At some point in my walk with Christ it happened, for some unknown and hard to explain reason, my eyes popped open one day and I realized that God's Word is exactly what God said; a name which John in his Gospel makes clear is; Jesus. Jesus who before the foundation of the world was the determining factor in creation; Jesus who willingly determined that the method for salvation proposed in the Godhead would be bodily purchased by the supreme and one time sacrifice; Jesus who through His blood purchased my and our salvation. That has not been questioned in my faith, but now, those who are said to be teachers have actually asked me publicly, three times, if I believe the Bible? If I believe what is written in the Bible and what it says? This is hard for me to imagine as I've followed Christ since 1976, and actually, before that; but the moment of my salvation experience was in 1976, in a barracks in Germany, and I shall never forget it, it is nailed down and no power of Hell can ever take that from me! So I'm making sure that in this last transmission to certain individuals who shall remain anonymous, because it's a bit much for a man who holds a doctorate in theology to defend his belief in the Bible(!); will also be aware that they won't be receiving this anymore in a direct mail out- if they want to purview it on the web that's their business, the internet is open and free as my ability to publish this blog is- and they are welcome to show their lack of skill by commenting as to whether or not I believe the Bible; there- let me suffice it to say that it flabbergasts me to have my belief in God's Word, which John makes clear is Christ, doubted- but I've learned a very important lesson from this, I shall endeavor as much as my strength and heart and soul can develop it to always worship God, and as Paul has said, to speak of Christ and His crucifixion only. Of what sense are any other issues? Just to be certain that anyone who doubts my faith in Jesus, my salvation, or my understanding of the scriptures as the Holy Word of God; is now advised - my soul, heart mind and strength shall continue to love and pray for them; as Paul prayed for his people, that their eyes might be opened to the majesty of God, not as they traditionally have been taught, not as they traditionally believe, but rather as that Word of God actually is, for God is love, and love is enormous.
But as it is written, Eyehathnotseen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
So having said this thus, my closing is very simple, before someone chooses to call someone; (who has spent agonizing hours studying original Greek texts, first hand, and attempting to understand the proper hermeneutic applied), inaccurate and without responsible faith and knowledge, and understanding as to the Word of God- consider first what the half brother of Jesus said:
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross) De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies) Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God) In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father) Et Filii (and of the Son) Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit) Amen
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