Order in that time gives you the feeling that you are taking charge of it, but there is something deeper there, just outside your range of normal eyesight.
Until you really open your heart, really see the love, really sense the intensity, you will miss it, which can be stopped right now.
What many people find themselves in the middle of is a war.
If they could stop the warfare for their time, their peace, their accomplishments, their success, they might just stop it.
Little do they realize that such a war is not only part of the faith that they need to make it through life, but it is the battle itself.
Living day to day with a solid undergirding of knowing that you will win if you just stay the course is slowly being ripped out of their thinking!
Now is the time to take action, not to think that the battle is over, because the horrific truth is, the battle is just beginning when your eyes first see the real love in this message.
Over much time and with much pain the message has been developed, the way has been proven, and the secret has been revealed, love is the secret, can you see it?
Time pressure, daily stress pressure, all the different sorts of pressures which you feel upon you are all part of a much bigger picture that your eyes can take in if they will, do you see it yet?
Beyond the normal ways of saying things in the time that we live in, is where the eternal truth resides.
Even highly experienced story tellers run into problems when it comes to portraying an eternal truth, here is why.
Letting the truth out exposes it to scrutiny, it is almost as if the enemy of truth; which we know as the devil, or Lucifer, but actually is a force of apathy, that enemy us under our mind.
If we consider that truth which is eternal can be somehow kept away from the enemy then we can let the truth be known to those who aren't the enemy but how would you do that?
Every person who first finds this secret tries to make it make sense, but the truth eternal is very difficult to make sensible.
Volumes have been written about that, and in fact, John himself says that the world couldn't contain the books which would have to be written about Jesus if we really told all of his life!
Eventually what happens is you begin to let love show you how to see beyond the edge of normal viewing, and you start to get the whole story.
Whenever someone breaks with tradition and the way that others around them thinks do you know that the first reaction of many is to pull back?
Have you considered why that might be?
Attacking those who know the secret is the all time favorite tactic of the enemy, it allows them time to gather their wits which get tromped on with each revelation.
Thankfully those who know the truth, who seek to reveal the secret, often at their own peril, because it will call for a break from tradition, realize that their real enemy isn't the truth and those they seek to enlighten, but apathy, the opposite of love.
Take into consideration the truth about how things work out?
Haven't you heard that what you sow is what you reap?
Except the eternal truth, found in the ancient writings says that actually what happens is multiplied reaping?
Doesn't it seem odd to you that even those who claim to be enlightened, are often the very ones who fall?
Eventually what happens is the failing of power and human ego, and that results in the finality of apathy, the force which comes fully and totally against love.
Violence will only breed more violence as nature, which abhors a vacuum, fills the hole left by love going without response, and from that violence, shock, and from that shock, apathy.
If a person can see beyond the present moment, see the actual power of the love which they possess, which is handed to them from on high, there is a chance that love will win out over apathy.
Love isn't a sure thing, though, it is something which must be fought for, longed for, looked to, cherished and made a part of your daily life, love, without which is, the pattern of apathy.
Why, you might wonder, would anyone buy into a pattern that ends with them feeling nothing?
It is possible to see that sometimes a person and what that person can take in may end up getting turned around and then they end up in the pattern of apathy once again.
Let us be open and honest about love, because the enemy to that force develops and uses immense tactics, strategies and powers to attempt to overcome it, and replace love with apathy.
Life has such significance and such power within it, many times folks overlook the wonder of what life is, when that happens they tend to forget how love makes life.
Do you really think that an enemy to love would ignore that sort of power?
Over and over throughout history, those who have seen a different perspective have been challenged and often, tortured or worse, when it came to and comes to, the message of love.
Think about how often you are taken into a range of emotions which have nothing to do with love, you may be tempted to let your heart dwell on revenge, or, anger or even some burning sense of you need to right a wrong against you?
Opposed to such actionable emotions is love, love stands in patient pose waiting for the anger, the fire, the dispute, the poor manners, all other sorts of bad emotions, to leave, and before you burn out, love asks you to listen to love.
This is a long devotional because there is a lot in it, if you open up those love seeking eyes, you will begin to see so many more truths are out there.
Reality is so hard to grasp, when you consider the power of your ability to see things as they are, a mother who holds her crying infant for the first time, and looks into that child's heart being expressed as a wish, takes open loving eyes.
You can begin right now to see things in a different way, it may be a challenge for you, but it is worth it, and, you won't feel like you are empty because love leaves you feeling filled up!
Keeping it all in perspective as we begin to wind this message down, my sincere prayer and hope is that you will begin to understand details as being so important.
If you think about the details of your life, your love will shine.
Letting your love shine into the lives of people who aren't real sure about love, they've been disarmed about love, will bring the secret out, and maybe they will see it also?
Letting them become as powerful in your life as they need to be for the love that they offer you, isn't an easy task, it takes a great deal of effort to love the unlovely but we have a tremendous example of that, don't we?
Into every single event is placed choice, to accept it, change it or reject it, into every single heart is given the chance to love.
Nobody begins life in the evil of uncaring, nobody begins life without a heart capable of loving, and the secret is partially in the ability to get the word out in a way that loving people will get.
God never leaves those whom devote themselves in faith to love.
From every walk and angle of living come people who have been used up and thrown on the trash heap of life.
Apathetically they look at the world of life with cynical eyes, doubting all the time, negatively disrespecting love, they come off as being wise, when their questions only show how foolish they really are, they laugh at love, they shouldn't.
Immense forces are at work in this world to bring those cynical oriented, negative but yet powerful people, into positions where they can work their evil against love.
Talking about this situation is one of the ways that you can help people to open their eyes, but it will take more.
Here in this very piece is one of the surest clues to what you are capable of, and surely each life, just like each sentence, has a meaning which is all its own, we must alarm those capable of love to be on the alert against apathy!
If you knew that time would end in a week, or a month, or six months; would you change anything you are or aren't doing?
Now is the day when you should make that change, we aren't guaranteed that we will have tomorrow so please allow me to share my love for you with you today?
Give everything that you can give to getting into the secret of loves power, loves eventual result, loves capability to change those who believe they cannot be changed.
Only your heart stands in the way of total disaster, and its a huge burden to carry, its an enormous cross - it is why your savior never said it would anything but a cross to be carried.
Do your very best to love those who aren't very loving, it may create some heat in their life, it may create a little friction in your life, but in the end, the message about love will get out. It is all over this writing, and I hope you see it, if you do, send it to me in an email? If you don't, send an email saying you don't to drd1201@gmail.com and he'll get back to you with something that only love could come up with, something, revealed, so to say.
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)
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