The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that.
The curiosity level which a person is familiar with, and the level
that they can handle in their life, is usually not examined. For
instance, if a friend tells you that they will get back to you
about something, and then they don't do it, does that make you
wonder what it was, or not? The level of curiosity which drives
a person, is a major factor in what they do when interacting with
others; some people cannot stand to be "left hanging." They
like to have things spelled out for them; which, means that
when it comes to God, they are often frustrated, an interesting
factor of theology is that God isn't apt to explain Himself,
except on God's terms, and in God's time. Some people have
a real hard time loving God under those conditions, yet,
God, if you notice, doesn't change to match their whims;
or, does He? If God changes to match your whim, doesn't
that impact upon how God is in turn, relating to someone
else? For example, we might ask that when God was freeing
the Israelites from Egypt He was also having a profound
effect upon that nation? We might wonder and gaze upon the
changes in Palestine as a result of the reassembling of the
nation Israel; in that while God was doing that He was
also profoundly effecting the world- so that in effect,
when you pray and ask God for something, are you ever
mindful of what that means in terms of others? Perhaps
one of the most difficult aspects of God is His nature,
His timeless, ageless and all powerful nature, where we
His family are concerned?
1Pe 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient,
when once the longsuffering of God waited in
the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
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