The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that.
Time might be taken as how you and I measure the passage of
events in our lives. Times might be taken as the environment in
which we find those events taking place. It is important to
distinguish the difference, we're about to get deep. Your heart
beats on average 70 or more times per minute. That means that
in an hour it has beat 4200.00 times for an average person.
In a day an average heart beats 100800.00 beats, and in a
years time 36792000.00 beats on average would occur.
That muscle is very resilient, wouldn't you say? This
physical heart has no relation to the soulful heart, they are
entirely different and yet we refer to the heart of a person
all the time, from the perspective of them having or not
having a heart. When your heart gets broken, what happens?
"OK, Dana we get it, but what does this have to do with the
end of time, that's what we were talking about, the end times."
Glad you asked, if you were eternal, the singular being to
whom time would have no relevance, and you created beings,
who, far as we can tell, are also eternal (angels), and one of
them turned out to be incapable of being what they were
created to be (Lucifer); what perspective on eternal time
would you have? In other words, have you ever considered
that up to the point of the war in heaven; eternity was
reality? After the war in heaven, time will come to some
point, where God ends it? How powerful is it when your
heart gets broken? Let's get back to who it is who made
us in His image? How powerful was it when Lucifer fell?
Did that break God's heart? How powerful is it when your
heart gets broken? When does time really end? Oh my..
Told you it was a little deep...until tomorrow, let's
pray for those we love.
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations!
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