Sunday, February 21, 2010

Take The Moment

Jesus asks this very uncomfortable question,

Jhn 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Watch this quick - simple - powerful - devotional thought, it's thirty seven years in the making.

Why'd He ask say that, when He asked it, where He asked it, to those He asked it of? What is going on here, off the cuff, did you know? If not, that's actually O.K., here's why, if you didn't know, did you look? See that's important, here's why- notice what He said- it wasn't condemning, it wasn't presumptive, it wasn't even human - it was Godly - God sent- and so simple and so powerful that to this day, it's the question we get to answer- isn't it? Jesus wants to know, simply, do you love me- and He tells us how He knows - if we keep His Commandments. Notice the personal nature of this question, because in English it doesn't come through, the "If " is a singular conjunction (joiner) to the phrase "ye love" (those are both links, please click on them to see what my research bears out)- so Jesus is actually pointing out, love is our mission, and in doing that what will we do, we will follow His commandments. It isn't complicated, it isn't scientifically challenging, it isn't as they say "rocket science," what it is, is; heart work (little tongue twist there on "hard work...") - so are you up to a little heart work today?

Big change here, just for today, have taken off the Prayer of the Cross for Louie Giglio -

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