Monday, October 12, 2009

October Run- Thank Goodness

The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that
We have so many sayings that don't match up with
what we as a people profess to believe, and, as
followers of Christ we use them all the time. They
are innocent sayings, they aren't meant as an affront
to God, and yet, God hasn't changed, for God is
changeless. God is God, changeless and ageless, He
is eternal, He is without the need to change, and
yet He is change itself; God redefines what all is.
This God will have no other God's above Him- in
your life. So when something good happens and we say,
"Thank Goodness," we don't really mean it in the
strictest sense of being thanks to an unknown
entity, as some did in Greece, in Athens; where
they lined the roads with their Gods, including
one which they called the God that they didn't want
to offend by not having it present; they didn't know
if the God existed above all other Gods, they
wanted to be sure they hadn't missed a God. In
one of those historically befuddling moments, a
brilliant scholar and writer of the new faith
grabbed onto that idea, and spoke to them about
the God which they knew existed but were not wanting
to offend. The God above all God's, God Himself.
Act 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your
devotions, I found an altar with this inscription,
TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly
worship, him declare I unto you.

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