The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that.
Tenth, just doesn't seem like a lot does it?
A tenth of something seems like
a small amount, in fact, we wouldn't consider it,
much, a tenth of a piece of
pie? We'd call that a sliver. But what about a
tenth of an inch to the left
or right, and the bullet misses the heart?
How about Biblically, a tenth of the
people of Sodom repent and the city isn't destroyed?
How about a tenth now?
Suddenly it isn't so small, in fact,
here is the strange aspect to measure,
interpretation and Godly reality,
a tenth is a tenth, we attach whatever
significance of meaning resides with it,
for the truth of the focus lies in
the moment, doesn't it? You cannot
change a former flawed measure that
was a tenth off, and so the tower
leans; nor can you assign a future date to
have a tenth replaced, because the
future never gets here, except as the present.
Matt 6:34(b): "Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof."
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