imagine how incredible it is to have many friends who think of you, are concerned about you, wish you well, want you to succeed, want the best for you and do so many things for you. That is a blessing beyond being able to say thank you. How do you thank someone who has saved your life? How do you thank someone who has taught you how to value? How do you thank someone who has spent their precious time to be with you, to lift you up and to hope that you will do better? Paul said he was in debt to everyone, Paul and I agree about me, the debt is enormous, the people who have been involved in my discipline that I didn't have sense and maturity enough to see were helping me; because it felt like anything else at the time, but oh today, I know; they provided me a measure to work against in growing. So how can I thank you for all that you have done for me, there is really only one way, isn't there? Here is my life, know that your love has meant everything to me, and know that Jesus is my savior, and know that because of all the love which you have shown me, this work in progress won't stop. My life is now a partial payment, please credit it to my debt to you?
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, [even] in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Jesus believed love is the most powerful force in the universe, He said so, in numerous ways and at various times; it was His supreme belief that love overcame all else. Sadly we skew the meaning of what Jesus meant when He said love, very clearly in His teaching love exceeds everything that you imagine, goes beyond what you imagine, finds ways beyond anything that a human can or would imagine; love is, in fact, so powerful that it can change an empty shell of a heart into a live, fully abundant spirit capable of reaching out and gathering other souls to come and meet the Master of all souls, Jesus. But the sad part is, love can be killed; oh not ultimately, ultimately, love overcomes all and wins; Jesus insured that, but in your life, love can be killed; you can let it happen, and when you do, you will know it. Here is how it starts, the people that you used to allow to have meaning in your life, slowly change to something which has less meaning. The things that you used to be sure and certain that you would do, worship, prayer, Bible reading, phone calls, get togethers (fellowship), and just time spent with those that you love, they dwindle as you let other things crowd them out. What happens next is you become busy, very busy, very involved in work and just "living," and money starts to really matter, how much of it you have, how long it will last, it matters. You completely forget that money can't feed you, try eating it, money also is an illusion, if you live in America you live in a nation which has no foundation for it's economy, tomorrow the dollar could be declared worthless and then what will all you worrying about money matter? While meanwhile, while you were sweating out this all important stuff, work, money, surviving, those who were wanting to be part of your life, have been cut out- at that point, you have a real problem because what you have done is kill love, your heart is dying, in fact doctors are just now beginning to understand that physical death is in fact linked very heavily to emotional death. How to kill love is a lesson that I hate with every fiber of my being because killing love scares me more than anything else- you see, no matter what everybody says, Jesus said this:
And because iniquity shall abound, the loveofmany shall wax cold.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Valentine's Day is approaching, it is my all time favorite holiday, because it is taken to stand for love, and love is what my life must be about, because it cannot be about anything else, because I am a follower of Jesus. Different people view the following of Jesus in different ways, but in my heart it boils down to this, the disciples were with Him physically, they were with Him when He did the Fathers miracles, and they tell me of these in their writings which God inspired them to complete before they were martyred. But following Jesus, in my heart, means somewhat of the same thing as following anyone whom you've not met personally. While in the Army in Europe in 1978 I saw General Alexander Haig retire, I was on the front rank of the honor platoon from our Group. I knew Colonel's who knew General Haig personally, but I did not, but I did follow General Haig, and was loyal to him. When General Haig issued an order I followed it, because of that loyalty, both to the man, and to the office, but mostly because, the Colonel's, Major's, Captain's Lieutenant's and Sergeant's of honor that I knew. were loyal to General Haig. The point is, following Jesus is much the same way, isn't it? With one very powerful exception, Jesus when He conquered death, sent His Spirit, Holy Spirit to reside within me, General Haig could not. Jesus believed in love as a power, He said love would change the world, save the world, remake the world, Jesus believed in and preached about love. As a follower of Jesus, and especially in these times when love has come to mean something very different than what Jesus meant, it is important, it seems to me, for me to pay attention to the Master in what He says about love. Our lives are different when we believe in love because few people alive today do- think about that. Even those who claim that they follow Jesus can be pretty unloving. So this day my pledge and hope and devotional thought to you is, can't we love somebody- and let them know about Jesus and what He believed in, today? Can't we be sure that they know that we love them, today?
Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
When Jesus said that we should love our neighbors as ourselves most people mistook what He meant, which is easy to do. Most presume that they get it, truth is, they might get it, but likely they don't. This principle of putting yourself in the position of the servant, is prime to the Christology, and why when you look at someone you love, your eyes can't lie, love shines out. This is why when someone loves someone, their eyes are the communicators of this, love that you feel and do, is a practice of who you are. You do love for people, it is the small detailed important actions that a person who loves someone will be sure aren't missing from the relationship, and the person who is only pretending to be in love with someone can't possibly accomplish, they are the dead giveaways of who you are. So when you love yourself, it is impossible not to love your neighbors, it isn't something you can do anything about, you become what Jesus believed in, which is love. It is actually amusing sometimes to watch people who claim to be "filled with the love of Christ," deny what they are in their lives, amusing because, the sad truth is, they aren't fooling anybody, especially the ones they claim that they love. It is only when the real truth of love comes forth from your life that small detailed important matters get done, otherwise they don't, and that isn't something a person can correct as a behavior, this is what Jesus knew, you either are in this or you aren't, which are you?
Honour thy father and [thy] mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
Quaterback of the World Champion Saints on National Television, "we give all the credit for this Super Bowl Victory to God, without Him none of this would have been possible." Always great to hear super performers who humbly honor God. Super perform today- honor God.
But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
***This Is The Actual Posting - Erroneous Post With Half This Title Went Out By Mistake***
Think God Can Use Rock And Roll For Getting His Truth Out?
Neil Young's hit of some years back has a heavily cynical element in it, but he is truthful, the world sees our blessings, as not being blessings to them? In one of the oddest natures of fate, the blessings of one are not seen by another that way. This is one of the most difficult of all issues which faces modern Christianity, and it's not ready for it. Let me say that one more time, modern Christianity is not ready for the issue of the "haves and have -nots." This issue is going to be one of the principal issues which is used to usher in the demise of the powerful Christian evangelical age, unless we get a handle on it quickly. This is why my alarm about how we interpret the Revelation of Christ, has sounded, and will continue to sound; folks are accepting that the horns gonna sound and we're out of here- folks, what if that ain' the case, what if we're supposed to do something, right now, and we should see it clearly if we'd look in what John said, with open eyes, but instead, we're digging down into it, eyes wide shut- as the movie title said. We aren't seeing the evident pattern John intended to convey, and as a result, the really heavy issues of dealing with this sort of stuff; blessings to one being a blessing to all, aren't getting dealt with.
Why Are We Being So Blind To This Issue
First - it's not a pretty issue, like Salvation, it's a cruncher - it has flesh, and hurting flesh in it. Second - it demands definite measurable sacrifice, unlike evangelistic tracts, or even asking somebody if "you know Jesus," this one hits the wallet of every Christian, some of whom have very little wallet left. Third - nobody knows what the end of giving looks like? We know what Jesus in His ministry looked like, we think, but we really don't know for sure - and the end may be harsher than we are ready to own up to. Fourth - God said He would bless the tithe - but this is a Jesus command, how can I love my brother who has want, of anything, if I don't provide it- AND - it's not just as simple as saying "well I'll pray about it," truth is, most who say they will pray about this, don't. Fifth - Even when you give every penny you have to the poor, you can still be doing that for the wrong reason according to the scriptures, and then what do you do? What's a right reason to give, is there one? What's a wrong reason to give? For pride's sake so you can brag about the giving, hits me..but do you see now that this isn't an issue that we've really gotten into? Sixth - What really helps a person in need? Is it money, or do they need something that is beyond that? The example which comes to my mind is the person who is capable of work without a job, who would like to work? Should churches (read groups of believers) set up a place where such can be done, or are we going to trust the government to do what we are morally and ethically under Christ bound to do? Seventh - Isn't the family of God, the bride of Christ supposed to be purified in this effort, not through this effort, and have we even begun to understand what the enemy is intending to do about this? Eighth - If we help others to our own detriment, which is by definition giving them our cloak also(!), then are we being irresponsible to others in that process? Ninth - is the local body of believers where tithes are reposited supposed to put those into some sort of local effort to take care of this issue on a local level, rather than, as some have seen fit to do, placing the money (singularly) into the vault of a "program" which detaches the personal and profoundly faith growing aspects of this need? Tenth - And there are hundreds more questions here...but TENTH - are we really to believe that in a world which has billionaires that there is not enough funding to take care of this?
What Can I Do Then?
Don't sit idly by while this gets taken out with all the other issues and buried.
Bring it up in your church, bring it up to your pastor, and keep bringing it up until somebody decides it needs to be acted on, and then, keep bringing it up some more.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen