Friday, October 16, 2009

October Run - The Weekend edition

The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that
One of the reasons that New Orleans just blows
me away is the ambiance of the city; there is no
other city like it, it is romantic yet French in it's
underpinning, love is in the air, and yet it is
European enough to be so sophisticated that
it isn't easy to get your head around the mass
that is there. We met a man on the
street who used corn stalks to bend
then into shapes of roses. He lived on the street,
but made more in a day by passerby's putting
coins in his hat for the roses; than I'd make
most months workin'. Watching "Heaven's Prisoners"
and "In The Electric Mist," one can't help but love
the character of Dave Robechaux, he just seems
like a New Orleans kind of personality. One is
acted out by Alec Baldwin and the other by
Tommy Lee Jones, both are splendid characterizations.
What do you think God thinks about actors?
What do you think God thinks about creativity?
Do you suppose God likes such? Do you suppose
that somewhere God even has a spark beyond
any human spark of creativity, so high, so
powerful, so lofty into creativity that it goes
beyond anything anybody could conceive of?
What if it was that which really put God off against
the rebellion spurned by Satan? Ever wonder
about how hurtful it must have been, and eternally
is, that one of His highest creations would turn
against Him? Not man, the Angel who was the
highest and most beautiful angel,
that is the one we call Lucifer. The war in
heaven is a theological nightmare because
it just isn't easy to figure
out given the book of Job, but we'll try next few days.
Rev 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his
angels fought against the dragon; and the
dragon fought and his angels,

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