Friday, February 12, 2010

What You Might Miss

Here is one you probably haven't thought of, and you've been reading this story for years. The night when Jesus was in the garden, you remember the story, his disciples went to sleep while Jesus was in the most enormous prayer, quite possibly, of all eternity- it's either this prayer or the one He mentioned us at, on the cross, remember, "Father forgive them...," one of these two is probably the heavy of all eternity, but anyway, back to it, remember the story? Here's the mind blowing question you ain' asked yourself, what'd they miss? They were sleeping, Jesus was praying, what'd they miss by sleeping? Now as you answer very quickly, stop and think, is it possible that, things might've been different had they stayed awake and prayed with Jesus as He asked? You know my favorite fuss about love is a reality, that is, it grows - over time, over events, inside people, love grows- do you think Jesus understood this? I think He did- and I think He knew they were going to "crash," on the moment, to learn yet another lesson about love - about how it grows from out of character, how it grows consistently with action, how you and I have a lot to learn about love, how it is a powerful change to life, how it enhance, fills full of meaning every moment, how it can actually keep you alive, how the lack of it can actually kill you, how love is the most powerful of all capabilities you have,



Psa 17:15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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